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The 12 APOSTLES of Jesus

Twelve Apostles of Jesus: short summary

Among all the key figures of the Christianity, One of the most relevant and known is that of the apostle, being a series of followers of the son of God who received his teachings and had great importance in the beginning of the Church and the expansion of the Christianity. To talk about these characters in this lesson from a TEACHER we offer you a summary of the twelve apostles of Jesus.

The apostles were a series of bible characters chosen by the son of God, Jesus of Nazareth to spread his message throughout the world, being taught by him in the christian vision and accompanying him in many of his stories throughout the Bible.

Jesus' idea was for the apostles to move through the different nations to communicate your message And, for this, they had to have a series of characteristics that made them the right ones for the job. They must have known Jesus, been chosen by him and sent to certain places to spread his message, see Jesus Christ risen, be able to sacrifice your own life for the Bible and God and follow jesus throughout their travels.

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All the apostles had an important role in the Christian tradition, either by performing important feats, Write texts showing his vision of the events that occurred or managing to spread the word of God in dangerous places. For all this we must understand that the 12 apostles were key figures to a greater or lesser extent for religion.

Twelve Apostles of Jesus: Short Summary - Who Were the Apostles of Jesus?

Image: Slideshare

To continue with this summary of the twelve apostles of Jesus, we must talk about the names of the best known apostles and who had the title for the longest time, being the ones that christian tradition List to talk about them and those who spent the longest time with Jesus.


Born Simon but named Peter by Jesus because he would put the first stone of his Church. Being a Galilean fisherman, his faith with Jesus made him possibly his greatest follower, being considered the first pope in history and the person Jesus commissioned to create his Church.

Saint James the Greater

Due to the existence of two Santiago within the group, he was known as the Major, he had an important role within the group, since it was in some of the most important moments of the Christian tradition, such as the resurrection of the daughter of Jairus or the appearances of the risen Jesus. Undoubtedly, the greatest relevance of it is on the Camino de Santiago, being a route that goes to the supposed tomb of the apostle.


Peter's older brother and patriarch of Constantinople, he is considered by many to be the first apostle of Jesus. His early relationship with Jesus and being a follower of the faith since his work with John the Baptist make him one of the most important apostles.


The youngest of the apostles, like his brother James the Greater, witnessed some of the most important acts in the life of Jesus. Many sources say that he was the last apostle to die and one of the few to die naturally, spreading the word of Jesus for centuries.


During his lifetime he was able to preach the word of Jesus for Syria, Greece and Phrygia. His relevance as an apostle was much greater after the death of Jesus than during his life, being one of the people who most managed to expand his belief.


He is one of the apostles with fewer appearances within the Christian tradition, there are even doubts about its existence. Possibly the most interesting detail about Bartholomew is that he is said to have preached his word throughout India, possibly being the person who went the furthest.


Another of the apostles with few appearances, being a key figure in the scenes of Lazarus, The Last Supper and being one of those who most doubted that the resurrection of Jesus was true.


Author of Gospel of Matthew and one of the most interesting apostles. Sacrificing his entire life to serve Jesus, it is said that his march to evangelize reached the central area of Africa, although we don't have much information about it.

Saint James the Less

The brother of Judas in some traditions, while in others he is considered the brother of Jesus. In most texts he is named to differentiate him from Santiago el Mayor, so his relevance is less than other apostles.


The apostle about whom we have the least information, knowing only that he had a journey through Middle east to spread the word of God. The little knowledge about his person means that many later texts have tried to give his position as an apostle their meaning.

Judas Thaddeus

Called Thaddeus to differentiate him from the other apostle Judas, he had a very important role in the Last Supper, but the rest of his appearances are much smaller than other apostles. Yet he is one of the best known and most respected apostles in America, due to European colonization.

Judas Iscariot

One of the most important apostles for having sold Jesus for thirty pieces of silver, being the cause of death and subsequent resurrection Of the man he promised to follow The guilt for having killed Jesus caused him to end up hanging himself, thus being the apostle who spread the word of God the least.

Twelve Apostles of Jesus: Short Summary - The Twelve Apostles and Their Names

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