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The 16 most satisfying and ideal foods to lose weight

Human beings need to eat, but not everything we eat nourishes us in the same way.

There are foods that contain a multitude of vitamins and minerals and that are good for our health, and there are others, such as processed food, that seriously harm our health and promote obesity.

  • Recommended article: "Types of obesity: characteristics and risks”.

Satiating foods and their characteristics

Not all foods are good for keeping our appetite at bay and allowing us to go without eating for several hours, as some make us feel full very quickly, but soon make us hungry little while. Unlike the latter, satiating foods are great for weight loss or to control our appetite.

These foods are usually of natural origin, high in fiber. The fiber that helps slow digestion and control weight is soluble fiber, which is found in cucumbers, blueberries, beans, oats, and walnuts, among other food products. Likewise, satiating foods usually contain proteins or complex carbohydrates, that is, they have a low glycemic index, and can be rich in water.

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Satiating foods: what are they? Useful examples

There are some foods that meet these characteristics. But, What are satiating foods?

In the following list you can find 16 foods with properties to control appetite.

1. Soup

Soup is one of the foods with the lowest caloric power and that helps control appetite. Its high water content allows us to feel full for longer and, therefore, will help us lose weight if that is our intention. In addition, if we add chicken or vegetables, we will benefit from the extra contribution of protein and fiber, making it a more satisfying food. Of course, the pasta or noodles added must be integral if we want a highly satiating food.

2. Quinoa

Quinoa is a cereal of ancestral origin, with great nutritional properties. It is rich in protein and fiber and has a great flavor. Both nutrients make quinoa a very satisfying food. In my opinion, one of the most delicious on this list.

3. Eggs

Eggs are rich in protein and some studies indicate that it is one of the most satisfying foods. Research showed that people who ate an egg instead of a donut for breakfast felt more satisfied up to 36 hours later. In addition, this is one of the most nutritious foods, with a large amount of vitamins and antioxidants.

4. Popcorn

An investigation showed that popcorn is more satisfying than other "snacks" such as chocolate or French fries. Possibly, the cause is that it has a low energy density and is rich in fiber. Now, if you are going to consume this product, do not buy it from a machine or add butter, sugar or salt. Well, they are not healthy options.

5. Ground flaxseed

Flaxseeds are a food with high fiber content and, therefore, a satiating food. When ingested it increases in size with liquids, and takes up more space when it reaches the stomach. Ideal for losing weight.

6. Lentils

A great source of protein that also contains numerous minerals, fiber and vitamins. A food with low caloric power but highly satiating. A good alternative to lose weight.

7. Almonds

Nuts are a great source of fiber, vitamins, and protein, and an alternative for snacking. The almond is especially satiating because it is a food that provides a lot of energy despite its small size. This is mainly due to its healthy fat content.

8. The Apple

The apple is another of those foods with low energy density, but that keeps you satiated for longer. It contains fiber that helps slow digestion and allows you to feel full for longer. Unlike bananas, which provide instant energy, apples have a low glycemic index, and therefore provide energy slowly.

9. Beans

Beans also contain a large amount of fiber and protein to help you control your appetite.. One study showed that their research subjects were more satisfied for longer when eating beans than cereals like wheat.

10. Peanut butter

Peanut butter is another delicious food that, in addition to being nutritious, is satiating. As with almonds, it is a food rich in fiber, protein and unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats, better known as healthy fats, which help you stay full longer. In addition, peanut butter contains other healthy nutrients, for example, vitamin E.

11. Fish

Fish is a food rich in protein that, in most cases, also contains polyunsaturated fats, such as omega 3 fatty acids. A food low in calories but with great satiating power.

12. Oatmeal

Oats are another nutritious cereal, one of the richest in protein content. It is a food widely used by athletes and people who want to lose weight, because it provides energy for longer, by causing digestion to take place more slowly than normal. Therefore, hunger takes longer to arrive.

13. Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is a product rich in protein with high biological value, which can be consumed as a dessert, breakfast and even a snack. Its satiating power is one of the highest, as shown by numerous studies. If we also add a tablespoon of whole oats, we turn this mixture into a very nutritious and even more satisfying food.

14. Meat

Meat is a food rich in protein and, therefore, is very satiating. The ideal is to consume lean meats, with low fat content. Whether it's chicken, pork, or beef, meat helps you feel fuller for longer.

15, Brown rice

Brown rice is the version of rice that preserves all its nutrients. Among them fiber, which helps you feel full for a long time. It is a food rich in complex carbohydrates, so the body releases the energy it provides slowly.

18. Dark chocolate

Although chocolate has a bad reputation, the same is not the case with dark chocolate, that is, with a high cocoa content. It is still a high-fat food, but eating it in small amounts can bring us many benefits. One of them is that it is satiating, as indicated by a study published in the journal Nutrition & Diabetes, since consuming it after a meal reduces the subsequent consumption of calories in 17%.

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