Find out who wrote the Catholic Bible

The Bible It is the book with the highest number of sales in the history of mankind, thus being considered the most influential book in all of history. There are many things about the Bible that we tend not to ask ourselves, although most of us know many of the stories that lie within it. To know one of the most important facts of the Bible, in this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to talk about who wrote the catholic bible.
- What is the Bible?
- Old Testament authors
- Who wrote the New Testament
What is the Bible?
The Bible is a compilation of different texts what are called books and that they were written in different languages of the time, such as the Hebrew or Greek.
The character of the formation of the Bible makes it a book made over many years, speaking of its beginning around 1455 a. C. and of the writing of its last chapters in the year 100 a. C.
Parts of the Catholic Bible
Before talking about its authorship, we must bear in mind that the Bible can be subdivided by different factors, facilitating the explanation of its authors. In this lesson we will discuss the simplest way to divide the Bible, being that partition between the new and the old part of the testament.
Therefore the two parts of the catholic bible are as follows:
- Old Testament: In the Old Testament are included all the stories of the creation of the world and the experiences of the Hebrew people until the birth of Jesus Christ.
- New Testament: It is the part of the religious texts that tells us about the life of Jesus Christ and the subsequent events. In this testament we can find texts from the apostles and some of the first Christian leaders.

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Authors of the Old Testament.
To find out who wrote the Catholic Bible it is important that we separate the two parts. The Christian tradition speaks of the bible as divine word, saying that the first Christian texts were created by God and transmitted by him to a human prophet who compiled them in the first stories of the Bible.
Even so, historical sources have allowed many of the Old Testament authors and to know these we are going to divide this section into the different parts in which we tend to divide the Old Testament.
The Pentateuch are the 5 books with which the Bible begins, these five being the Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. The content of the Pentateuch goes from the creation of the universe to the death of Moses, recounting the adventures of the people of Israel.
As for its authorship, it has always been related to Mosesexcept the parts of Deuteronomy that speak of his death. Even so, current researchers do not fully believe in the version that Moses wrote all the texts, and it is thought that there were many authors who participated in the writing of the Pentateuch.
Historical books
It is the second part in which the Bible is divided, the texts being written by the first prophets. There are three authors of these texts, being Josue the author of the Book of Joshua, the prophet Samuel the author of the Judges and the Book of Samuel, and Jeremiah the one who wrote the books of Kings.
The major prophets
The books of the major prophets are those texts written by what are considered 3 most important prophets of Christianity. The authors of these books are therefore the major prophets, who are Ezekiel, Jeremiah and Isaiah.
The minor prophets
To finish with the explanation of the Old Testament authors we must talk about the so-called 12 minor prophets, being so called because of the short length of the books. The 12 authors of the books of the minor prophets are as follows:
- Hosea
- Joel
- Amos
- Obadiah
- Jonah
- Micah
- Nahum
- Habakkuk
- Zephaniah
- Haggai
- Zechariah
- Malachi

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Who wrote the New Testament.
To continue with this lesson about who wrote the Catholic Bible, we must talk about the different authors of the second part of this book, the so-called New Testament. In this second part we can find the stories about the life of Jesus Christ and the first years of existence of the Christianity.
As we have done in the previous section to talk about the different authors of the New Testament we must comment on its different subdivisions.
There are 4 different gospels, being those of Mateo, Juan, Marcos and Lucas. We do not know for sure who the authors of the Gospels were, but today it is considered that they were Matthew, John, Mark and Luke those who wrote each of the gospels that bear his name, all of them being members of the group chosen by Jesus, the so-called apostles.
Acts of the Apostles
The Acts is the set of texts that tells us about the founding of the Christian Church and the great expansion of religion after the death of Jesus. As for the authorship of it, we cannot be sure at all, but it is generally said that the author was Luke, a physician who was for years the apostle Paul's companion.
The Epistles are a series of letters written by followers of Jesus, which served to transmit the words of Jesus and increase the influence of Christianity. The large number of existing epistles means that there are many authors of these letters, the main authors being the following:
- Santiago
- Peter
- Juan
- Judas
- Paul
The last part of the Bible is considered as written by JuanAlthough we do not know if this John was the apostle or he was another person related to Jesus who shared a name.

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