Education, study and knowledge

The 9 best Psychologists who are experts in Depression in Cuatro Caminos (Madrid)

Silvia Ramos She has a degree in Psychology from the Ramón Llull University of Barcelona and also has a Master's degree focused on in the management and organization of human resources awarded by the famous ESIC training campus Barcelona. It offers her patients the interesting possibility of being able to carry out online therapy with her, a very comfortable way of proceeding that is currently increasingly used.

We can count on the help of this psychologist in the face of psychological alterations and forms of discomfort such as depression, we suffer levels of anxiety that are too high or if we have detected some kind of complication within our relationship of partner.

Elena Almodóvar Antón She has a degree in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid and has a Postgraduate specialized in Behavior Therapy, which was issued by the well-known Ministry of Health Spanish.

In your consultation we will have the opportunity to receive therapy from the cognitive-behavioral methodology, a procedure therapeutic that has been scientifically proven to be very effective and adaptable when applied to certain difficulties psychological.

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In the consultation of the psychologist Elena Almodovar, treatment and professional support is offered to be able to face problems as common as per For example, depression, general anxiety, dysthymia or those problems that can arise as a result of a possible self-esteem too short.

Advance Psychologists is a center specialized in the practice of psychology located in the heart of the city of Madrid, and has more than two decades of experience. In this center we can find a team of psychologists who are experts in the use of some of the more effective forms of intervention, such as cognitive behavioral therapy or Acceptance Therapy and Commitment

Here we regularly intervene in problems such as depression, dysthymia, bipolar disorder, work stress or phobias.

Cecilia Martin She graduated in Psychology through the University of Salamanca and has a Master's degree specialized in the practice of Clinical and Health Psychology through the University Complutense of Madrid. She directs the Institute of Psychode Psychology center.

This professional has specialized in the treatment of some currently very common difficulties such as depression, trauma, family problems or a relationship crisis.

Andres Quinteros He runs the Cepsim psychology center, which has several locations throughout Madrid. He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Córdoba in Argentina and has a specialized Master's degree in the field of her Clinical, Legal and Forensic Psychology through the Complutense University of Madrid, among other programs of training.

He is an expert in treating depression, trauma and the aftermath of abuse, and impulse management problems.

Maria Diaz Medina She has a degree in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid and is an expert in Clinical Psychology (via PIR).

Having the help of this professional is recommended for alterations such as depression, levels of very high stress, poor impulse regulation, or low self-esteem, among other psychological alterations common.

Jesus Matos Larraniaga he completed his basic studies in Psychology through the Complutense University of Madrid and upon completion, she specialized via Master in the practice of Clinical and Health Psychology through the same college.

Chronic depression, mood disorders, low self-esteem, or stress are some clear examples of the difficulties that this specialist most often deals with in his office private.

As a professional psychologist Rosa Melgar It is a highly recommended option in cases of depression or trauma. She is an expert in the use of exciting EMDR therapy and a number of effective methodologies for mood disorders.

This psychologist has extensive experience in the treatment of some psychological difficulties such as depression, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), very high levels of stress or eating disorders.

The team of psychologists from UPAD Psychology and Coaching she is also a good option for mood disorders such as depression or dysthymia.

Here psychological assistance is offered in face-to-face format and also through online therapy by video call, as well as various training programs oriented towards managing emotions.

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