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Endogenous depression: when unhappiness comes from within

Mood disorders and especially depression are, after those of anxiety, the most frequent in clinical practice.

Being a problem that greatly affects psychological and emotional well-being and that can result tremendously disabling, the study and classification of different types of depression is highly importance. One of the classifications that have been proposed throughout history It is the one that divides into endogenous and reactive depression, according to its cause is internal or external.

Although it is considered today that dividing depression into these two groups is not reliable since external factors will always affect one way or the other. another, evidence has been found that there is a type of depression apparently caused by biological elements that has a grouping of symptoms particular. That is, it is considered true the presence of endogenous depressions, also called melancholic-type depression.

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Endogenous depression: distinctive features and symptoms

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As a general rule, when we talk about depression we usually refer to the disorder known as major depression. This disorder is mainly characterized by a sad and depressed mood, abulia and anhedonia and multiple other symptoms. These characteristics are generally shared by all depressed people.

However, endogenous depression has a series of characteristics of its own that cause it to be considered a different subtype. In endogenous or melancholic depression, the symptoms presented by the subjects tend to focus on vegetative and anhedonic elements. In other words, they are symptoms linked to a lack of initiative, to inaction.

The main feature of this type of depressive disorder is a very marked anhedonia or lack of enjoyment from stimulation at a general level, together with high passivity and lack of reactivity. Although anhedonia is also a frequent symptom in major depression, in endogenous depression it is much more marked. These individuals do not identify their mood as sad or depressed but rather experience a different sensation that they are unable to fully explain, generally feeling empty.

It is also common for them to present a certain psychomotor retardation, in the form of both physical and mental slowing down, and a certain internal agitation and irritability. And it is that individuals with this disorder usually feel a high level of anguish and guilt, being one of the types of depression that involves a greater risk of suicide. It is also common for them to have sleeping problems like early awakenings.

Another element to take into account is that it usually appears with a seasonal pattern, being more frequent during winter, and in general, depressive episodes tend to be repeated recurrently to a greater extent than in other types. In addition, there is usually some morning worsening of symptoms and mood.

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Some causes of internal origin

When we think of someone depressed, we usually think of someone who, due to a painful event in their life or the lack of reinforcement in different vital domains, develops a pattern of negative thinking and behavior that causes the appearance of the disorder depressant. This is a consideration shuffled by most theories that attempt to explain the origins of depression.

This is not the case with endogenous depression. While is true that indirectly the psychosocial aspects will affect the mental state of the individual, the person with melancholic depression does not have a serious difficulty nor is it generally little reinforced. In fact, it is common for these types of individuals to feel bad, but they do not know or have a reason. This among other elements causes the person to feel guilty, which worsens the state of the subject and is in fact a frequent characteristic of this subtype of depression.

The main cause of this disorder is biological.. Now, with biological we do not mean that it is the product of a disease (which in fact would make the diagnosis could not be depression), such as infections or tumors. The problem would be found more like at the level of cerebral metabolism, speculating with the presence of genetic factors as a cause of the disorder. Thus, naturally the brain would have problems when it comes to secreting or correctly using hormones such as serotonin.

Treating endogenous depression

Research has shown that patients with this type of depression show a good response to medical-type treatments. This fact, together with the lesser effect that placebo tends to have on this type of depression, supports the idea that the problem is not due so much to environmental factors but to internal ones.

The treatment of choice is the use of antidepressants, tricyclics being the ones that seem to work best in the case of endogenous or melancholic depression. This type of antidepressant is characterized by act by inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain, in a nonspecific way and that affects other hormones such as dopamine.

Another treatment that seems to be highly effective in endogenous depression is electroconvulsive therapy, in which a series of electrodes are placed on the patient's head to later apply a series of shocks electrical Of course, it is an intervention that has nothing to do with the strong electric shocks used in psychiatric centers decades ago. Very low intensity, painless shocks are currently used.

This therapy is highly effective in improving depressive symptoms. Applies in cases where a rapid therapeutic response is necessary, such as those associated with high suicidal ideation and depression with psychotic symptoms, or as an alternative to pharmacology when this type of treatment is not sufficiently effective.

Although it has traditionally been viewed as a tremendously aversive type of therapy, nowadays it is carried out with discharges of controlled intensity and in a painless way (since general anesthesia is previously applied) and safe (they are monitored and their vital signs are monitored).

Fortunately, with these treatments, a large part of people with endogenous depression present a high level of improvement, mostly having a high recovery rate.

Bibliographic references:

  • American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Fifth edition. DSM-V. Masson, Barcelona.
  • Grosso, P. (2013). Antidepressants University School of Medical Technology. University of the Republic of Paraguay.
  • Santos, J.L.; García, L.I.; Calderón, M.A.; Sanz, L.J.; de los Ríos, P.; Izquierdo, S.; Roman, P.; Hernangómez, L.; Navas, E.; Ladrón, A and Álvarez-Cienfuegos, L. (2012). Clinical psychology. CEDE PIR Preparation Manual, 02. CEDE. Madrid.
  • Vallejo, J. & Leal, C. (2010). Treaty of Psychiatry. Volume II. Ars Medica. Barcelona.
  • Welch, C.A. (2016). Electroconvulsive therapy. In: Stern TA, Fava M, Wilens TE, Rosenbaum JF, eds. Massachusetts General Hospital Comprehensive Clinical Psychiatry. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.

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