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7 strategies to quit tobacco

Tobacco is a plant from which its leaves are extracted to form cigarettes. Each cigarette contains many chemical substances harmful to our health, capable of producing physical and psychological dependence. So, It is useful to know which are the effective strategies for quitting tobacco..

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How does this addiction work?

Physical dependence is under the responsibility of nicotine, which generates a sensation of pleasure, satisfaction and relaxation. This is because it produces the release of a chemical called dopamine, which generates the pleasant sensation. A pleasant sensation that the body asks to repeat over and over again.

Psychological dependence occurs when smoking it begins to be a tool, a resource to face different daily situations. For example, when you are anxious, nervous, alone, or even accompanied; in the latter case, the cigarette is functioning as a socializing instrument.

Many smokers, even if they have information about the possible consequences of consumption, continue to smoke tobacco, so it would be interesting to change strategy.

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Smoking is known to be one of the leading causes of preventable death in the world. It is also known that it can cause cardiovascular diseases, lung diseases and cancers in different parts of the body. Among the relevant data reported by the Ministry of Health of the Nation of the Argentine Republic, we can note that 20 minutes after quitting smoking, blood pressure and heart rate drop to values normal; after 48 hours the senses of taste and smell recover; after a month the difficulties to carry out physical activity are reduced; a year the risk of suffering heart attacks is reduced by half and at 4 years it is equal to the risk of non-smokers.

However, even so it continues to smoke. We must, beyond reporting the negative consequences of smoking, promote the benefits of quitting to prevent or reduce smoking. So what are you waiting for to quit smoking?

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How to quit tobacco?

Here are some strategies to start the valuable journey of quitting tobacco dependence.

1. Recognize the difficulties that smoking tobacco causes you

You can write them down on paper to organize them in your mind and become truly aware of the limitations that smoking generates.

2. Record when you feel like smoking

Know the moments of greatest vulnerability it is essential to start to quit smoking. At what time do you feel like it? When do you feel, in what way? When you go to what place? When you talk to whom?

3. Keep away the elements that remind you of the habit of smoking

Eliminate cigarettes, ashtrays, lighters from your house, car, workplace. That are not in sight. The easier the access, the more tempting it will be.

4. Tell your closest ones that you are trying to quit smoking

In this way you will get them to understand if you are somewhat nervous, irritable, with anxiety. You will also find someone to talk to when the urge to smoke seems out of control.

5. Implement new ways of dealing with unpleasant situations and sensations

These new ways should be healthy ways to deal with stress, anxiety, nervousness, irritability, etc. They should constitute activities that you enjoy and generate well-being: walking, running or any other sport, reading something entertaining, calling a friend, writing.

6. Don't pretend to leave it overnight

Consider a gradual walk away from tobacco. Try to gradually reduce the amount of cigarettes you smoke per day. The reduction goals can go from week to week or every day.

7. Seek professional care

It is recommended that you complement these strategies to start the path that moves you away from tobacco from the hand of professionals who help you to quit the habit. Doctors and psychologists can make your decision more enjoyable, with greater restraint and specialized support.


Quitting doesn't have to be an excruciating sacrifice. If you think of all the good you can do by quitting smoking, it can become an enjoyable path in search of new ways of living.

The earlier the habit of smoking is abandoned, the greater the chances of avoiding diseases and recovering what has been deteriorated with consumption. However, it is never too late.

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