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The best 11 Psychologists in Lloret de Mar

Maria real alonso She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Girona and also has a Master's degree focused on General Health Psychology awarded by the Open University of Catalonia.

A very interesting characteristic of this particular psychologist is that she offers us the possibility of being able to carry out therapy with her therapy via online, a way of proceeding that, given the current complicated world situation, many people decide to practice.

If you think that you may suffer from a possible disorder of anxiety, stress, impulsivity or phobias in the consultation of this specialist, You will be able to receive the most appropriate treatment to be able to try to correct any of these in the most effective way possible pathologies.

The General Health Psychologist Yolanda martinez works assisting adults and adolescents with all kinds of emotional, cognitive or behavioral problems, both in Spanish and Catalan. She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Girona and a Master in General Health Psychology and a postgraduate degree in Clinical and Health Psychology.

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This professional has a lot of experience intervening in problems such as depression, phobias and other anxiety disorders, low self-esteem, mourning for the loss of loved ones, low mood after crisis situations such as divorce, and psychological disorders associated with old age.

Carolina Blanco She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Girona and also has a specialization focused specifically on the practice of Systemic Family Therapy. If we are entrepreneurs or run a small business, we should know that this psychologist also has a Master's degree in Human Resources and that she can also help us by treating any of our employees, thereby achieving that the production of our company achieves totally levels optimal.

Problems such as phobias, stress or anxiety can be treated with a high success rate by receiving treatment in the private practice of this professional psychologist.

Susana garcia she graduated in Psychology through the University of Girona and later, she decided to specialize in depth in the practice of psychoanalytic therapy. Psychoanalysis is a type of therapy that can allow us to obtain a new perspective on our own life and on the disorder we suffer from, a vision with which most likely we will also get a clearer idea of ​​how we can successfully address any possible disorder that we are currently facing suffering.

Being treated in the consultation of this specialist we can effectively treat our problems of phobias, depression, anxiety or possible eating disorders.

Eva Almiron She has a degree in Psychology from the UNED and also has a Master's degree focused on the implementation of Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy granted by the RET Institute. One characteristic that we should know about this psychologist is that in her consultation she offers us the possibility of being able to perform therapy using Catalan as a vehicular language, a fact that may probably be of interest to us if we are Catalan speakers.

This psychologist is a specialist in the specific treatment of problems such as depression, anxiety, social skills and grief and She even talks very often sharing a series of very useful tips to be able to overcome any of these with much greater ease. ailments.

Karina Lagarrigue She is an expert psychologist in both sexology and the practice of couples therapy. The greatest specialization of this psychologist lies in the treatment of children or adolescents who, unfortunately, have had to forcibly leave their country of origin. origin, a clearly traumatic situation that, if not treated in the correct way, can end up leading to a series of very psychological pathologies. serious.

Some of the disorders that anyone can treat in the consultation of this specialist are depression, phobias and stress, certainly very annoying problems with which this psychologist will have no qualms about help us.

Ester Sanz She has a degree in Psychology from the Abat Oliba University and she also has a Postgraduate Degree in Psychopathology from the University of Barcelona. In the consultation of this psychologist we can receive treatment regardless of the age we have and for this we can use both the Catalan as well as Spanish as a vehicular language depending of course, on which language we express ourselves in a more fluid.

This specialist has the necessary training and experience to be able to successfully treat all types of pathologies but It is worth mentioning that it is in the treatment of anxiety, depression and stress where the psychologist has a plus of effectiveness.

Anna ruiz she graduated in Psychology through the University of Barcelona and later, she decided to specialize in Sexology through this same university. The methodology that she is a psychologist most often uses in her consultation is known as Brief Strategic Therapy, a very specific method of therapy thanks to which we can effectively treat in a very short period of time, any possible disorder that we can currently suffer.

Receiving therapy in the consultation of this psychologist we can obtain a great result in the treatment of some psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, insomnia or stress.

Tania lozano She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Girona and has a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology from the Open University of Catalonia. Although this psychologist has the necessary training to be able to successfully treat people from all ages should know that it is in the treatment of children and adolescents where she has a greater experience.

On the other hand, it would be interesting for us to know that some of the disorders that this psychologist has most dealt with with passing over the years have been obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), ADHD and post-traumatic stress disorder, pathologies that not

Carme miguel She is a licensed clinical psychologist and has spent more than 30 years working as a full-time professional in psychology. This psychologist has the necessary experience to be able to treat children, adults or adolescents in her consultation, a characteristic that is certainly not as common among psychology professionals as many people tend to think.

Throughout her professional career, Carme has treated a wide variety of disorders, although we should know that the ones that have been treated the most in her consultation are phobias, stress and low self-esteem.

Miquel Bosch He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona and has more than 30 years of experience, dedicating himself professionally and continuously to the interesting practice of psychology. In the consultation of this psychologist we can always find a really warm and welcoming place where we can express ourselves with total freedom, characteristics that from the point of view of this specialist are totally essential to be able to perform a therapy fully effective.

We can contact this psychologist if unfortunately we suffer from disorders such as anxiety, depression, alcohol addiction or we think that we are suffering from a possible disorder of a sexual.

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