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The best 11 Psychologists in Estella

The psychologist Monica Tanco She has more than 20 years of professional experience and throughout her career she has specialized in serving adolescents of all ages, adults, the elderly and also couples.

Some of her main specialties are cases of anxiety and depression, emotional dependence, grieving processes, family conflicts and relationship problems.

The psychologist Maria Polite She is specialized in applying different therapies of proven efficacy, in an intervention based on trust, open listening and security with the person attended to.

Some of the consultations that this professional usually attends are anxiety problems, impulsivity, anger management and cases of sexual abuse.

The psychologist Cristina Cortes Viniegra She specializes in children and adolescents, with her main areas of intervention being psychotraumatology and neuro-functional development.

Thus, in her consultation we can find a treatment for developmental disorders, childhood trauma or cases of sexual abuse.

The psychologist

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Javier Elcarte Lopez She has extensive experience in psychological therapy adapted to the characteristics of the person and serving people of all ages through the application of different professional therapies.

His main treatment specialties are trauma, suicidal ideation and situations of sexual abuse.

At the psychologist's office Alberto sancho We will also find an intervention adapted to the characteristics of each person, respecting their rhythms and offering the best possible comfort.

This professional attends to adults and the elderly, and offers an online and at-home consultation, in which he will address, among other issues, addictions, self-esteem problems and brain damage from trauma.

Carmen Armañanzas He is undoubtedly one of the best psychologists that we can find in Estella, both for his experience and for his training.

This professional is a psychodramatist and an expert in emotional dependence, in addition, she is part of the Aster Psychologists center, a center that has 25 years of history and that is specialized in offering psychology to all types of patients who need it, as well as speech therapy, sports psychology and treatment in discharges capabilities.

This psychologist offers specialized treatment to both children and adolescents as well as adults and couples, and his experience and training help him to treat a wide variety of disorders and problems different. Besides that, it also gives training courses and workshops of all kinds.

Among the many disorders in which Carmen Armañanzas specializes when treating her, we highlight: the lack of self-esteem, anxiety disorders, depression, lack of emotional self-control, lack of social skills, feeding, emotional dependence, bullying and poor school performance.

The professionals of the Orian de Estella Growth Center, offer professional psycho-pedagogical care both individually and in groups to adult patients who may need this service, both emotionally, cognitively or mentally.

The center puts into practice both classical psychological therapy and therapeutic relaxation methods of oriental origin. Working together with various psychological techniques will help the professionals of the center to obtain the best results.

Finally, we can highlight the main areas of intervention and the disorders that are most commonly treated at the center, which are: anxiety disorders, developmental problems in children, phobias, apathy, aggressive behavior, eating disorders, addictions of all kinds, learning difficulties in children and relationship problems in the partner.

The psychologist Marta Astiz has a postgraduate degree in multidisciplinary intervention in equal opportunities and gender violence, and masters several modalities of therapy, but specifically is specialized in the solution-focused therapy, a type of brief therapy that is oriented to the solution rather than the problem or problems that the patient may present, taking advantage of the potential and resources of the patient same.

In this avant-garde therapy, the solution to the problem, as its name suggests, is tried to be achieved from the first session and intensively. Thus, through a series of structured and stereotypical questions, an attempt will be made to address any problem that the patient presents in the shortest possible time.

The main disorders that can be treated with the avant-garde therapy applied by the psychologist Marta Astiz are: anxiety disorders, addictive disorders, depression, stress, self-esteem problems, separation or divorce, abandonment, social skills, gender violence and relationship problems in the partner.

The clinical psychologist Tabernacle Sola she is the director of the Albea therapy center in Pamplona. This psychotherapist offers treatment to children, adolescents, adults and couples and efficiently and professionally addresses, together with her entire multidisciplinary team of professionals, all kinds of disorders and problems that her patients.

Throughout 30 years of experience and through cognitive-behavioral therapy, the psychologist Sagrario Sola, treats a wide variety of different disorders, including Highlights: Depression, Anxiety Disorders, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Eating Disorders, Sleep Disorders, grief, ADHD in adults, addictive disorders, erectile dysfunction and sexual disorders in general, and finally, relationship problems in the partner.

The psychologist Yolanda Quintela Diez she is an expert in the application of cognitive-behavioral therapy, one of the psychological orientations that most scientific evidences present and one of the most complete, since it can also be treated in conjunction with other approximations.

This psychotherapist offers in the city of Estella, treatment for all kinds of disorders that her patients may present, in a professional, efficient and satisfactory way.

The psychologist Maider Atxukarro She is part of the multidisciplinary team of the Aster Psychologists center and has been a specialist for more than 10 years in child and adolescent therapy, especially in developmental and literacy disorders, a treatment that she exercises professionally and with great success among her patients.

Among the main disorders that this psychotherapist addresses in her consultation, we can highlight: depression, phobias, anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety, life crises, bullying and low self-esteem.

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