Education, study and knowledge

The best 7 Psychologists in Castelar (Buenos Aires)

Mary Gotte She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires and today, we should know that this specialist has been able to accumulate a great experience working in the field of health mental.

Among the difficulties most dealt with, we can find some such as anxiety disorders, family conflicts, couple crises or very low self-esteem.

Melisa Mirabet She obtained her degree in Psychology at the University of Belgrano and after spending some time, she decided that she should specialize in She is in the area of ​​Psychopathologies and Cognitive Psychotherapy, so she did a specific Postgraduate at the University of Favaloro.

Where this psychologist undoubtedly has greater skill is in the specific treatment of disorders of the anxiety, low self-esteem or difficulties that high performance athletes often suffer from.

Diana Patricia Kulszon She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires and has a Higher Degree specialized in depth in the Psychoanalysis of Family Relationships.

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She has extensive experience treating difficulties such as anxiety disorders, work stress, relationship crises or conflicts that usually occur within the family nucleus.

Elizabeth hernandez She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires and has several postgraduate degrees, thanks to which she has been able to specialize in areas such as family violence, child and adolescent psychotherapy or child abuse.

She is an expert treating difficulties such as attention deficit or hyperactivity, spectrum disorders she autistic, problems arising from domestic violence, intellectual disability or conflict relatives.

Fabiana Antonelli she completed her basic studies in Psychology at the University of Buenos Aires and later, decided carry out a specialized training course in Lacanian Psychoanalysis through this same college.

She is a renowned specialist in the treatment of hysterical neurosis, very low self-esteem, complicated grief situations and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

Laura bruckner She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires and has a Postgraduate degree focused on the application of Psychology Clinic in Children and Adolescents, a degree that was awarded by the General Hospital of Acute Dr. Jose María Ramos Mejía.

She has great experience and skill in dealing with difficulties such as eating disorders, low self-esteem, chronic depression, and social phobia.

Laura raffaini She has a degree in Psychology with a clinical specialty and it is also important to mention that she has more than 30 years of uninterrupted experience practicing as a professional psychologist.

If we go to your consultation we must know that this specialist usually uses psychoanalytic therapy as the main methodology, because this way of proceeding has been, over time, the one that has given the best results when treating all kinds of difficulties.

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