Education, study and knowledge

The best 10 Psychologists who are experts in hypnosis in León (Spain)

Ignacio Saludes He has a degree in Psychology with a clinical specialty and a Master's degree, focused on the study of the specific field of General Health Psychology. This Psychologist is an expert in the use of hypnosis and EMDR therapy, which is why these two methodologies are used very frequently in his consultation.

With his help, we will be able to face more successfully some of our possible difficulties, such as depression. chronic illness, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), insomnia, job stress, or an unexpected partner.

Jose Martin del Pliego He has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid and has a Master's degree issued by the Official School of Hypnosis, specialized in depth in the implementation of Clinical Hypnosis Direct

In the consultation of this psychologist, all kinds of difficulties can be treated efficiently, such as example poor emotion management of anger, depression, eating disorders or stress labor.

Andres Quinteros She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Córdoba in Argentina and has a Master's degree from the Complutense University of Madrid, specialized in the study of Clinical, Legal and Forensic Psychology. She offers online video call sessions to adults and teens.

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Using hypnosis, together with this specialist we can treat difficulties with great efficiency such as anxiety disorders, depression, codependency, or poor emotion management of the go to.

Montse Costa She completed her basic studies in Psychology through the Open University of Catalonia and has a Master's degree specialized in the practice of Child and Adolescent Psychology. She offers online sessions by video call.

Although this specialist does not have her physical office located in the city of León, if she usually performs therapy through video calls very often, a undoubtedly a comfortable way to proceed thanks to which anyone can receive therapy on their part from anywhere in the Spanish geography.

Carmen Torrado placeholder image She has a degree in Psychology from the Open University of Catalonia and has an experience of more than 10 years, in which she is a specialist she has been able to work continuously within the field of health mental.

In her consultation, both adults and adolescents are usually treated daily, and online therapy is offered by video call.

Veronica Valderrama Hernandez She has a degree in Psychology from the National Distance Education University and also has a Master's degree also issued by this university specialized in the field of Clinical Hypnosis.

Whether we decide to visit her office or do therapy with her electronically, we must know that together with this specialist we will have the opportunity to address some difficulties such as anxiety, stress, insomnia or low self-esteem.

Matilde Soto Gil she graduated in Psychology from the National University of Distance Education during 2010 and since then then, this specialist has been able to accumulate a great experience in the concrete application of psychology infant-juvenile.

This psychologist offers all her patients the possibility of receiving treatment through hypnosis in her consultation, a methodology that, being well applied, it can be very beneficial for us if we find ourselves suffering from a difficulty such as depression, an addiction or a disorder of the anxiety.

Maria Belen Garcia Fernandez she graduated in Psychology through the University of Salamanca and later, she specialized via Master both in the practice of hypnosis and in the application of Cognitive Therapy Behavioral.

She is an expert treating some psychological difficulties such as insomnia, disorders of the eating behavior, work stress, anxiety disorders or dysfunctions of any kind sexual.

Inés González Carballo She has a degree in Psychology from the National Distance Education University and has a specialized Postgraduate Degree in Psychiatry, issued by the University of San Jorge during 2013.

Over time, this psychologist has been able to accumulate a remarkable experience treating all kinds of difficulties such as anxiety, panic attacks, depression, relationship breakdowns, or character disorders nutritional.

Sandra Galicia Garcia She has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the Camilo José Cela University and has a degree issued by the Official College of Psychologists of Madrid, which formally accredits her as an expert in the practice of Hypnosis Clinic.

Through Hypnosis it is possible to treat with great efficiency some difficulties such as stress, anxiety or addictions.

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