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The 8 best Psychologists for adolescents in La Coruña

The psychologist Maria Teresa Pena She attends to any queries that adolescents may have, both in person and online, depending on the client's needs.

Graduated in Health Psychology from the National University of Distance Education, this professional has a Course Training in Emotion Management from the same university, she masters Third Generation Therapies and is a Chartered Psychologist by the COPG.

María Teresa Peña is a specialist in caring for adolescents with addictive disorders of any kind, mainly alcoholism and drug addiction, as well as problems with self-esteem, anxiety disorders, relationship problems and behaviour.

The Anagram Psychology Consultation It is one of the most recommended centers in La Coruña, and its facilities cater to adolescents of all ages, from the age of 11.

The center's team of professionals is highly qualified and bases its intervention on providing tools to the client so that they can overcome any of their problems, enhancing and optimizing their own resources.

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Some of the main orientations that are applied in this center are Brief Therapy and Humanist Therapy, with which Its professionals deal with emotional or work problems, low self-esteem, relationship problems, anxiety and depression.

The General Health Psychologist Yolanda Ordonez She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Santiago de Compostela and is also a specialist in Brief Therapy Focused on Solutions and Neurorehabilitation.

This professional adapts each of the applied therapies to the adolescent's needs to treat successful adjustment disorders, ADHD, conduct disorder, grief, insomnia, or phobias

Her intervention is also offered online for those who cannot move from their homes.

The Clinical and Legal Psychologist Cristina Alles Leon She serves people of all ages, especially adolescents and also families who request her services, in person or online.

Graduated in Psychology from the University of Santiago de Compostela, this professional has a Master's Degree in General Psychology Sanitaria, another Master in Legal Psychology, has a Specialization in Brief Systemic Family Therapy and is a Technician in Violence of genre.

Her intervention is based on Brief Systemic Therapy, with which she cares for adolescents with anxiety disorders and depression, with self-esteem problems, cases of gender violence, relationship problems and family conflicts or partner.

The psychologist Mapi Pinilla López She masters different techniques of proven efficacy, such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Mindfulness, Virtual Reality and Clinical Hypnosis, with which she attends adolescents from 15 years.

This professional has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the Pontifical University of Salamanca, she has a Master in Clinical and Health Psychology, another Master in Human Resources Management and Management and a Postgraduate Degree in Psychoneuroimmunology Clinic.

Her specialties are psychosomatic disorders, stress, grief, depression, anxiety disorders, sleep disorders, low self-esteem and relationship problems, all attended both in person and by video call.

The General Health Psychologist Marta del Villar Rubín She has a degree in Psychology, also in Biology and is a University Expert in Childhood and Adolescent Psychology.

Through a cognitive-behavioral therapy, this professional treats eating disorders in adolescents, as well as disorders anxiety, stress, phobias, conduct disorders and learning disorders, both in the face-to-face mode and distance.

The psychologist Eva Sández Casas She has a Degree in Psychology from the University of Santiago de Compostela, has a Master's Degree in Early Care from the same university and is a Professional Technician in Personal Coaching.

Through more than 20 years of experience, this therapist has specialized in treating disorders depressives, anxiety, social phobia, eating disorders, behavior problems and aggressiveness.

The Clinical Psychologist Cristina Veira Ramos She is a specialist in serving adolescents, adults, families and also couples through the application of Brief Therapy.

His intervention is multidisciplinary, where different professionals collaborate to achieve the best results in people with cases of anxiety or depression, eating disorders, conduct disorders, panic attacks or disorders of adaptation.

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