Education, study and knowledge

The 7 best Psychologists in Sant Joan d'Alacant

Marina Marta Garcia Fuentes She has a degree in psychology from the National Distance Education University, in EMDR therapy and in mindfulness, and has an experience of more than 17 years in the field of mental health, having notably improved the quality of life of their patients.

Among the pathologies that he has treated the most, the problems of anxiety, depression and stress stand out, the different types of phobias such as the fear of flying and the fear of open spaces, and low self-esteem problems, getting very good results.

Luis Bustillo He has a degree in psychology from the University of Valencia, has a master's degree in general health psychology from the UCAV, and has also completed a master's degree in psychotherapy and character analysis.

He has treated patients affected by problems related to anxiety, depression and stress, with sexual and relationship problems such as addiction to alcohol. sex, people in the process of separation and divorce, and patients who are suffering from eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexy.

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Mírian Martínez Parada She has a degree in psychology from the Miguel Hernández University of Elche, has a master's degree in therapy focused on children and adolescents, and is also a specialist in family mediation from the Rey University Juan Carlos I.

He has treated patients affected by Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders, also known as ADHD, with school difficulties, and with addiction to the internet and new technologies, getting very good results.

Claudia court she has a degree in clinical and community psychology from the University of Palermo, she has a master's degree in health psychology from the Miguel Hernández University, and has also done another master's degree in practice clinic.

She stands out for having treated patients with addictive disorders to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances, with sexual and relationship problems, and with sleep disorders such as insomnia, achieving very positive.

Nerea Rodriguez she has a degree in psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid, has a master's degree in sexology, counseling and sex therapy, and he has also expanded his studies with a master's degree in group, family and psychodrama as a couple.

Throughout her more than 15 years of experience in the field of public health, she has cared for all types of patients, among which stand out those affected by OCD, also known as obsessive compulsive disorder, psychological trauma, and personality disorders, among others.

Alicia Lopez Losantos She has a degree in psychology from the National University of Distance Education, she has a master's degree in psychology of coaching by the UNED, and has an experience of more than 20 years in the field of health mental.

Throughout all these years she has had the opportunity to treat people with sexual problems and couple, and with eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia, among others pathologies.

Miriam Solé Vives She has a degree in psychology and has completed her academic training at the University of Lleida (UdL) and at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, being a specialist in the treatment of anxiety, depression and stress.

He has also had the opportunity to care for patients with low self-esteem problems, disorders eating behavior such as bulimia and anorexia, and sleep problems such as insomnia.

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