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Psychology of sexism: 5 macho ideas still in force

The feminist movements they have traditionally been a symptom of the social, economic and political inequalities that exist between men and women.

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However, once women have the right to vote and property, the task of feminism is not over. Sexist ideas and ways of thinking continue to exist that, far from being remnants of previous stages of human development, seem to adapt to the new times and take root in soil no less fertile today than yesterday. These are some of these macho assumptions.

Hidden sexism (5 macho ideas in the 21st century)

1. Each sex has its tasks, and these are.

This is a myth that anthropology has already refuted, insofar as, although in all societies they distinguish between male and female tasks, the assignment of a gender to these jobs is arbitrary: what is typical of men in one culture is done by women in another, and vice versa.

In our context, this conception serves to justify the idea of ​​the salary glass ceiling, namely, the difficulty of women to get promoted.

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2. Assignment of women to the private - domestic sphere.

Traditionally, women have been defined by the private sphere, as opposed to the public, the latter being the terrain in which politics, associations and, ultimately, what is developed. Social.

The private-public distinction is thus very forced, but It only exists to justify the existence of a woman's own space, in order to detach her from the centers of decision. Today, women are in many occasions defined basically by their role as housewives and mothers, functions that as proposed are at the center of the nuclear family and detached from life public.

3. The naturalistic fallacy points to the place of women.

It consists of the moral assignment of "good" only to elements that are replicated in nature.. For example, monogamy could be considered natural if it occurs in many species of primates. The same fallacy that is used to charge against homosexuality, can be used against women who decide not to have children, a partner, etc.

However, even options that are believed to be "natural" are not, as arguing in this way cannot avoid bias in highlight cases in which nature acts in the way that we consider "appropriate" and discard the rest in which it occurs. contrary.

4. The empowered woman is one who is ascribed to male roles.

This can be seen, for example, in the characterization of fictional heroines: cold people, who demonstrate their physical strength and never too talkative. The renunciation of the feminine understood as a step towards fulfillment implies that the values ​​that today are considered feminine are bad.

Since the idea that each sex corresponds to a specific gender prevails, women who tend to the "masculinity" will have less capacity to assert themselves than the men assigned to the roles male. In this case, sexism leads to the appropriation of some clichés to the detriment of others.

5. Women like to have judgments made about their appearance.

This idea is based on the assumption that all women have in common their practically express need for know the opinions of third parties to shape their identity, improve their self-esteem or please others the rest. Definitely, the need to be defined by men.

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More sexist ideas that still remain unchanged?

If you can think of more gender stereotypes that remain valid in the 21st century, we invite you to share them with us in the comments section or through our social networks.

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