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The 11 best alcoholism treatment clinics in Madrid

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The Recal Foundation de Madrid is a clinic specialized in the treatment of addictions where professional therapy is offered to overcome alcoholism, aimed at Anyone who is interested in this type of service, whatever his particular problem and in the hands of experienced professionals and qualified.

The center works with a methodology of proven effectiveness, based on a comprehensive care of the person in which a multidisciplinary team serves in the best possible way and implements a well-known worldwide aid program in 12 Steps.

In the prestigious center Advance Psychologists We can find a professional psychological care service both in person and online for all kinds of behaviors addictions, also for the treatment of alcoholism, which will be carried out by highly qualified professionals in the matter.

The work of the center's psychologists is based on an integrative methodology, taking mainly as reference in the therapeutic process, Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, one of the best results in person.

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The professionals of the Psychological Consultation Awakenings They also offer an individualized attention service in cases of alcoholism and also for any other associated problem that the person may have.

Do not hesitate to go to this specialized center if you are interested in a treatment for alcoholism both online and in person with all possible comforts for the person.

The center Orbium offers an excellent treatment of alcoholism in Madrid and Barcelona applied by qualified professionals with extensive knowledge to treat this type of addiction at all times.

The center will make available to anyone who needs it, a professional detoxification program, proven effective and with clearly defined phases throughout the process.

The psychology clinic We hear has a team of multidisciplinary therapists specialized in treating cases of alcoholism in people of all ages, as well as in the family and couples.

The center offers its services both in person and online and each of its sessions is based on the integrated application of various therapies of proven efficacy, among which the Therapy Brief.

In the Tescuchamos center you will find the ideal professional to attend to alcoholism problems, as well as any other associated disorder, individually and with full guarantee.

The Institute of Psychode Psychology She has been treating alcoholism problems for more than 15 years and currently her services are offered to people of all ages, both in person and by video call.

The team of therapists at the Psicode center is made up of multidisciplinary professionals specialized in apply in an integrated way various highly effective therapies adapted at all times to the needs of each client.

In the Psicode center you will find a therapist specialized in addressing alcoholism problems, as well as any other associated disorder.

The psychologist Javier Ares He is a Graduate in Clinical Psychology with Honors from the Complutense University of Madrid, he has a Master's Degree in Psychology General Sanitaria, a Master in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and also has a Master in Clinical Psychology and Health.

Throughout his career, this professional has specialized in serving adolescents, adults, elderly people and also couples who request their services, both in person and telematically.

Their intervention is individualized at all times and is based on the joint application of various therapies of proven scientific evidence, such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Third Party Therapies Generation.

The center Psychomaster It also has a large team specialized in alcoholism detoxification therapy, carried out from different professional therapies to obtain the best results.

The center offers both face-to-face therapy and online therapy, in which it offers all kinds of comforts and flexibility for both adults and adolescents.

On El Prado Psychologists We will also find a select group of professionals specialized in overcoming an addiction to alcohol both in person and online and at affordable prices for everyone.

Do not hesitate to consult with this specialized center on everything you need to know to successfully treat the addiction to alcohol, from the causes, to the symptoms and the therapy that must be developed during the process.

The center PSICIA de Madrid also has professionals specialized in the diagnosis and intervention in cases of alcoholism that will use the best and most advanced techniques to solve each of the cases in a detailed.

The intervention is carried out taking into account the causes of the problem, the context and the support of family members.

In Mental Balance is a multidisciplinary psychological office where you will find perfectly qualified and experienced professionals in the treatment of alcoholism.

The intervention that we will find is based on the application of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and on a close and empathetic methodology.

Psychologist Natalia Bacaicoa Rubio

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