Education, study and knowledge

The best 10 Psychologists in San Bernardo (Chile)

Marcela Bulnes Capaccio He graduated in Psychology through the Central University of Chile and after spending some time, he made the decision she to specialize in NLP Therapy through a Master's degree that was taught by the Centro de Estudios del Change.

It is important to note that this specialist has extensive experience treating difficulties such as depression, low self-esteem, attention deficit (ADHD), job stress or conflict relatives.

Jose Fuenzalida He has a degree in Psychology from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and it is also important mention that this specialist is currently studying a specialized Master in Psychology Clinic.

We can get in touch with him if we find ourselves going through an anxiety disorder, very high levels of work stress or a prolonged stage with low self-esteem.

Matías Larenas Trucco She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad del Desarrollo and has a specialized training course in the specific area of ​​the Motivational Interview, granted by the Escuela de Formación Hogar de Christ.

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This psychologist is an expert treating difficulties such as anxiety disorders, depression chronic stress, work stress, family conflicts or problems related to lack of sleep.

Francisca Larraguibel She is a psychologist specializing in Clinical Psychology, specializing in the care of adult patients. She works from eclecticism, combining therapeutic strategies and techniques belonging to various paradigms of psychology, such as cognitive-behavioral or humanistic.

This professional may be the option you are looking for if you need psychological support in the face of forms of discomfort such as low self-esteem, job stress, poor impulse management, or emotional imbalances associated with anxiety.

Michelle Mallea Gutierrez She has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the Central University of Chile and a Diploma issued by the University of Chile, specialized in the fields of Psychotherapy and Gender.

She is mostly specialized in the treatment of difficulties such as anxiety disorders, work stress, anxiety, phobias or lack of control over impulses.

Katherine Céspedes Escobar She graduated in Psychology from the Universidad de Las Américas and later, she specialized through a postgraduate degree in the implementation of Clinical Psychology.

Over time, this psychologist has been able to treat some psychological difficulties on more than one occasion. such as post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, or difficult stages of duel.

Isabel Marchant Chandía She has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Chile and she has a specialized Diploma in Forensic Psychology, which was also awarded to her by this same university.

She specializes in treating difficulties such as job stress, very low self-esteem, chronic depression, generalized distress, and complicated stages of grief.

Valeria romero She has a degree in Psychology from the UNIACC University of Santiago de Chile and has a specialized Master's degree in Perinatal Psychology, issued by the European Institute of Mental Health.

Where this psychologist undoubtedly has more experience, is in the specific treatment of work stress, low self-esteem, anxiety and lack of control over impulses.

Rocio Urzua Muena She completed her basic studies in Psychology at the Catholic University of Maule and after obtaining her accrediting degree, she thought that she should specialize in Talent Management and Organizational Development so she completed a specialized diploma in the study of these two scopes.

Throughout her professional career, this psychologist has been able to treat on more than one occasion some difficulties such as anxiety, job stress, phobias or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Jessica Carriel Perez She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Santo Tomás and has a specialized Diploma in the specific field of Psychodiagnosis, which was also issued to him by this same institution university.

Work stress, phobias, anxiety disorders or depression are some of the psychological difficulties that are most often treated in the consultation of this specialist.

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