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How to get rid of fleas from my dog? 4 tips

Man's best friend has now become the most spoiled. Our furry friends are life companions and part of the family, and that is why in addition to taking care of their diet and their appearance, we are very concerned about their health.

In this sense, one of the most frequent problems with dogs is fleas. It is annoying for us owners, but without a doubt those who suffer the most are them.

Visits to the vet for this matter are not few, and it is well known that one of the main queries is... How to remove fleas from my dog?

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5 effective ways to get rid of fleas on a dog

Although prevention will always be the best tool, the appearance of these bugs is not something we can fully control.

Frequently washing and brushing their hair and vacuuming the furniture or textures that tend to accumulate insects, are measures to keep the appearance under control of parasites, but if one day you still discover your dog scratching insistently, it is most likely that he already has them and you have to apply some of these

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solutions to kill fleas on your pet.

1. Flea collar

This product is the most popular to kill fleas on dogs. Its mechanism of action is highly effective and there are brands that provide up to 8 months of protection. However, for its action to be total, some recommendations must be followed.

The first thing to do is consult with your veterinarian about the type and brand of collar that best suits you, as this is determined according to the pest to be fought. Another important tip is to prefer recognized brands that meet the required sanitary standards.

It is important that we know that the substances contained in the flea collar are toxic to humans, so it must be placed using gloves, wash hands after touching our dog and avoid children having prolonged and frequent contact to prevent any poisoning.

One tip for your dog to feel comfortable with the collar is that you choose one according to its size or that it is adjustable. When you put it on, leave a space of two fingers between your neck and the collar. If you use it for the first time, we have to be attentive to possible allergic reactions.

So if you are wondering how to get rid of fleas from my dog, the flea collar is an excellent solution and it also works as a preventive method.

2. Pipettes

Flea pipettes are a fast, comfortable and safe alternative to kill fleas on your dog.

They are vials with liquid inside ready for immediate use. They are administered topically and with a single application protect for up to 4 weeks.

If you are leaning towards this option, you should know some important things to ensure its proper functioning. An important element is the brand you choose. There are some cheap alternatives for sale in the market but they do not work as they should and in the end the expense is greater, because in any case it will be necessary to resort to another solution. It is best to invest in a reputable brand pipette from the beginning, as this will ensure that we can kill fleas. Be careful to check the expiration date, as a pipette that is already expired will not work.

And most importantly: apply it correctly. It should be placed in three points along the back of our puppy: neck, spine and near the tail. Make sure to put the fur aside and put the product on the scalp and not on the hair, otherwise it will not work. Ah! And something important: you should not bathe your dog for at least 48 hours.

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3. Flea spray

If your puppy is already infested with fleas and it is not only about preventing but eliminating fleas completely, the spray is an excellent solution.

There are many brands and the vast majority are efficient and easy to apply. You just have to spray the product all over your pet's body, avoiding the eyes of both the animal and the person applying it, because it is very irritable.

The spray is of immediate action, unlike the pipette and the collar, because while you are applying it, you will be able to see how the fleas are dying.

Subject to the recommendations of the spray brand or your veterinarian, it is best to leave for a few hours let the spray work and then bathe and brush it to remove all the dead fleas that remain on its fur.

4. Flea shampoo

This alternative could work more as a preventive measure than as a solution to kill fleas on dogs, but can be used if the problem is barely the infestation begins and few have been detected, or also as support for the flea collar or the spray.

To use it, it is enough to replace the shampoo with which you normally bathe it with an anti-flea shampoo of the brand you want. Some have a strong odor and others can irritate or dry out your skin. You can try trying two or three until you find the one that works best for your pet.

You can also try a homemade flea shampoo. Mix a couple of cups of hot water, a cup of rubbing alcohol, and a few drops of dish soap. Then apply it in the same way as a conventional shampoo, leave it on for a few minutes and rinse with warm water. You can apply vinegar and let it act for a few minutes to finish brushing your puppy very well and completely kill fleas.

Bibliographic references:

  • Marcos Linardi, P. and Costa Santos, J.L. (2012). "Ctenocephalides felis felis vs. Ctenocephalides canis (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae): some issues in correctly identifying these species ". Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Parasitology. 21 (4): 345.
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