Education, study and knowledge

The 9 best speech therapists in Terrassa

Eva Errando Ricol has a degree in neonatal speech therapy, has an international master's degree in clinical neuropsychology from the University European Miguel de Cervantes, and she has also completed a postgraduate degree in cognitive rehabilitation from the University of Vic.

Among the disorders that he has treated the most are language delay, mixed language disorder receptive and expressive, neurorehabilitation, vocal cord paralysis, and dyslexia and dyslalia, among others.

Andreu Sauca i Balart He has a degree in speech therapy and logophoniatrics and has a professional career of more than 30 years, in addition to have completed a postgraduate degree in voice rehabilitation from the ISEP center and be an expert in pathology of the language.

He has treated people affected by voice and speech disorders, vocal cord paralysis, with speech therapy and logophoniatry, and with problems in facial motor skills, having obtained very positive.

Rachel Garcia Fernandez has a degree in speech therapy and has extensive experience in treating patients affected by Speech problems such as dyslexia and dyslalia, achieving a very good evolution in his patients.

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Throughout all these years he has also cared for people with voice disorders, with specific disorder of the language, with developmental reading disorders, and affected by attention deficit disorders and hyperactivity

Maria Carmen Muñoz Moya She has a degree in speech therapy and specializes in treating people with autism, speech disorders, and those affected by some type of neurodevelopmental disorders.

She has treated patients affected by different types of pathologies related to speech therapy, such as of it the developmental reading disorders, the specific language disorder, or the stammering.

Nuria M Pujol she has a degree in speech therapy and is an excellent specialist in the treatment of speech disorders such as dyslexia, dyslalia and dysphonia, having achieved very good results in their patients.

Among the most common language disorders and that he has treated the most, the expressive language disorder, stuttering in children and adolescents, and lack of fluency in language, in addition to having treated people with disorders in the reading.

Corien Dorotea-Arts she has a degree in speech therapy and has treated patients affected by dyslexia, dyslalia and others speech disorders, having obtained excellent results in his patients after the sessions of speech therapy.

Some of the disorders that she has treated the most in recent years are hearing and language, orofacial motor skills, and neurodevelopmental problems that have caused some type of disorder in the speaks.

Elisabeth Benitez Porras she has a degree in speech therapy and has extensive experience in treating affected people due to hearing and speech problems, carrying out a very positive evolution in their patients.

Among the pathologies that she has treated the most throughout her professional career, the problems school performance, dyslexia and dyslalia, and all those problems related to language.

Laia Cruz Fernandez she is a well-known speech therapist located near the city of Terrassa who is an expert in treating people with hearing and speech problems, undergoing treatments that have shown a high effectiveness.

Among the pathologies that she has treated the most are dyslexia and dyslalia, people affected with autism, patients with dementia of the Alzheimer's type, among other types of disorders.

Caterina Ferra Ubach She has a degree in psychology and speech therapy, and throughout her professional career she has had the opportunity to attend to people affected by problems in school performance usually caused by speech and reading disorders.

The pathologies that she has treated the most during all this time are related to dyslexia, dyslalia, specific language disorder, lack of fluency in language, and articulatory deficiency, among others disorders.

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