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The best 11 Psychologists who are experts in depression in Córdoba (Argentina)

Valeria Salamone she is one of the most recommended psychotherapy professionals for the treatment of anxiety disorders; She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires, and is specialized in the treatment of disorders such as depression, dysthymia, bipolar disorder or panic attacks.

Throughout her career in the field of mental health, she has also had the opportunity to treat patients affected by chronic diseases, for self-esteem problems, and with behavioral disorders, among other types of pathologies that can affect both children, adolescents, and people adults.

Her psychological consultation is located on Rosario de Sta street. Fe 300, X5000ACH Córdoba, Argentina.

The psychologist Tatiana stacul She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad del Salvador, she has a Training Course in Feminism and Psychoanalysis by the Argentine Association of Mental Health, a Training Course on Gender and another on Therapy Dialectical-behavioral.

Throughout her career, this therapist has specialized in online care for depressive disorders in adolescents, adults, couples and also families, as well as any other associated disorder, applying an approach integrative.

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The main therapies that this professional applies in her consultation are the cognitive-behavioral approach, Therapy of Acceptance and Commitment and Feminist Therapy, all of them adapted to the particular needs of each client.

Maria Constanza Alaye she has a degree in psychology from the National University of Córdoba, she has a course in abuse child by the same organization, and she has also completed a postgraduate course in trauma and injury psychic.

She is an expert in the treatment of depression disorders, in clinical psychology, and in psychoanalysis. relational, having also treated people with emotional dependence and in situations of low self-esteem.

Eliana Janet Ditomassi She has a degree in psychology from the National University of Córdoba, has a postgraduate degree in hospital psychology from UNC, he is a specialist in clinical psychology, and has also treated many patients affected by disorders depressive

Among the pathologies that she has treated the most during all these years, the situations of low self-esteem, the stress gastritis, hysterical neurosis, and eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexy.

Camila Febes Rocabado she has a degree in psychology from the National University of Córdoba, has a postgraduate degree in psychoanalysis and transgenerational model from the University of Mendoza, and is an expert in the treatment of the Depression.

She is a specialist in mental health and psychoanalytic psychotherapy, in addition to having treated patients with post-traumatic stress disorder, and with eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexy.

Martin Cottone He has a degree in psychology from the National University of Córdoba, has a postgraduate degree in psychoanalytic psychotherapy in children and adolescents, and is a specialist in the treatment of depression.

She works through the approach of Lacanian psychoanalysis and psychotherapy focused on adolescents and adults, having treated patients with bipolar disorder and in situations of low self-esteem.

Daniela agüero she has a degree in psychology from the National University of Córdoba, has a postgraduate degree in psychoanalysis, and is an excellent specialist in the treatment of anxiety disorders, depression and stress.

She has treated people with different types of pathologies such as behavioral disorders including bulimia and anorexia, and sleep disorders such as insomnia.

Ana Maria Vignoli She has a degree in psychology and is specialized in female sexuality and in the treatment of disorders such as anxiety, depression and stress, among other pathologies.

She is an expert in wellness-oriented therapies, family violence, and comprehensive psychology, having treated patients affected by childhood sexual abuse, with bipolar disorder, and with problems of insomnia.

Mario J. Perez He has a degree in psychology from the National University of Córdoba, he is a specialist in cognitive therapy behavioral, positive psychology, and psychological evaluation, having obtained very positive results in their patients.

He has treated patients with different types of pathologies, among which are disorders of the memory, phobias of different types such as agoraphobia, and learning disorders such as ADHD and dyslexia.

Maria Emilia Haymal She has a degree in psychology from the National University of Córdoba, has a postgraduate degree in eating disorders from the UNC, and is also a professor in psychoanalytic psychotherapy.

She specializes in the treatment of depression disorders, memory disorders, and eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia, having obtained excellent results in his patients during the years that his practice has been active psychological.

Carolina Herrera She has a degree in psychology from the National University of Córdoba, is a specialist in clinical psychology, and has treated patients affected by anxiety, depression and stress disorders with results excellent.

She is an expert in clinical psychology in adults, in couples therapy, and in individual psychotherapy, having She treated patients affected by situations of low self-esteem, by social phobia, and with sleep disorders such as insomnia.

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