The 4 most important Greek SEMIDIOS

One of the characteristic elements of the Greek mythology and that do not usually appear in other beliefs are the demigods, being characters born of a divine and an earthly progenitor, being therefore a kind of bridge between the two worlds and being neither as powerful as a god nor as earthly as a human being current.
In the case of the demigoddesses, they had roles of great relevance in Greek beliefs, causing wars and doing great heroics and therefore in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we must talk about the most important Greek demigods.
Before listing the Greek demigods we must define even briefly who they were the demigods in Greek mythology, in order to better understand what part they occupied within the broad classical pantheon of this culture.
The demigods are all those beings that are children of a god and a mortal person, not being therefore neither one thing nor the other but only an intermediate point. Although there are beliefs in which demigods also appear as in Chinese myths, the reality is that the mythology where they appear most is in the Greek.
The life of the demigods has no relationship whatsoever between them, there are cases in which they got transform into full gods and other stories in which they had a Fatal destination being in part a consequence of its divine origin.
It was something quite common in Greek mythology that gods had encounters of a sexual nature with mortals, using many of the tricks that their divine power gave them to transform and deceive human beings normal, from these relationships the demigods are born on occasion, being in very few cases something sought by the gods.

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To continue with this lesson on the most important Greek demigods, we must talk about all those descendants of gods and mortals of the female gender and explain their role in mythology Greek. We must understand that the majority of Greek demigods were a kind of heroes, and that in the case of the female gender this phenomenon was much less abundant, so there are far fewer demigods than demigods.
She is a Greek demigod of harmony and concord, being therefore a key deity for many everyday situations of the ancient Greeks. Although according to some sources she was the daughter of Ares and Aphrodite, which would be a clear example of her elements as an intermediate point of the war. of her father and her mother's love, many other sources speak that she was a descendant of Zeus and Electra, which would make her a demigoddess. It is thought that the origin of Harmonia took place in the city of Samothrace, and that her mother Electra she was one of the Pleiades, these being women descendants of Atlas and who were considered mortals.
As for the most relevant myths of her we must talk about the necklace of Harmony, being a necklace that It was given at her wedding by Zeus and it is said that everyone who took it suffered great misfortunes. This relic was capable of creating the opposite of the harmony represented by the demigoddess.
Helen of Sparta
Helen of Sparta or Helena of Troy is possibly the best known and most relevant Greek demigod Of all those that appear in this lesson, she being one of the great protagonists of the Trojan War and one of the main causes of the beginning of this conflict.
People say that Zeus from her he transformed into a swan to deceive Leda, daughter of kings and wife of the king of Sparta, to lie with her and from that union Helen was born. Many years after her birth, Prince Paris received from Aphrodite the promise of obtaining the most beautiful woman in the world, and therefore the goddess of love tricked Helena into escaping with the prince Trojan. The abduction of Helena was the cause of the trojan war, which would cause the city of Troy to be destroyed by a Greek army and Helen to return with her former husband.
Hippolyta was the queen ofl group of warrior women known as the Amazon, being the daughter of the Greek god of war Ares and the Amazon queen Otrera. There are several examples of demigod Amazons, it being very clear that Ares was attracted to great warriors, and the Amazons being the greatest warriors in the Greek world.
Of all the Amazons we know, it was possibly the most relevant, appearing in myths such as the work of Heracles that consisted of the demigod having to steal the belt of the Amazon, being therefore a confrontation between demigods, or the great invasion of Athens led by Hippolyta.
We finish this review of the most important Greek demigoddesses talking about Penthesilea, the sister of Hippolyta and therefore daughter of Ares and the Amazon queen Otrera, being another example of the relationship between Ares and the Amazons.
The importance of this demigod lies especially in her participation in the Trojan Warher, since she went along with a group of Amazons to help Troy after Hector's death in an action that is said to have been out of love. Although the demigod was able to perform a great number of deeds worthy of a demigod, she was ultimately assassinated by Achilles, her death being the key to her Trojan defeat.