Education, study and knowledge

The 5 best Mental Health Centers in Vigo

Codex Psychology is a center located in the city of Vigo that is made up of a team of psychologists, psychopedagogues and speech therapists with extensive experience, and specialized in different areas within the field of psychology.

The founder of the center is the renowned psychologist Concepción Cendón Dacosta, a professional who has more than 15 years of experience and who has a long history of satisfied patients during all these years.

Codex is characterized by its high quality and professional excellence, elements that serve as the basis for forging a cabinet with great recognition for its commitment to the patient. Thanks to this, it has become a benchmark within the territory's private psychology centers.

The methodology used by this center is based on cognitive behavioral orientation, which establishes a personalized and methodical psychological treatment. This treatment is divided into three: the evaluation phase, the treatment phase and the follow-up phase. All this, with the aim of reaping effective results that allow the maximum well-being of the patient in the long term.

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The Caps Psychological Center is a cabinet specialized in psychology and sexology, which represents one of the psychological centers of reference in the city of Vigo thanks to his long professional career and the satisfaction of his patients.

The success of the treatments in their clients for so many years endorse the team of professionals who are part of this center, which have carried out a large number of interventions in patients with different types of disorders.

In addition, the professionals who are part of the Caps Psychological Center are subjected to continuous training that allows them to renew their knowledge and adapt these new techniques to improve the effectiveness of treatments psychological.

Among the main areas of specialization of the Caps Psychological Center, the following stand out:

  • Treatment of anxiety and depression disorders
  • Self esteem issues
  • Couples and sexuality therapy
  • Learning disabilities and disorders that can appear in adolescence
  • Gambling, alcohol, tobacco or other substance addiction disorders

The Clinic 3 Steps It stands out for being a recognized center that bases its method on three steps to improve our psychological situation and to feel better about ourselves. This method has the following steps:

1. Acceptance

In order to improve our psychological situation, the first step we must take is to be aware that we have a problem. Once this first step is taken, we will be choosing the path that will lead us to find a solution.

2. Knowledge

When we already know what happens to us and how different types of disorders affect us, such as anxiety, depression, lack of self-esteem, problems that arise in interpersonal relationships, disorders sexual, etc. it will be time to determine how we deal with those elements that destabilize us day by day.

Understanding what happens to us is a joint work carried out by the patient and the psychologist, which is a fundamental step to advance towards the solution.

3. Action

When we carry out a psychological treatment, the goal is always to make a change in our patient that allows him to overcome the problem and thus can move towards a situation of greater well-being personal.

In this last step, it is key to learn to change our attitude to the difficulties in our life. The psychologist will provide you with the tools to make this possible, all depending on your particular case.

The Patricia Vázquez Psychological Center has the objective of responding to the difficulties that many people experience in their day-to-day lives by guilt of different types of psychological and mental barriers that cause us certain levels of anxiety and stress.

In today's world, the high pace of our life causes us states of stress, little time to do things, very routine demanding and high social pressure that sometimes leads us to situations in which anxiety and dissatisfaction predominate personal.

In this psychological clinic they will help you reverse this type of situation by providing tools and resources so that you can solve those elements both internal and external that do not let you live with fullness.

The Bregma Psychological Center is a well-known cabinet made up of experienced psychologists, who are specialized in different areas within the field of mental health. They stand out for carrying out psychotherapy for both adults and children and adolescents.

The objective of this center is to carry out a dynamic and flexible therapy, to work in each session certain objectives and specific tasks that allow to evolve in a way that is favorable to the patient.

It should be noted that the main areas of specialization of this center are the following:

  • Anxiety and depression disorders
  • Work stress
  • School bullying or bullying
  • Low self-esteem
  • Learning difficulties
  • Couples and sexuality therapies
  • Gambling and substance addiction
  • Hyperactivity and attention deficit
  • Phobias

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