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The 12 best Psychologists in Sitges

The psychologist Monica Dosil she has an experience of more than 25 years, in which she has specialized in serving people of all ages through professional therapy based on different orientations applied in a manner integrated.

Some of the main specialties that we will find in her consultation are cases of anxiety, depression, stress, insomnia problems and also sexual behavior disorders.

The psychologist Mariana Calefato Sanz She has a professional experience of more than 30 years and is a specialist in Psychoanalytic Therapy, in the approach Cognitive-behavioral and in Family and Couples Therapy, with which she attends to people of all ages in their consultation.

Graduated in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires, this professional has a Master's Degree in Hospital Management and Health Services and she has also completed Postgraduate Studies in Psychoanalysis, School Health and Teaching in the practice of Children and Teenagers.

The main objective of it is for the client to achieve the objectives set, as well as a state of well-being, balance and happiness. In addition to that, some of her intervention specialties are trauma, low self-esteem, depression and anxiety, emotional dependence, family conflicts and addictions.

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Their sessions are offered both online and in person and at an average price of 60 euros.

The psychologist Marta Gomez She has a Master's Degree in Psychotherapy and has a Health Certification from the Generalitat de Catalunya, in addition to the Europsy Accreditation from the European Federation of Psychotherapy.

Throughout her career, she has specialized in serving adolescents, adults, couples and families in her practice through the integrated application of different therapies of proven efficacy, such as Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness or EMDR Therapy, always adapted to the needs of each person.

In addition to that, among its intervention specialties, trauma, cases of anxiety and depression, sexual behavior disorders, family conflicts and also in the partner.

The Center for Psychology, Psychiatry and Coaching Mensalus It serves people of all ages, as well as couples and families for more than 30 years and currently offers a service both online and in person.

The multidisciplinary team of the center's professionals are specialized in treating cases of anxiety or depression, addictions, dysfunctions sexual disorders, old age disorders or work problems and all the therapies applied in each case are perfectly adapted to the needs of the patient. client.

The main therapies applied in an integrated manner at the Mensalus Center are Therapy Cognitive-behavioral, EMDR Therapy, Coaching, Brief Therapy or techniques from the Neuropsychology.

The Center for Psychology and Addictions Orbium Barcelona has been serving adults of all ages, couples and also families for more than 25 years may present some type of addiction, as well as cases of depression, anxiety or any other disorder.

The intervention of the center is based on a humanistic approach oriented to the patient, in which therapies of Proven scientific evidence such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, EMDR Therapy and Third Party Therapies Generation.

Thus, each of the therapy sessions at the Orbium Barcelona center is perfectly adapted to the needs of each patient, some of which are main areas that its professionals address, gambling, alcoholism, codependency, sex addiction, internet addiction or cases of drug addiction.

The psychologist Laura Lupón Llorente has extensive experience in offering useful tools and strategies to both adults and couples who need it to solve their problems. His therapy is offered from a Cognitive-behavioral orientation, one of the most recommended for its scientific evidence and for the positive results it offers in any type of problem.

In addition to that, the main intervention specialties offered in your consultation are cases of anxiety, problems derived from stress, relationship problems in the couple and disorders of conduct.

The psychologist Marcela S. Pereyra Rojas has an experience of more than 30 years in the practice of professional therapy oriented to people of all ages, also couples and families through therapies such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Thus, her consultation is offered both online and in person with all kinds of comforts and in it she will address all kinds of queries, including which we highlight self-esteem problems, depression, sleep disorders and couple crises, among other demands possible.

At the psychologist's office Thais Guillen we will be able to find a professional of therapeutic intervention specialized in EMDR Therapy, thus as in the coaching service in adults and couples that may require support or professional guidance.

Anyone who comes to her consultation will find a specialized psychologist who will offer the best solutions and provide tools to overcome anxiety, self-esteem problems, stress and stress disorder post-traumatic.

The psychologist Monica Vazquez Selma cares for adults individually, as a couple and also families, as well as in the perinatal area in women during the process of motherhood.

Do not hesitate to consult with the services of this professional if you are interested in this type of therapy, in the that you can address cases such as low self-esteem, postpartum depression or disorders of conduct.

The psychologist Clelia Galvez Sosa She has more than 30 years of experience to her credit and is also a specialist in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, in addition to others such as EMDR therapy, which she applies for a wide variety of consultations in adults and couples.

Thus, anyone who comes to the services of this professional will receive a therapy also offered telematically and specialized in cases of anxiety, eating disorders, addictions, sexual behavior disorders and lack of skills social.

The General Health Psychologist Mulet Sánchez Ribbon He applies an integrative intervention of cognitive and systemic orientations, among others, with which he approaches Each one of the cases that are presented in his consultation, whether of adults or in teenagers.

So, if you are interested in attending the consultation of this professional, you can request their services to address cases such as agoraphobia, panic attacks and recurring conflicts in the family.

The psychologist Massimo bertacco offers a psychotherapy service from a cognitive orientation and of as short a duration as possible. The therapy of this professional is offered in Spanish, Catalan, Italian and English.

In addition to that, some of its main intervention specialties are cases of depression, trauma, adjustment disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

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