Education, study and knowledge

The best 12 Psychologists in Benicasim

The psychologist Froilán Ibáñez Recatalá He has a degree from the University of Valencia, has a Master in Clinical Psychology, another in Learning Difficulties and also has a Training Course in Judicial Expertise.

As an expert psychologist in the clinical, educational and judicial fields, he has specialized in treating all kinds of disorders and consultations through therapies of proven efficacy, such as the cognitive-behavioral approach or Brief Psychotherapy, adapting said intervention to each particular case.

In addition to that, among his intervention specialties, addictions, cases depression, school difficulties, relationship problems and Disorder Obsessive compulsive.

The General Health Psychologist Luis Bustillo He graduated in Psychology from the University of Valencia, he has a Master's Degree in Sexology from the same University, another Master's Degree in Character-Analytic Psychotherapy and a third Master's Degree in Parenting Specialist Ecological

The intervention of this professional is based on integrating different therapies such as Brief Therapy, Family Therapy and She couples, Psychodynamic Therapy and Character Analysis, with which she attends to any type of disorder or problem.

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Luis Bustillo attends to people of all ages, both in person and online and some of his main specialties are disorders eating habits, family conflicts, low self-esteem, sexual difficulties, sex addiction and problems in motherhood, pregnancy or Birth.

The psychologist Adela Torres Espla She has a degree from the University of Valencia, has a Master in Clinical Psychology, another in Structural Coach and is an expert in apply a wide variety of therapies with proven efficacy to solve all kinds of problems in adolescents, adults and couples

Throughout more than 30 years of professional career, this psychologist has specialized in identifying all class of problems and offer tools and strategies to the person to overcome them in the best possible way.

Her intervention is characterized by constantly updating her knowledge and techniques, being some of her specialties, self-esteem issues, anxiety disorders, depression, and conflict relatives.

The psychologist Javier Ares He graduated in Clinical Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, has a Master's Degree in General Psychology Sanitaria and also has a Master in Clinical and Health Psychology and another Master in Psychotherapy Cognitive-behavioral.

Her intervention is also offered online and is aimed at adolescents, adults, the elderly and also couples who may have any type of problem.

The psychologist Maria Ramon She is a Graduate in Psychology and Speech Therapy from the Catholic University of Valencia, she has a Master in General Health Psychology and she is part of the team of professionals of the prestigious clinic of psychology Healthy Center.

Her services are offered online with all possible comforts to people of all ages. ages, that is, to children, adolescents, adults, elderly people, families and also couples who request.

His intervention is based on the cognitive-behavioral approach among other effective therapies, with which she treats cases of anxiety and depression, eating disorders, ADHD, low self-esteem and stress.

The psychologist Sandra Gil Lusa She attends to adults and couples in her office, applying Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, one of the most widely available scientific evidence and better results during the process, which is integrated with other effective therapies adapted to each case particular.

His intervention is offered both in person and online and some of his specialties are cognitive disorders, phobias, behavior problems and low self-esteem.

The psychologist Alberto Arevalo He is a professional with extensive experience and specialized in solving a wide variety of disorders in children, adults and couples who are going through a bad time in their lives.

Her intervention is characterized by offering useful and practical tools that are best adapted to the needs of each person, applying the best psychological therapies to achieve change wanted.

In addition to that, among his main intervention specialties, the cases of depression or anxiety, school difficulties, addictions and separation processes or divorce.

The professional Paula del Moral She has a Degree in Psychology from the Jaume I University, she has a Master's Degree in Psychopedagogy with a specialty in Special Educational Needs, she has another Master's Degree in Sports Psychology and Sports Coaching and she is also an expert in Evaluation and Intervention in Child Clinical Psychology and Teen.

In her consultation she applies therapies of proven efficacy such as cognitive-behavioral orientation, as well as Therapy of Acceptance and Commitment, to address disorders such as depression, anxiety, learning disorders, and ADHD.

The psychologist Martina Hernández Ribés she has an experience of more than 10 years of professional career as a psychotherapist, attending adults and couples through an integrative approach of different therapies adapted to the characteristics and needs of each person.

Among the therapies that she applies in her practice, we can highlight Transpersonal Therapy, Mindfulness and the techniques of meditation, with which he addresses problems of self-esteem, anxiety disorders, emotional dependence and depression.

The psychologist Carlos Collado has a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology with Honorable Mention from the University of Valencia and also has a Master's Degree in Third Generation Therapies and another Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology at Centro de Terapia de Conduct.

His intervention is aimed at adults and adolescents and is offered both in person and online, some of which are of his specialties, cases of chronic depression, adjustment disorders, panic attacks and addictions.

The psychologist Luz Maria Meseguer Puig has an experience of more than 25 years in the fields of clinical, educational and judicial psychology.

In her consultation she attends to people of all ages through the integrated application of various therapies and techniques state-of-the-art psychological disorders, to deal with cases of ADHD, cognitive dysfunctions or depression, among others queries.

The child psychologist Silvia Andreu Montoliu she has a Master's degree in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and another in Therapeutic Pedagogy.

In his workplace he treats all kinds of disorders in the child and youth areas both in person and in person. the online modality, the most notable being adjustment disorders, bullying and disorders of learning.

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