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Who was James Cook

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In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "Who was James Cook".

Who was James Cook. James Cook was a great British traveler and explorer who was born in Great Britain in 1728 and died at Kalakekua Bay in 1779. He was a great British explorer who was born into a humble family and who went to school only until he was 12 years old and then entered, as an apprentice, in a shipping company. There he was able to demonstrate his great maritime skills in the North Sea. So much so, that they offer him a higher and better paid job but, James Cook, decided reject him to enter the Royal Army of England where he developed a brilliant career especially What explorer and cartographer of the unexplored coasts of the North Atlantic and especially of the South Seas. In fact, he is remembered for the three great journeys that he made. The first voyage began in 1768 aboard the ship Endeavor.

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