Education, study and knowledge

The 9 best Psychopedagogues in Torre del Campo

Albanta is a therapy center founded in 1995 and specialized in both psychology and speech therapy. The center has a multidisciplinary team of professionals specialized in clinical and school psychology, speech therapy and also special education teachers.

Thus, some of the main specialties of the center are language disorders, selective mutism, language delays, dyslexia and reading and writing disorders.

Advances Psychology is a psychology, psychopedagogy and speech therapy clinic specialized in treating all kinds of disorders in people of all ages. The professionals of this center apply Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in their interventions, one of the most recommended by professionals and have extensive experience in enhancing the internal capacities of each person to achieve the wellness.

Thus, some of the specialties of this center are learning difficulties, mutism selective, dyslalia, language delays, dyslexia, and language delays, among many other

The psychologist Beatriz Harana Lahera She has a Master's degree in ABA intervention in children with learning difficulties and autism, another in Contextual Therapies and a third in Functional Analysis in Clinical and Health Contexts.

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Her intervention is integrative, it is based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Mindfulness, being some of her her specialties learning disorders such as dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and stammering.

The General Health Psychologist Sara Chamorro Riquelme She attends to all kinds of problems in children and adolescents located in the field of psychopedagogy, as well as psychological problems at an emotional, cognitive or behavioral level.

Her intervention is based on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and some of her specialties are disorders attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorders, autism and learning.

The psychologist Sonia Colmenero Navarro She is a Speech Pathologist from the University of Alcalá and an expert in Sign Language communication. She is currently the director and member of the team of professionals at the Psicojaén center, where a psychotherapy and speech therapy service is offered to people of all ages.

Some of her intervention specialties are speech problems, delays in language development and also writing problems.

Noelia Castro Consuegra She is a Diploma in Speech Therapy, an expert in Spanish Sign Language and has a Master's Degree in Early Care.

As a member of the team of professionals at the Motiva center, she offers a speech therapy and psychology service for children and adolescents of all ages.

Degree in psychology, María Cózar Sánchez-Cañete she is also an expert in psychopedagogy applied to children and adolescents.

Her intervention specialties are learning disorders as well as self-esteem problems, stress, and generalized anxiety disorders.

The General Health Psychologist Eva Maria Urbano Guijarro She is an expert in pedagogy in children and adolescents, as well as in treating all kinds of psychological disorders in adults.

Her intervention specialties are early childhood care, conduct disorders, and educational and learning disabilities.

The Comprehensive Center for Psychology and Health is a therapy space specialized in clinical psychology, psychopedagogy, study techniques, speech therapy and psychology in the school environment.

Some of the specialties of the speech therapy experts at this center are language disorders, language reeducation, literacy reeducation and stuttering.

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