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LIST with the names of the Greek demigods

Greek demigod names and characteristics

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The Greek mythology It is very extensive, which is the reason why there are a large number of characters of all kinds, both mortal and divine. Outside of these groups we find a series of protagonists in the middle of the road. between mortality and divinity, the so-called demigods that appear in so many Greek myths. To get to know them better in this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to talk about Greek demigod names and characteristics.

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  1. What are the Greek demigods?
  2. Greek demigods descendants of Zeus
  3. Demigods of other Greek deities

What are the Greek demigods?

The demigods are all those people who are descendants of a mortal person and a god, therefore not belonging to either of the two worlds. The role of the demigods can vary greatly, with some who become total gods, others who participate in numerous myths and finally those who live a normal life away from the mythology. Demigods exist in many mythologies like the Chinese or the Nordic, but in this lesson those who really interest us are the Greeks.

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The Gods of Greek mythology had sexual encounters with mortals quite frequently, and that is why they exist so many myths about demigods, although the truth is that some gods were more assiduous to this than others. The situation of the demigods he was between two worlds, having qualities unfit for mortals, but being able to die.

After their death, the demigods received different destinies, some serving as intermediaries between the living and the dead, others became gods and others served their parents in the afterlife divine.

Greek demigod names and characteristics - What are Greek demigods?

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Greek demigods descended from Zeus.

The primordial god of Greek mythology it was Zeus, him being the king of the gods and Olympus. One of the main characteristics of Zeus was the large number of times that he cheated on his wife with other women, many of them being mortal. The abductions of him are well known, in which he kidnapped a mortal woman to have intercourse, using tricks of all kinds. That is why the most numerous demigods in the entire Pantheon are undoubtedly those of Zeus. Main demigods descendants of Zeus are as follows.


Possibly the demigod who went the furthest, since he managed to be one of the twelve Olympians, a group made up of the most important gods in all of Greek mythology. Dionysus was the son of Zeus and Semele, being the god of wine and fertility and one of the gods most loved by the Greeks.


Without a doubt the demigod most represented by popular culture, being considered by many to be the most famous of all. Heracles was a Greek hero born to Zeus and Alcmena, who performed 12 great jobs throughout his life they allowed him to become a god and go to Olympus after his death.


Another of the great Greek heroes, responsible for the founding of Mycenae. Perseus was the son of Zeus and the mortal Danae, and his exploits are part of some of the most interesting myths in all of mythology. Among his actions are the expedition to kill the monster jellyfish, the rescue of Andromeda, or the coronation of him as king of Mycenae.


It is not known with certainty who was the father of this demigod, but some sources place him as the son of Zeus, his mother being Hibris or Callismo. Pan was the demigod of the shepherds, flocks, wild nature and male sexuality, being highly respected in cities like Arcadia.

Zeto and Anfion

These twins were sons of Zeus and Antiope, being abandoned by their uncle on Mount Citerón. When they reached adulthood they returned to the city and killed their uncle, and later they went to Thebes where they built the city walls.

Greek demigod names and characteristics - Greek demigods descended from Zeus

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Demigods of other Greek deities.

To conclude this lesson on Greek demigod names and characteristics, we must talk about demigods who are descendants of other gods than Zeus. Some of the main Greek demigods are as follows.


There are quite a few discrepancies about the origin of Orpheus, but most of the sources speak of him as a descendant of Apollo and the nymph Calliope. It is said that he was the best musician of ancient Greece, being able to calm any being through his lyre. Thanks to his lyre he was able to fall in love with Eurydiceand put the dog Cerberus to sleep, who cared for hell. The most important myth of Orpheus is her attempt to save Eurydice, going down to the Underworld itself to resurrect her.


There are many demigods who are called Cycnos, but in this case we mean the son of Apollo and Tiria. Cicno was a great hunter loved by all, who asked one of his loved ones to perform three jobs for him, but the refusal of his lover to do one of the jobs caused Cicno to commit suicide. It is said that both Cicno and Tiria were eventually turned into swan by Apollo.


One of the greatest heroes in all of Greek mythology, being the cause of a great number of feats. Bellerophon was the son of Poseidon and Eurynome, and among his main actions are those of kill the dangerous chimera and to tame the great horse Pegasus.


The queen of the amazons She was the daughter of Ares and Otrera, receiving from her father one of her most famous elements, a magic belt. Hippolyta's relationship with other Greek heroes was complicated, confronting Heracles when she tried steal the belt for being one of his jobs, or attack Theseus for kidnapping one of his sisters Hippolyta.


Another of the great Greek heroes, being in this case the son of Poseidon and Etra. Theseus was a founding hero and mythical king of the Greek city of Athens, performing extraordinary feats such as mbind the dangerous minotaur or Chromion's sow.

Greek demigod names and characteristics - Demigods of other Greek deities

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