Education, study and knowledge

The 5 main functions of a child psychologist

On a general level, most people are not very clear about what exactly the psychologists who specialize in treating patients in their practice do. Therefore, it is not surprising that, in general, there is even less knowledge about what a more specific area of ​​applied psychology consists of: the work of child psychologists.

This is normal, no one is born knowing and there is no reason why all people should know, by the mere fact of existing, what child psychology professionals do. However, taking into account that the mental health and emotional well-being of the little ones are very important aspects so that they can develop correctly, it is interesting to know even the basic aspects about this branch of the psychology.

Therefore, in this article We will see what are the functions of the child psychologist, how you can help children and families, and how you work in this professional area.

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What is child psychology?

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The first thing to keep in mind to understand what child psychology is is that it is not a field scientifically hermetically sealed or clearly differentiated from other branches of psychology, with which there is hardly any would touch. Rather, it is an area of ​​work that overlaps with many other areas of psychology and that focuses on the needs and characteristics of children.

This means, among other things, that in child psychology there are a facet oriented towards the investigation of the behavior and psychological processes of children, and another oriented to applied psychology in helping children and families with children, as well as entities that work with them (typically schools).

In both workspaces, these professionals collaborate with other types of psychologists to build theoretical-practical knowledge; after all, you don't learn about childhood without learning about the human being in general, and vice versa. Of course, in practice, when talking about child psychologists, it is done referring to those who are dedicated to this second field, the applied one.

But there is not only an overlap in terms of the type of work that needs to be done. There is also a thematic overlap, in terms of the contents with which it works. Thus, among the main functions of a child psychologist are to know areas of knowledge such as the maturation process of the nervous system during childhood, the different ways of learning, family dynamics and styles of parenting and education, the expression of psychological, neurological and psychiatric disorders in boys and girls, and more. All these contents, in turn, are addressed by other areas of psychology: developmental psychology, clinical and health psychology, educational psychology, etc.

In conclusion, child psychologists are dedicated to working on a plot of reality centered on experiences by that the little ones go through, and that intersect with the fields of study and intervention of other specializations of the psychology.

The functions of the child psychologist

These are the main tasks that child psychologists tackle in their day-to-day lives, although there are different subsections of specialization.

1. Child and adolescent therapy

Child and youth therapy is one of the most important areas of work in child psychology, since in it children in situations of special vulnerability are helped.

2. Educational counseling

Also child psychologists frequently collaborate with educational centers to help them develop effective ways to educate, adapt to the needs of students with some diagnosis linked to their cognitive abilities or behavior patterns, and problem solving punctual.

  • You may be interested: "Educational psychology: definition, concepts and theories"

3. Family therapy

In some cases, the problem to be solved is in the way in problematic behaviors that have become chronic in the way of relating of the members of a family. For this reason, among the functions of child psychologists is to participate in helping these families with problems and with one or more children of a few years of age.

4. Child neuropsychology

It is possible that due to acquired damage or genetic diseases arise alterations in the functioning of the Central Nervous System of boys and girls. To attend to their needs and promote their rehabilitation, child psychologists and neuropsychologists intervene.

5. Investigation

As we have seen, experts in child psychology can also engage in research, publishing in scientific journals.

Are you looking for professional support from expert child psychologists?


If you are interested in having the help of child psychologists in areas such as education, the treatment of emotional or behavioral alterations or counseling families, we invite you to contact U.S, the Cribecca psychology center.

In our facilities located in the city of Seville, you will be attended by a team of professionals with solid experience in therapy children and adolescents and adults, working from the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy, one of the most effective and proven scientifically. If you are interested in seeing our contact information, click click here.

Bibliographic references:

  • Blasi, C.H.; Bjorklund, David F. (2003). Evolutionary Developmental Psychology: A New Tool for Better Understanding Human Ontogeny. Human Development. 46(5): 259 - 281.
  • Hogan, J.D. (2000). Developmental psychology: History of the field. In Alan E. Kazdin (ed.). Encyclopedia of Psychology. Volume 3. pp. 9 -13.
  • Mattison, R.E., Mayes SD (2012). Relationships between learning disability, executive function, and psychopathology in children with ADHD. J Atten Disord. 16 (2): pp. 138 - 146.
  • Snowman, J. (1997). Educational Psychology: What Do We Teach, What Should We Teach? Educational Psychology, 9, pp. 151 - 169.

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