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The 10 best Psychology Clinics in Arona

The clinic Tare offers psychology, yoga and meditation services for all types of people.

This entity has a multidisciplinary team of professionals specialized in therapy for adolescents and adults; The treatments are given both individually, as a group and as a couple, as well as online.

The main disorders addressed by professionals at the Tara psychology center are, among others, depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, addictions, emotional dependence and relationship problems in the couple.

The Tenerife South Psychology Clinic It is one of the best in the Arona area both in terms of experience and qualification of the center's professionals.

The psychologists of this clinic are trained in psychological therapy for children, adolescents, adults and couples who need any type of psychological assistance through the most effective.

Some of the disorders that are treated at the Tenerife Sur Psychology clinic are depression, Eating Disorders, addictions, personality disorders, family and couple relationship problems, sexual dysfunctions and conduct disorders in children and adolescents.

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The professionals of the Southern Psychological and Pedagogical Center have specialized, for more than 30 years, in different psychological techniques, and have a extensive experience in the treatment of all types of disorders and problems that the patient.

The interventions of the professionals of this psychological center focus on the treatment of: behavioral problems in children and adolescents, delayed intellectual development in children, the ADHD, language delay and generalized developmental disorders, among other alterations.

The therapeutic clinic Cognitive she is specialized in offering treatment in psychological care to the elderly, and also in neuropsychological evaluation, rehabilitation cognitive, neuroperceptive stimulation and various techniques aimed at treating all kinds of cognitive difficulties caused by age or by processes neurodegenerative.

The center also offers treatment in the area of ​​children and adolescents, in which it intervenes in all kinds of emotional and cognitive problems.

The main disorders that are addressed in this entity are mild cognitive impairment, dementias, neurodegenerative diseases, acquired brain damage, and other affectations.

The psychological center of Alejandra de la Torre Zárate has qualified professionals with extensive experience in psychological treatment in patients of all ages, and in therapy to individual patients as well as couples and families.

The main problems that are addressed in the center of this psychologist are excess anxiety, stress, depression, hypochondria, psychosomatic disorders, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, vital crises, relationship problems in the couple and sexual disorders.

The Comprehensive Development and Psychology Clinic Arbona has highly qualified professionals who address different areas of mental health, and From a multidisciplinary perspective, they offer psychological care to children, adolescents, adults, and families

Among the main psychological disorders addressed at the Arbona center are conduct disorder, addictive disorders, phobias, self-esteem problems, depression, anxiety, relationship problems in the couple and others.

The psychological center of Xavier Lobo Read offers quality psychological care for patients of all ages and in different psychological settings for anyone who is interested in receiving professional and effective therapy.

The main disorders that are addressed in the clinic of this professional are anxiety, depression, stress and post-traumatic stress, mourning the loss of a loved one, phobias and fears, addictions, chronic pain, relationship problems in the couple and sexual problems.

The center's team of professionals Neuro Vitalia He specializes in a wide variety of intervention areas, among which cognitive neuroscience and neurofeedback stand out.

The main disorders that are addressed in the Neuro Vitalia clinic are anxiety, autism, depression, attention deficit with or without hyperactivity, sleep disorders and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

The psychological center of Alexander Garcia offers professional treatment to children, adolescents, adults and couples.

The main disorders addressed at the center are anxiety, low self-esteem, obsessions, addictions, trauma, depression, and eating disorders.

Costa Adeje Medical Center has an experience of more than 20 years of experience caring for patients.

He specializes in treating anxiety, addictions, major depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, life crises, and autism spectrum disorders.

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