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Memory problems: their 3 types and possible causes

Memory is probably one of the most relevant cognitive skills when organizing our life.

The ability to remember our history and identity, to preserve our experiences and to keep in mind what we have just done or what we have to do they are elements that are derived to a great extent from different types of memory, being the deterioration of this capacity a reason for concern for most people.

The reason for this is, in many cases, the association of memory loss with the neurodegeneration typical of Alzheimer's and other dementias. But although memory deficits and alterations do appear in many of these diseases, memory problems are not just limited to neurodegenerative diseases.

In this article we are going to analyze what we consider memory problems and some of the different contexts or situations in which they can appear.

  • Related article: "Types of memory: how does the human brain store memories?"

What is a memory problem and when can it appear?

When we say that someone or that we ourselves have a memory problem, we are generally referring to the fact that we have experienced some (generally several) situation in which information that we have previously learned and / or that we should remember or have been forgotten has occurred remembered.

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This lack of memories can be experienced in different ways, and in some cases they could be indicating the presence of some important difficulty. Specifically, the growing concern about dementias such as Alzheimer's often causes these failures to generate a high level of distress and visits to the doctor and neuropsychologist.

Checking the possible reasons for these failures is more than recommended and especially from certain ages but we must also bear in mind that many factors can cause memory problems throughout life, many of them normal and not pathological per se. However, when memory problems are habitual and repetitive, it is highly recommended to go to a professional to assess the presence of serious difficulties.

Nor should we immediately identify memory problems with advanced age: young people and adults can also suffer for different reasons different failures be it punctually or frequently.

Another important aspect to take into account is the fact that although the problem that usually worries us usually occurs in memory or evocation, in fact memory is a process that is not limited only to that moment: for a memory to become one requires that information be first captured, encoded, processed, retained and finally recovered. Thus, a memory problem could actually occur at any of these moments, and it may also happen that some interference appears that makes it difficult to recall later.

Confusion with other psychological problems

Memory problems are often confused or identified with the presence of problems in other mental abilities and capacities. This is not a strange mistake, since the truth is that a large number of mental abilities are linked to memory.

Probably one of the most frequent confusions is between memory problems and attention problems.

And it is that attention problems often make it difficult or even prevent the information from being recorded correctly, affecting the capture and processing of the information to be memorized, which in later recall tests could be interpreted as a memory problem. This occurs both in the face of existing attention difficulties and in situations in which simultaneous attention to different stimuli is required.

Types of memory problems

There are many types of memory and many impairments that can appear in this capacity. As a summary, we are going to mention some of the best known.

1. Amnesia

Amnesia is defined as the inability to recall past experiences in the case of retrograde amnesia or as the inability to code and store in memory new information in the case of anterograde, derived from the presence of a brain injury (such as syndrome amnesic) either for emotional or psychological causes (in the case of dissociative amnesia).

Amnesia can be temporary or permanent, depending on each case, and include or influence a longer or shorter period of time.

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2. Paramnesias and parapraxias

Paramnesias are understood to be those memory problems characterized by the presence of distortions or incorporations of false elements in the memory or associated with a temporality wrong. It is not that the subject does not remember, but that these memories are altered.

On the other hand, parapraxias are understood as memory errors typical of healthy subjects and that usually be based on forgetting details or difficulties in producing a memory that we know is Present.

Within these groups we find memory problems such as collusion (introduce elements to fill in memories, unconsciously), the phenomenon of the tip of the tongue (when a word does not come out that deep down we know we know), temporary gaps or loss of details due to the automation of known tasks.

Also recognition problems can be seen like the well-known “deja vu” (living something for the first time although we have the feeling of having lived it before) and "Jamais vu" (the opposite) or cryptoamnesia (believing that a memory is not such but something that happens now for the first time).

3. Hypermnesias

We rarely identify remembering too much, but the truth is that for some people it can be. Is what happens with the flashes experienced before the consumption of some drugs, in post-traumatic stress disorder or in psychopathological conditions such as paranoia or ecmnesia (in which it is believed to be living in the past.

Causes and situations in which they occur

There are many possible causes, contexts and situations that can be linked to the appearance of a memory problem. Among them we can find in a prominent way some that are in fact normative and others that are derived from some type of pathology or acquired situation.

1. Interferences in the memorization process

Our knowledge is influenced by the events and learning that we receive over time. One of the possible reasons for a memory problem that does not have to appear imply pathology is the interference generated by what was learned before or after the event to remember.

This is easier to understand with an example: if I learn a phone number at a given moment and a little before or a little later we have learned another one, we are likely to forget some of the numbers or get them confused.

2. Lack of sleep and / or nutrition

Tiredness and fatigue are aspects that can severely impair our mental abilities. Sleep in general is associated with the recovery of the body and the nervous system.

REM sleep is associated with the consolidation in the memory of memories. Sleep deprivation generally impairs higher mental processes, especially memory. In addition, the attention and concentration necessary to detect, capture and process information will also be impaired if we do not get enough sleep.

3. Stress and anxiety

Having to do many things at the same time, being agitated or nervous or suffering from anxiety or burnout can also be other reasons for memory problems to appear.

Although they are especially evident in the case of prospective memory (towards the future, that is, remembering that there is to do a certain thing), failures, blockages or forgetfulness of specific experiences in the past or the difficulty of recording new information.

A large part of these memory problems are linked to attentional problems, the subject being concentrated and immersed in anguish or stressful situation.

4. Health problems

Memory is also affected by different physical diseases. For example, breathing problems can cause less blood to reach the brain, something that has a direct impact on its functioning and in certain areas can affect the ability to remember.

Also problems and diseases such as anemia, diabetes, excessive blood loss or lack of vitamins and other nutrients can cause memory problems. The same can be said of the presence of tumors that affect or pressure certain areas of the brain.

5. Drugs and side effects of some drugs

The consumption of alcohol and different drugs has also been associated with the appearance of memory problems, blockages and other diverse problems. In some cases, disorders such as Korsakoff syndrome may appear, in which memory is severely affected.

Likewise, some drugs can also cause memory problems as a side effect, such as some psychotropic drugs (although other drugs are also associated with this). In the event that memory deficits appear it may be possible to look for an analogous drug to avoid this effect, or assess the pros and cons of maintaining the treatment.

6. Depression and other mood disorders

Depression can also cause memory problems, based among other factors on slowing down mental health that can lead to, rumination and concentration problems that can be associated with this diagnosis. It is not strange that blockages appear, evocation errors derived from inattention or bias towards recall of negative events.

7. Normative aging

We all know that most of us, over the years, lose our powers. We slow down, have more mobility problems and we need more time to reason.

The same thing happens with memory: as a general rule (although not always) most of us lose the ability to learn new things and it is easier for absent-mindedness and forgetfulness to appear. This is due to the aging of neurons, and it is common for brain regions such as the hippocampus to shrink or for the blood level in them to drop.

All this means that we can say that some memory loss is expected, although the level of loss must be monitored, if it generates dysfunctionalities or if there is an evident decrease with respect to previous moments.

  • You may be interested: "The 4 psychological changes in old age (memory, attention, intelligence, creativity)"

8. Acquired brain damage: head trauma and strokes

Traffic accidents or different types of blows to the head can also cause memory problems, in form of amnesia is anterograde (recording new information) or retrograde (of knowledge or experiences previous). This can happen at any age.

Similarly, strokes (whether hemorrhagic or ischemic) can affect memory-related areas of the brain, such as the hippocampus. In fact, in some cases vascular dementia may end up derived from the presentation of cerebral infarcts, which depending on the affected areas can cause memory alterations.

9. Processes of cognitive impairment and dementia

Although we have started this article by showing that not all memory problems involve dementia, we cannot fail to mention this type of disorder along with mild cognitive impairment and the deterioration that arises in other mental disorders as one of the causes of memory problems.

In the case of dementias, these memory problems they will tend in most cases to be accentuated and aggravated over time due to neurodegeneration.

Bibliographic references:

  • Santos, J.L. (2012). Psychopathology. CEDE PIR Preparation Manual, 01. CEDE. Madrid.

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