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The best 8 Psychologists in Tarazona

The Health Psychologist Leticia Martinez Val She has a degree in Psychology from UNED, she has a Master in Systemic Family and Couples Therapy from EVNTF and has two training courses in Mindful Self-Compassion and Mindfulness.

This professional attends online adolescents, adults and the elderly, applying various therapies of proven efficacy in an integrated manner, among which stand out the cognitive-behavioral approach, Brief Therapy or Acceptance Therapy and Commitment.

In her consultation you will find a professional specialized in treating chronic pain, anxiety cases and depression, family conflict, codependency, stress, and deficits in coping skills coping.

The psychologist Miriam blasco She is graduated in Psychology from the University of Zaragoza, has a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology from the same university and she also has a Master's Degree in Third Generation Therapies Specialist from the University of Almeria.

Her intervention is based on an integrated application of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Third Generation, all of them adapted at all times to the particular needs of each client.

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Her intervention is offered online to adolescents and adults who may have anxiety problems and depression, emotional problems, school difficulties, low self-esteem, stress, or deficits in skills coping.

The general health psychologist Mª Antonia González Clemente She offers personalized psychological attention to children, adolescents, adults and couples of any nature, in the psychology cabinet Psicólogos Ayud, of which she is a partner and founder. This psychologist specializes in a wide variety of disorders and problems that can affect the life of the patient, especially in eating disorders and addictions.

Among the services that this professional presents, we find the treatment of: anxiety, depression, grief, phobias, low school performance, tobacco addiction, eating disorders, panic attacks, phobias, anxiety triggered by tests, chronic pain, sleep disorders, social skills deficits, and relationship problems in the couple.

The psychologist Ana Segura Mayor She has a degree in psychology from the UNED, and her specialties are both clinical psychology in general, as well as the educational field in particular, and also music therapy. For 15 years, this professional has been an expert in strategic brief therapy, with which she treats all kinds of disorders in child, adolescent and adult population patients who need to change a certain aspect of their lives.

Brief strategic therapy is a type of psychological therapy consisting of obtaining the maximum benefit for the patient in the minimum of possible time, and to focus from the first session, on those really important elements to solve the problems of the patient. This technique has important scientific evidence, making it one of the best options for the therapist.

The main disorders that the professional Ana Segura addresses in her consultation, professionally and efficiently, are: anxiety, eating disorders, depression, stress, adjustment problems, dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, behavior problems and relationship problems in the couple.

The psychologist Maria Martinez She is the founder and director of the Psicoeduca center, in which she offers psychological care to all who need it, especially adolescents and adults. With an uninterrupted training of more than 10 years, this psychotherapist has been combining the exercise of psychology with the completion of a master's degree, as well as different courses and workshops of all kinds, also for orientation to parents and mothers.

In the consultation of the psychologist María Martínez, a methodical and personalized treatment is carried out that has 4 well differentiated phases and a final phase of final follow-up.

All this, with the aim of treating a series of disorders that generate discomfort in the patient, among the most common, we find: anxiety, phobias, problems of self-esteem, bullying, irritability, social skills problems, learning disorders, impulse control, behavior problems, and failure school.

Over 20 years, this psychologist has been combining psychological consultation in different public and private centers, with permanent academic training. Currently, Ana Isabel Fernández Crespo she is the director of the Center for Rehabilitation and Psychosocial Support for Serious Mental Disorder, in Calatayud.

Through a cognitive-behavioral therapy, Ana Isabel Fernández Crespo offers psychological support in which she addresses the following disorders: anxiety disorder, school phobias, depression, serious illnesses such as cancer, learning disorders, Personality, Conduct Disorders, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and Conduct Disorders food.

The psychologist Mª Carmen Maluenda she has a work experience of 12 years, in which she has perfected her professional therapy. Today she is an expert in the treatment of all kinds of behavioral, emotional or cognitive disorders, especially in disorders related to grief and vital crises.

Some of her other therapy specializations are: depression in adolescence, phobias, especially agoraphobia, fears, relationship problems in partner, eating disorders, anxiety, dyslexia, night terrors, suicidal behavior, and stress disorder post-traumatic.

The psychologist José Ángel Gamollón It is also one of those that we must take into account in this selection of the best professionals in the city ​​of Tarazona, both for his training and for his extensive experience in the treatment of psychology.

In his consultation he offers psychological care, together with other professionals who are experts in compatible psychological fields, to anyone who may need it, whatever their characteristics. By offering multidisciplinary therapy, the chances of success in therapy are increased and, ultimately, what is more important, the well-being of the patient.

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