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The best 7 Psychologists in Ibi (Alicante)

The psychologist Marina Marta Garcia Fuentes she has more than 17 years of professional experience behind her back and currently she runs the center Psychode, one of the most prestigious psychology clinics in our country.

In her consultation you will find a professional specialized in serving people of all ages, together with a multidisciplinary team of professionals and in online sessions with all the guarantees.

Some of the areas that Marina Marta García Fuentes addresses in her consultation are emotional problems of all kinds, family conflicts, low self-esteem, stress, anxiety, depression and deficits in the management of go to.

The Psychology Clinic Healthy Center It is one of the most recommended in the entire Valencian Community and highly qualified professionals specialize in serving people of all ages and also couples.

Its services are offered online with all possible guarantees and comforts towards the client and are based on in the application of the cognitive-behavioral approach, one of the therapies most used by psychologists around the world world.

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Regarding the main intervention specialties of this center, the cases of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, relationship problems, weight loss, stress and disorders of the learning.

The psychologist Dove king She is a Graduate in Psychology from the Catholic University of Valencia, she has a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology from the International University of Valencia and she also has a Master in Comprehensive Care for People with Disabilities Intellectual.

His services are offered online to people of all ages and is based on the integrated application of highly effective therapies such as the cognitive-behavioral approach, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy or Psychology Positive.

In his consultation you will find a professional specialized in treating learning disorders, cases of ADHD, eating disorders, anxiety, depression, stress or low self-esteem.

The psychologist Luis Bustillo He graduated in Psychology from the University of Valencia, he has a Master's Degree in Sexology from the same University, a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology from the UCAV and a Master's Degree in Psychotherapy Analytical character.

Her intervention is offered online to people of all ages, as well as couples who request it, and is based on the joint application of various highly effective therapies, among which the Therapy Brief.

Some of her main intervention specialties are cases of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, sexual and marital disorders, eating disorders, sex addiction, and problems arising from pregnancy or maternity.

Beatriz Climent She is another of the best psychologists that we can find in Ibi, Alicante, and she is specialized in Gestalt psychotherapy.

After graduating from a degree in Psychology, this mental health professional specialized in Gestalt therapy.

This therapy modality is the starting point when offering treatment for various ailments and psychological disorders such as irrational fears or phobias, phases of mourning for the loss of loved ones, anxiety disorders and their derivatives or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

It should also be added that Beatriz Climent is a specialist in couples therapy, thus being able to help relationships that are in moments of crisis due to infidelity, poor communication or a trust worn out.

Ana Moltó Martínez She graduated in Psychology from the Jaume I University of Castellón and she also has two master's degrees, one in Clinical Psychology (level I and level II) and another in Speech Therapy from the same institution from which she graduated.

She has more than 10 years of experience and she likes cognitive behavioral psychotherapy in her sessions, since it is the most endorsed by the scientific community. This psychologist is an expert in offering therapy to people of all ages and one of her specialties is treating anxiety disorders and their derivatives such as post-traumatic stress, agoraphobia, panic disorder and hypochondria.

If you are looking for child therapy, this psychologist can also be of help since she works with children who suffer learning disorders, dyslexia and enuresis, in addition to offering therapy for anger management disability and aggressiveness.

Beatriz Martinez She is a psychologist from the University of Valencia in 2004 and she also has an AETG accreditation as a Gestalt therapist and a master's degree in Child Psychology.

Also add that Beatriz Martínez is a specialist in social gerontology, so she is fully trained to treat the elderly and to give them the care they need.

In Beatriz Martínez's professional career, it can be noted that she has been a psychologist at the Association of Relatives and Friends of Dementia Patients of Ibi For 7 years, that she has collaborated in programs to reduce truancy and offer study skills and that she is knowledgeable about meditation techniques and relaxation.

This psychologist can treat adolescents and children, as well as adults and the elderly, helping them with problems of stress and depression, anxiety disorders, borderline personality disorders, attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity, etc.

Especially in children, this psychologist can help them to manage aggressiveness, treat their irrational fears and their inability to adapt to new environments.

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