Education, study and knowledge

The best 12 Psychologists in Écija

Diego Segura is a General Health Psychologist Graduated from the UNED, who has a Master's Degree in Psychology of Physical Activity and of Sports, whose services are offered to adolescents, adults, seniors and couples who may need it.

His services as a Clinical Psychologist and expert in Sports Psychology are offered in face-to-face sessions and also remotely, his main specialties being intervention, depression, anxiety disorders, self-esteem problems, internet and video game addiction, divorce processes and management deficits Of anger.

Regarding the most effective therapies applied by this psychology professional in his practice, in a way integrated, include Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Cognitive-behavioral Therapy and Coaching.

The psychologist Francisco Hidalgo He has specialized in serving children, adolescents, adults, seniors, couples and also families who request his services.

At present, his sessions are offered online and are based on the joint application of various highly specialized therapies. effective, with which he treats cases of anxiety and depression, relationship problems, addictions, drug addiction and trauma.

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Graduated in Psychology from the University of Seville, this professional has a Master's Degree in Family Mediation and Intervention from the same university, a Master's Degree in Psychological Expertise and Forensic Psychology and has a Postgraduate Degree in Conflict Resolution Labor.

The professionals of the online therapy center TherapyChat They are specialized in treating all kinds of disorders that can belong to a wide variety of psychological intervention areas.

The TherapyChat professional platform puts each of its users with the center's therapist that best suits adapt to your particular needs, all in remote mode and with total comfort and safety.

Likewise, the main intervention specialties of the TherapyChat center are anxiety and depression disorders, relationship problems, self-esteem deficits, relationship problems, sexual dysfunctions and problems relatives.

For this, Therapychat professionals are specialized in applying method-based therapies at all times. with which to obtain the best results, such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy or Acceptance Therapy and Commitment.

Elvira del Valle Morejón García She is an outstanding psychologist with a degree in Psychology from the University of Malaga, with a Master's degree in Evaluation and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation from the Camilo José Cela University, and expert in Neuropsychology Childish.

She is a psychologist with a long history in the field of neuropsychology and the cognitive behavioral treatment. She stands out for having extensive experience in the treatment of cognitive disorders, in the delay of development and the treatment of difficulties and comprehension in reading.

Alejandro Domínguez Catalan she is an important Health Psychologist specialized in Neuropsychology, Sports Psychology and Psychological Therapy. She is a specialist in the treatment of anxiety and depression disorders, mainly in children and adolescents.

The diseases that she has treated the most throughout her professional career have been conduct disorders, her panic attacks and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which also receives the acronym for ADHD.

Isabel castro She is a renowned Écija psychologist with a degree in Psychology and a specialist in Clinical Psychology, cognitive behavioral treatment and psychoeducation.

The illnesses that she has treated the most are related to conduct disorder, Asperger's syndrome, and depression anxiety disorder.

Maria Jose Rodriguez Seville She is a well known mental health professional, graduated in Psychology and specialized in psychotherapy for children and adolescents, especially in the treatment of phobias and bullying.

In addition, she stands out for having a long experience in treating children with learning disabilities, ADHD and memory problems.

Sara Laguna She has a degree in Psychology with extensive experience in family orientation, in crisis derived from adolescence, and in professional orientation.

She stands out for being a specialist in personal and professional coaching, conducting family therapy treatments, and adolescent psychotherapy. The diseases he has treated the most are related to anxiety disorders, depression in adolescence and low self-esteem.

Miguel Angel Sanchez He has a degree in Psychology and is specialized in the treatment of psychoanalysis and clinical psychology.

The diseases that she has treated the most throughout her professional career are related to disorders of behavior, panic attacks, and psychotic behavior resulting from prolonged substance use narcotics.

Begoña Gutierrez She has a degree in Psychology and an expert in the treatment of eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. In addition, she is a specialist in behavioral problems such as impulse control or conduct disorders.

She has extensive experience in treating disorders in children and adolescents, especially in the area of ​​developmental disorders and learning disorders.

Maria del Valle Rivera Rodriguez She is a well-known Bachelor of Psychology specialized in individual psychotherapy, in cognitive behavioral therapy and especially in couples therapy.

She stands out for being a professional specialized in the treatment of depression and stress disorders, the treatment of phobias and sexual dysfunctions and relationship problems.

Carmen Maria Aguilera she has a degree in Psychology, an expert in Child Psychology. Her specialty is the treatment of disorders in children and adolescents, especially in the field of learning disorders.

Throughout her career, she has treated numerous cases of dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD, and conduct disorders.

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