Education, study and knowledge

The 10 best Psychology Clinics in Chamartín (Madrid)

The General Health Psychologist Nuria Cordero She has a degree in Clinical and Health Psychology from the UNED, she has a Course of Judicial Expert Expert in Gender Violence and Intrafamily, she has a Postgraduate University Expert in Organizational Behavior and Management Skills, and she is a specialist in Forensic psychology.

In her clinic in Chamartín, this professional attends adolescents, adults and couples through face-to-face sessions and also remotely for those who request it.

Some of its main intervention specialties are adjustment disorders, deficits in the management of anger, depression, emotional and behavioral problems, infidelity, divorce, and cases of violence intrafamily.

The Portal of On-site and Online Psychology Let's hear Psychology It has professionals specialized in the areas of Clinical Psychology, Sexology, Psychiatry and Coaching.

The services of the center are offered to people of all ages and the main consultations that are successfully deal with emotional problems, low self-esteem, depression, addictions and stress.

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The Clinical Health Psychologist Vicente Bernárdez Fernández He attends to adolescents, adults, families and also couples, both in person and online.

Graduated in Psychology from the University of Salamanca, this professional has a Master's Degree in Clinical, Legal and Forensic Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, another Master in Family and Couple Mediation, a third Master in Psychotherapy and another Master in Treatment of the Duel.

His intervention is based on the integration of different scientifically valid therapies such as Cognitive-behavioral Therapy or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, with which deals with family conflicts, anxiety and depression, sexual identity disorders, low self-esteem, physical or psychological abuse and stress.

For more than 20 years, the Clinical Psychologist Fernando Azor runs the center Azor & Asociados, whose professionals are specialized in offering a service of Clinical and Expert Psychology in face-to-face or remote sessions.

The center's professionals serve people of all ages and some of its main specialties are self-esteem problems, depression and anxiety, cases of sexual abuse, stress and dysfunctions sexual.

The TAP Center for Psychology, Pediatrics and Sexology She has a multidisciplinary team of therapists specialized in providing comprehensive and coordinated care for children, adolescents, adults, and couples and families.

The center's intervention is characterized by its integrative nature, harmonizing Cognitive-behavioral Therapy with Mindfulness, Brief Therapy or EMDR Therapy to best attend to any disorder or problem that the client has, in face-to-face sessions or by video call.

In addition to that, the main areas that are addressed in the TAP center are addictions, conflicts family, school difficulties, low self-esteem, sexual dysfunctions and cases of stress.

The center Advance Psychologists is another of the most prominent of Chamartín and its more than 20 years of experience serving people of All ages, as well as families and couples, endorse the professional services of its team of therapists.

The orientation of the center's professionals is cognitive-behavioral, integrated together with other therapies such as Mindfulness, EMDR Therapy or Humanistic Therapy, all of them adapted to the needs of each person attended.

The sessions of the Avance Psicólogos center are also offered online for those people who cannot move from their homes and some of the areas that are deal with success are relational problems, family or couple conflicts, sexual difficulties, personality disorders, low self-esteem and depression.

The team of therapists at the Cepsim Psychological Center is specialized in treating anxiety disorders, addictions, phobias of all kinds, trauma, problems in sexual behavior, impulsivity and cases of sexual abuse.

The main therapies applied at the Cepsim center are EMDR Therapy, Humanistic Therapy, and Family Therapy and Couple, all of them integrated with the aim of serving people of all ages, both in person and telematically.

Santiago Cid Psychology Center It is one of the most recognized in the city of Madrid and its professionals are specialized in serving people of all ages and also couples.

The center's interventions are carried out through the application of therapies with proven scientific evidence, such as Therapy Cognitive-behavioral, consisting of modifying the thoughts and beliefs of the person, in order to achieve a change in their emotions and their her behaviors.

The sessions of the Santiago Cid Psychology Center are also offered online and some of the main areas that are addressed in them are the anxiety disorders and depression, emotional and relational problems, low self-esteem, deficits in coping skills and stress.

The General Health Psychologist Barbara Zapico serves children, adolescents, adults individually and also couples and families.

His intervention is also offered through online therapy, being some of his most notable specialties, the cases of depression and anxiety, eating disorders, family conflict, sexual identity disorders, stress and infidelity.

This professional has a Master's degree in Family and Couples Therapy from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas and has also a Master in Child Clinical Psychology, another Master in Eating Disorders and a Training Course in Therapy EMDR.

The Health Psychologist Gloria Arancibia She is an expert in the field of Sexology and Legal Psychology, and in her consultation she attends all kinds of problems in women of all ages and in face-to-face or remote sessions.

Graduated in Psychology from the University of Chile, this professional is a Specialist in Psychotherapy European, she has a Postgraduate Degree in Legal Psychology and is also an Expert in Social Intervention with Women.

Some of her intervention specialties are sexual difficulties, self-esteem problems, gender violence, stress and anxiety.

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