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The 35 Psychology Questions You Should Know

Psychology generates great interest, and for that reason many people decide study the career of Psychology. And it is that people ask ourselves many questions about the mind, behavior and interpersonal relationships.

The Psychology Questions You Should Know

In the following lines you can find a list of questions about Psychology with links to their answers. In this way, you will be able to know a little more about this exciting discipline.

1. What is learned helplessness?

Human beings can behave in such a way that, although it may not seem like it at first, we avoid having to face reality. Learned helplessness occurs when a person becomes passive in the face of adverse situations and does not react to get out of that complex situation that causes pain, but remains immobile.

  • Related article: "The learned helplessness: delving into the psychology of the victim"

2. Who was Lev Vigotsky?

Vygotsky is one of the key characters in the Psychology of the education, and he was the author of the Sociocultural Theory, which emphasizes the influence of the sociocultural environment on the development of children and people in general.

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  • Related article: "Lev Vigotsky: biography of the famous Russian psychologist"

3. What is humanistic psychology?

There are many currents within Psychology. One of the best known is Humanistic Psychology, which emphasizes the experience of the human being and his personal development.

  • Related article: "Humanist Psychology: history, theory and basic principles"

4. What are third generation therapies?

Psychological problems can be treated in different ways. If for many years Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has been used as the dominant psychotherapeutic model, in In recent times, new forms of psychotherapy have emerged that are included within third-party therapies. generation. These types of psychological therapy emphasize acceptance and how the patient relates to the problem.

  • Related article: "What are third generation therapies?"

5. What types of anxiety disorders are there?

Anxiety disorders are the most common, and within these there are different types. Phobias, panic disorder, or obsessive compulsive disorder are some examples.

  • Related article: "Types of Anxiety Disorders and their characteristics"

6. Who was Jean Piaget?

Piaget is one of the key figures in the Psychology of education, as he contributed much to the knowledge about the cognitive development of children. In his theory it is explained from a constructivist perspective.

  • Related article: "The Learning Theory of Jean Piaget"

7. What is emotional intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence is one of the most important paradigms in Psychology today. Well, the correct management of emotions by a person positively influences his well-being.

  • Related article: "What is emotional intelligence? Discovering the importance of emotions "

8. Who is Daniel Goleman?

The Emotional Intelligence that we talked about in the previous question, is a term made popular by Daniel Goleman.

  • Related article: "Daniel Goleman: biography of the author of Emotional Intelligence"

9. How are psychological disorders classified?

Psychological disorders can vary in severity, and are classified in different ways.

  • Related article: "The 18 types of mental illness"

10. What characteristics must a good psychologist meet?

Psychologists can practice in a wide variety of fields: school, clinic, work, sport, etc. Now, to do their job well, they must fulfill a series of competencies.

  • Related article: "10 essential characteristics of a good psychologist"

11. What is Psychoanalysis?

Another of the great currents of Psychology is Psychoanalysis, which has significantly influenced the development of this discipline.

  • Related article: "The 9 types of Psychoanalysis (theories and main authors)"

12. Who is Abraham Maslow and what is the best known theory of him?

Abraham Maslow is one of the key figures in Humanistic Psychology. One of his main theories is that of the Pyramid of Hierarchies of Human Needs.

  • Related article: "Abraham Maslow: biography of this famous humanistic psychologist"

13. What are the main differences between a man and a woman?

There are a number of differences between men and women at the level of chromosomes, sex drive, hormones, etc.

  • Related article: "The 7 great differences between men and women"

14. What are the multiple intelligences?

This theory was born in contrast to unitary intelligence.

  • Related article: "Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences"

15. What is classical conditioning?

It is a type of associative learning also called stimulus-response learning.

  • Related article: "Classical conditioning and its most important experiments"

16. What is instrumental conditioning?

Like the previous one, it belongs to behaviorism, and has to do with reinforcement learning.

  • Related article: "Operant conditioning: main concepts and techniques"

17. How can we increase self-esteem?

Our habits and our way of thinking can help us raise our self-esteem.

  • Related article: "10 keys to increase your self-esteem in 30 days"

18. Who was Sigmund Freud?

One of the most famous psychologists in history and the greatest exponent of psychoanalysis.

  • Related article: "Sigmund Freud: life and work of the famous psychoanalyst"

19. What is Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development?

After Freud's theory, Erikson's theory emerged.

  • Related article: "Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development"

20. Who is Albert Bandura?

Albert Bandura is a theorist who spoke, among other things, of how people develop self-confidence.

  • Related article: "Albert Bandura, awarded the National Medal of Science"

21. What is the role of Psychology in emergencies and disasters?

Psychology is applied in many fields. One of them is that of emergencies and disasters.

  • Related article: "The role of Psychology in emergencies and disasters"

22. What is the "state of flow"?

A term from positive psychology that refers to the state we find ourselves in when we do what we really like.

  • Related article: "Flow Status (or Flow Status): how to maximize your performance"

23. What are the benefits of psychological therapy?

Psychotherapy provides a series of benefits: it teaches tools to manage conflicts, helps to change limiting beliefs, empowers life, among many other advantages.

  • Related article: "The 8 benefits of going to psychological therapy"

24. Who was John Watson?

He is the character that made Classical Conditioning popular in the 1920s.

Related article: "John B. Watson: life and work of the behavioral psychologist "

25. What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

It is a very popular type of psychotherapy today, which has cognitive techniques and behavior modification techniques.

  • Related article: "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: what is it and on what principles is it based?"

26. What is Mindfulness? What are its mental health benefits?

Mindfulness is an ancient practice that is used today in the world of Psychology to help people improve their well-being.

  • Related article: "What is Mindfulness? The 7 answers to your questions "

27. Who was B.F. Skinner?

One of the most important behaviorist theorists, who also helped to develop the scientific method in the world of Psychology.

  • Related article: "B. F. Skinner: life and work of a radical behaviorist "

28. How are the theories of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky different?

Jean Piaget and Lev Vigotsky are two psychologists who have notably helped the development of Educational Psychology.

  • Related article: "Piaget vs Vygotsky: similarities and differences between his theories"

29. What are the psychological benefits of exercising?

Physical exercise is not only positive for our body, but also for our mind.

  • Related article: "The 10 psychological benefits of practicing physical exercise"

30. Who is Howard Gardner?

One of the great characters in Psychology and Education in recent years. He proposed the Theory of Multiple Intelligences.

  • Related article: "Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences"

31. What is cognitive dissonance?

This theory was proposed by Leo Festinger and explains the self-deception that human beings can submit to.

  • Related article: "Cognitive dissonance: the theory that explains self-deception"

32. What are the most disturbing experiments in the history of psychology?

Throughout the history of Psychology, some unethical experiments have been conducted.

  • Related article: "The 10 Most Disturbing Psychological Experiments Ever"

33. Who are the most important and famous psychologists in history?

Many famous people have contributed valuable knowledge to the science of behavior.

  • Related article: "The 10 most important and famous psychologists in history"

34. What types of love exist?

Love is one of the most rewarding experiences that human beings can experience. Some theorists have argued that there are different types of love.

  • Related article: "The 4 types of love: what different kinds of love are there?"

35. Is Psychology a Science?

One issue that creates controversy is whether Psychology is a science.

  • Related article: "Is Psychology a Science?"

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