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The 8 best Psychologists who are experts in anxiety in Badalona

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Sara laso lozano is a health psychologist and Director of Badalona Psicòlegs, one of the reference psychotherapy centers in this city, located in Plaça Badalona.

In addition to being a Graduate in Psychology from the UOC, she has a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology (Universitat de Girona) and a Master's Degree in Child-Adolescent Clinical Psychology (ISEP), among other specialization degrees such as psychotherapist.

This professional works with tools such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or Mindfulness by offering psychotherapy for patients of all ages.

She can treat all kinds of anxiety-related problems: social phobia, agoraphobia, GAD, panic disorder, selective mutism, and separation stress, etc.

The psychologist Maria Dolors Mas Delblanch She has a Master in Clinical and Health Psychology, another in Neurosciences and a third Master in Couples and Sexual Therapy, In addition, she is a specialist in addressing anxiety attacks with or without agoraphobia through Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy.

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Among her intervention specialties, anxiety disorders stand out in people of all ages through a therapy that she integrates different psychological orientations with ample empirical evidence such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and also a Virtual Reality therapy and Augmented.

Some of the disorders that this professional addresses in her consultation are cases of video game addiction, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobias, eating disorders, behavior problems and ADHD.

Lisandra Quesada Martinez she is part of the Espai Psicològic Badalona team (Carrer de Ponent, in the Can Claris neighborhood).

This psychologist has a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology (UAB), a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology Infant-Juvenile (European Foundation of Psychology) and training in therapeutic intervention in cases of trauma.

If you are looking for professional help and treatment for cases of phobias, anxiety attacks, insomnia and psychological trauma, Lisandra can be very useful to improve.

  • You may be interested: "Types of Phobias: Exploring Fear Disorders"

Josep Mª Cañada Belmonte She is co-Director of the Center for Applied Psychology, since 1994. Due to his professional career and experience, he is one of the best psychologists for the treatment of anxiety disorders in Badalona.

This specialist in psychological intervention has a Master's Degree in Psychopedagogy, in Clinical Psychology, and in Sports Psychology (all from the Maslow Cattell Institute).

If you are looking for a professional to help you learn relaxation and stress management techniques, this veteran psychologist may be the right fit for you.

In Carrer dels Arbres we find CIM Center de Psicologia, an organization led by the psychologist Mercè Soler Soriano.

This professional has several Master's degrees: in Speech Therapy (UVIC), in Child and Youth Clinical Psychology (UAB), in Brief Psychotherapy Strategic (School of Management, Research and Clinical Institute) and Paidopsychiatry (UAB), in addition to other training programs specialized.

In treating anxiety problems, she can use a wide variety of therapeutic tools including meditation, change in lifestyle, etc.

Patrícia Rodríguez is part of Equilibri Psicòlegs, whose facilities are located in Carrer Francesc Layert. She has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a Master's Degree in Integrative Psychotherapy from the University of Girona.

In this way, Patrícia Rodríguez Trujillo combines various techniques and strategies from different psychological perspectives to adapt to the specific problems of the patient layer, both in cases of anxiety problems and in other emotional, relational, etc.

Joan homs he is a psychologist specialized in psychotherapy and Director and founder of Psicologia Homs, a psychological assistance center located in the center of Badalona (Plaça Plana).

This professional has a Graduate in Psychology from the UOC and a Master's Degree in Child and Youth Psychology (UOC), and can be especially interesting for those looking for a psychological evidence for anxiety in Badalona, ​​applied to children and teenagers.

Joan Vives is a specialist in psychological intervention in one of the areas in which there is more stress and anxiety: sports performance.

He has a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology (UB), a Master's Degree in Brief Strategic Therapy (Strategic Therapy Center) and a Master's Degree in Sports Psychology (UAB). He works at the Sant Cugat del Vallès High Performance Center, although he also works in Badalona.

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