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The 10 best Psychology Clinics in Horta-Guinardó (Barcelona)

Alter Psychology & Health is a psychological clinic where one of its major specialties is the treatment of those who are going through or have recently gone through due to a possible addiction, although we must bear in mind that these specialists can also help us if we suffer from many other difficulties psychological.

We should not hesitate to go to this clinic in the event that we are currently experiencing gambling, a problem of alcoholism, a difficulty to control our anger or a situation of emotional codependency.

At the psychology center Mensalus have more than 30 years of professional experience and that is partly why their team multidisciplinary psychologists can perform therapy regardless of whether we are children, adults or teenagers.

Either in person or via video calls, we should know that together with these specialists we can treat all kinds of psychological difficulties such as anxiety, depression, stress or disorders of any kind sexual.

In the clinic Psychotools are great experts in what are known as third generation therapies, a series of methodologies that have scientifically proven to be very efficient when applied correctly during a wide variety of pathologies.

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These specialists can help us greatly if, for example, we find ourselves suffering from very high levels of anxiety, severe depression, or a stress-related problem labor.

Psychoconsulting It is a psychological clinic that is directed by the specialist Ester Fernandez who has a degree in Psychology from the Open University of Catalonia and also has a Master's degree specialized in Human Resource Management.

In this clinic they tend to frequently attend both individuals at the individual level as well as couples or families as a whole and they help to address some difficulties such as family conflicts, couple crises or mismanagement of the emotion of the go to.

Mental Area is a psychology center in which they are mainly specialized in the areas of neuroscience and meditation.

If we go to this center in it we can make use of the most innovative therapies and we can also learn how we should meditate, if we want this practice to be as beneficial as possible for us with the passage of the weather.

In this center they can help us if we find ourselves suffering from an anxiety disorder, a hyperactivity problem or if we have difficulty falling asleep.

NM Psychologist It is a psychological clinic located in the heart of Barcelona, ​​in which we can be treated by the psychologist Núria Mateo.

This specialist completed her basic studies in Psychology at the Open University of Catalonia and later, she specialized via Postgraduate in the implementation of Hypnosis.

Eating disorders, anxiety, depression, phobias or stress are some of the difficulties that are most frequently treated at this clinic.

The Cognitive Therapy Center It is a place that was founded by Dr. Guillem Feixas during 1991 and where since then, they offer the possibility for all his patients to be able to receive both therapy individually, as a couple or in family.

In this center they have extensive experience treating some difficulties such as anxiety, work stress, chronic depression, very complicated stages of grief or bipolar disorder.

In the Horta Psychopedagogical Center they focus on the specific treatment of those psychological difficulties that are usually suffered by both children and adolescents.

The specialists of this center can help us if we think that a minor in our charge is going through a disorder learning, have a low self-esteem problem or if you suffer from some difficulty that prevents you from being able to express yourself correctly.

Ana Porras Psychology It is a private consultation where we will normally be attended by the Psychologist Ana Porras Arnao, who has a degree in Psychology from the University of Seville and has a specialized Master in the area of ​​General Psychology Sanitary

Together with this psychologist we will be able to face in a much more efficient way some of our possible psychological difficulties such as anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) or Agoraphobia.

Àgora Espai Psicològic is a center located on Calle Sant Salvador in Barcelona in which the professionals who work there We will find, they are mostly specialized in the practice of psychotherapy in people of all the ages.

By going to this center we can perform both individual and group therapy and also, it is important to mention that the professionals de Àgora Espai Psicològic are great experts in the treatment of addictions and in the difficulties that children and adolescents often suffer.

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