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The 8 best Psychologists who are experts in crisis due to divorce in Bilbao

In the Inpsiko Center We will find a great team of psychology professionals totally willing to help us, with any possible psychological disorder or emotional problem that we may be suffering. It should be noted that in this center apart from finding experienced psychologists we can also find speech therapists, pediatricians and physiotherapists.

We can go to this center in the event that we are experiencing a crisis within our relationship, our child may suffer from a learning disability or we are suffering from a possible disorder psychological.

Miguel Angel Ruiz He has more than 30 years of experience working in the field of mental health and currently holds the Director of the Miguel Angel Psychology and Psychotherapy health center, which is located in the heart of Bilbao. In the center that this psychologist directs, people of any age can receive therapy so that they can overcome once and for all, any possible psychological difficulties that unfortunately may be suffering.

As a psychology professional, Miguel Angel Ruiz is an expert in reciprocal interaction therapy and clinical hypnosis, some methodologies that can help us successfully overcome difficulties such as anxiety, stress, sexual disorders or a possible trauma.

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Haizea Galvan She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Deusto and also has a specialization Master's degree in Neuropsychology also taken through this same university. Thanks to her training, this psychologist can help us to successfully overcome a wide range of possible disorders, many of which we may even be able to fix in a much shorter period of time than we imagine.

His specialties include the treatment of relationship problems, anxiety disorders, low self-esteem and phobias.

Maria Lusarreta she is a Health Psychologist specialized in Couples Therapy and Sexology. Among the qualities of this specialist, it should be noted that she has the ability to perform therapy in English, a fact that if we are English speakers can be really important for us.

With the support of this psychology professional, we can solve any crisis that we can. having with our partner, a possible sexual disorder or a family situation complicated.

The psychologist Amaia amalur She is one of the most prominent professionals in the treatment of all kinds of queries in the field of couples therapy in Bilbao, especially divorce crises.

As co-founder of the center Psychologists Aldama, this Health Psychologist has specialized in applying Cognitive-behavioral Therapy to attend any type of disorder or demand that people of all ages may present, both in person and on-line.

Other queries that she successfully tackles in her workplace are anxiety disorders, family conflicts, depressive disorders, stress, communication problems, and addictions.

In addition to that, some of her most notable degrees are the Bachelor of Psychology from the University of Deusto, a Expert Training Course in Eating Behavioral Disorders and a Master's Degree in Psychological Update and Intervention and Health.

Irene Tobias she graduated in Psychology through the University of Deusto and later, she decided to pursue a Master's Degree in Neuropsychology through the UNED. Normally this psychologist usually treats her patients using the well-known cognitive behavioral therapy, one of the most used today because it is highly effective in treating a large number of disorders.

Relationship problems, addictions and mood disorders are the problems that this psychologist most often addresses in her consultation.

Iratxe Lopez She has a degree in psychology from the University of Deusto and also has a Master's degree specialized in Equal Opportunities between Men and Women. A relationship conflict can be a really difficult problem to tackle, but with the help of a psychologist an expert in this type of situation such as Irtaxe López, we can solve it much sooner than perhaps initially we thought.

As a psychologist, Iratxe López can help us with our relationship problems, anxiety disorders or very high levels of stress.

The psychologist Ana Maria Lozano She has a degree in Psychology and, among her most outstanding specialties, it would be interesting to take into account that she is specialized in both EMDR Therapy and Couples Therapy.

This psychologist has great experience treating all the problems that can appear in a relationship, an experience very valuable that now, counting on her help, we can take advantage of it to be able to greatly improve our own situation sentimental.

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