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The best 10 Psychologists in Torredembarra

The psychologist Brígida Oró She attends both in person and online and specializes in intervention on all kinds of emotional problems. She performs individual psychotherapy and family and couples therapy.

Among the disorders most treated by this professional we can find some as common as generalized anxiety, depression, work stress or phobias.

Cristian Mantilla He is a psychologist graduated from the Rovira i Virgili University, and has a Master's degree specialized in the practice of General Health Psychology. In the consultation of this professional, they work mainly from cognitive-behavioral therapy, whose methodology is very effective and adaptable. In addition, she attends in person and online by video call.

In his consultation, this professional often treats forms of discomfort such as Anxiety Disorders, Low Self-esteem, Depression, Low Self-esteem or the Disorder Obsessive-Compulsive (OCD).

Victoria Garcia Masip She graduated from the UOC with a degree in Psychology and as time passed, she completed a Master's degree focused on Psychotherapy through the University of Girona. If we wish, in the consultation of this psychologist we will have the opportunity to carry out family therapy, a form of being able to successfully tackle the most difficult situations that may unexpectedly arise within our core family.

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Forms of discomfort such as phobias, insomnia, stress or depression, can be overcome with a much higher rate of success if we have the help of this professional psychologist.

Edna rius She completed her basic studies in Psychology at the Rovira i Virgili University of Barcelona and completed a Master's degree focused on Neuropsychology through the Open University of Catalonia.

Usually this psychologist usually treats in her consultation psychological alterations such as work stress, phobias, low self-esteem or codependency.

Marta Suarez She graduated in Psychology through the Ramón Llull University of Barcelona and later, she decided to specialize in the treatment of ADHD through the ADANA foundation. Having the help of a qualified professional can allow us to overcome any possible disorder that we may suffer in a period of time. much shorter than we imagine and even more so, if we have the help of a psychologist as experienced as she is, specifically this specialist.

Together with this psychologist we can find a solution to our problems of anxiety, low self-esteem, phobias, depression or stress.

Maribel rodriguez She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona and a Master's degree that certifies her as an expert in the practice of Social Cognitive Therapy. Among the qualities of this psychologist it is worth mentioning that she is an expert in the practice of couples therapy, an undoubtedly very specific specialty that not all psychologists in the Tarragona region usually to dominate.

Very often this psychologist usually treats disorders such as insomnia, phobias or social isolation in her consultation.

Ana Fernandez She is a licensed psychologist skilled in the practice of both clinical psychology and EMDR therapy. In her private practice, this psychologist usually treats her patients using the interesting EMDR Therapy, a methodology widely used today which has proven to be very efficient in the treatment of certain pathologies psychological.

Unfortunately, among the ailments most treated by this psychologist we can find some as common as anxiety, stress, obsessive compulsive disorder or depression.

Juan Pedro Pérez She is a licensed psychologist from the Ramón Rovira i Virgili University of Barcelona and also has a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology also obtained through this same university. In the consultation of this specialist we can learn to use the interesting technique of Mindfulness, a form of meditation thanks to which we can all learn to be much more efficient in our day to day.

In her consultation, this psychologist usually treats problems such as anxiety, clinical depression, low self-esteem or social phobia on a daily basis.

Myriam Aberasturi She is a licensed psychologist skilled in the use of both integrative humanistic therapy and strategic brief therapy. This last methodology can allow us to overcome a possible disorder in a really effective way and we should have present, that there are very few psychologists in the province of Tarragona who are specifically specialized in the practice of this methodology.

Some of the most treated psychopathologies are generalized anxiety, depression, work stress or trauma.

Lorraine Moreno she has a PhD in Psychology and a Master's Degree in Neuropsychology. Thanks to her great training, this psychologist can treat people of all ages in her consultation, a skill that not all psychology professionals usually possess.

With the help of it, it is possible to obtain treatment for alterations such as post-traumatic stress, ADHD, dementias, Parkinson's or acquired brain damage.

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