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15 romantic movies with which to reflect on love

As an art form, cinema has long had the claim to capture, from a set of frames, the different ways in which human feelings can be captured. Very different feelings interpreted by actors who tried to express them with the greatest possible intensity.

And of course, love has always had a very relevant role in this group of affections that characterizes us. That is why the seventh art is prolific in romantic films, although not all of them are especially recommended.

Love in the seventh art: recommended romantic movies

However, This does not mean that there are many cinematographic works with which to reflect on thelove. Here I propose a selection of romantic films that explore the theme of love in its different facets.

1. Moonrise kingdom

In Moonrise Kingdom, two young men meet, fall in love, and decide to leave everything behind. The problem is that they are still far from coming of age. Funny and scathing comedy about teenage love and the inability of adults to tame youthful momentum. In addition, being a work by Wes Anderson, it could perfectly be on the podium of the best directed romantic films.

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You can see the trailer in this video:

2. The bridges of Madison

The romantic story between Meryl Streep and Clint Eastwood in The bridges of Madison has transformed this film into one of the classics of love movies. Is about a melodrama starring mature characters who, upon meeting, see their way of conceiving life falter. In that sense it is very different from the usual romantic films in which the passionate and spontaneous love of young people whose ideas about the world are especially mobile is narrated.

3. Under the same star

In this film the love story is told between Hazel, a lung cancer patient, and Augustus, a former basketball player whose leg had to be amputated. Both are involved in a love relationship that they know cannot last, as Hazel's health will get worse and worse.

4. The Giant Mechanical Man

A demonstration that great love movies can also be made on a moderate budget. The story of a human statue and a woman who passes through the same place many times gives rise to the construction of a of those narratives that capture the credibility of the characters and the subtlety with which their emotions.

5. Love Actually

The funniest face of love is portrayed in this acclaimed British film released in 2003. In this cross-story telling, different characters experience the romantic from its most bizarre and fun aspect. Highly recommended.

You can see his trailer in this video:

6. High Fidelity

The conversion to the cinema of the homonymous novel by Nick Hornby is one of the most recommended romantic films. It tells the story of a thirty-year-old in low hours who, in addition to having to face an economic situation that can lead to disaster, he proposes to get back with his ex-girlfriend, with whom he is still in love.

7. Annie hall

Woody Allen in all the splendor of him reflecting on love (or, rather, heartbreak) from that point of view so scathing and ironic that characterizes him. Especially funny are his digressions towards other themes, a feature very typical of the excellent scripts with which this director is used to working.

8. Lars and a real girl

The counterpoint of a love story is that one of the two members of the couple... Does not exist. There are few romantic movies in which the girl is actually a doll bought on the Internet. Lars and a real girl confront us with the uncomfortable question of whether attachment or love can exist when the person we fall in love with only lives in our imagination., and what is the nature of love when it does not have a real person in which to deposit.

9. When Harry found Sally

One of those romantic films in which the chemistry that is established between its protagonists catches from the first moment. What's more, is a story that demolishes clichés in its way of dealing with human relationships and makes us reflect on the boundaries between falling in love andfriendship. One of the great classics of the 80s, and for good reason.

10. (500) days together

Movie about love, covering much of the lights and shadows of this concept. Here are all the phases of falling in love, from when you meet a person until you have to manage the emotions derived from the separation.

You can watch the trailer here:

One of the classics of Mexican cinema, this work is also one of the best known romantic films in the Spanish-speaking world. It recounts a love triangle lived by young people who have not long since left adolescence behind, from a crude and realistic perspective.

12. Weekend (2011)

One of the movies about homosexual relationships more interesting. Weekend is committed to realism and explores love, raising the identity doubts that it raises, the way in which it can reach evolve by getting involved in a spiral of experiences that we can never fully control and, when dealing with the case of a gay couple, also the problems that censorship and social pressure pose.

13. Before Dawn (1995)

Two young people from different continents meet and, knowing that in a few hours they will have to separate to return home, they decide to walk and talk through the streets of Vienna. The film basically consists of this walk and the dialogues that occur throughout it, about the way both young people understand love and imagine what a future would have been like together. Its two sequels are also highly recommended.

14. Blue Valentine (2010)

Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams star in one of the romantic films in which drama carries the greatest weight. Relates the couple's desperate attempts to revive their relationship and stop your family from being dysfunctional due, in large part, to social pressure and work.

This is the trailer in Spanish:

15. Chico & Rita (2010)

A story that mixes the romance in the streets of Havana, the music and the graphic style of the well-known designer Javier Mariscal. Created from a technique called rotoscopy in which the frames that capture the performance of real actors are drawn on top of the frames, this romantic film about an impossible love is a true spectacle for the senses where the way things are communicated is more important than the plot.

Bonus track: Ghost, beyond love (1990)

If this movie does not appear in your selection 15 best romantic movies As such, it is because despite having been very successful, I consider that it does not lend itself too much to reflection. However, I have decided to include this mention to remind those who have not seen it that it is always good to know this type of classics of popular culture so that, maybe it can be included in your particular selection of love movies.

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