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The 10 best Psychology Clinics in Benalmádena

The psychology center Aliv Psychologists It is one of the most prominent in Benalmádena both for the wide variety of specialties that its team of professionals addresses and for its dedication and enthusiasm, as well as for the comfort of its spacious and modern facilities perfectly adapted to the therapy.

The professionals at the Aliv Psicólogos center serve people of all ages, as well as couples, families and they are also experts in group therapy, all of this both in person as online.

Their psychotherapists address, above all, problems such as cases of depression, anxiety disorders, deficits in social skills, family and relationship conflicts, eating disorders and difficulties schoolchildren.

The psychological cabinet PsychoAbreu He has been treating all kinds of disorders and consultations in people of any age for more than 25 years, both in the field of clinical psychology, legal or family mediation, all this both in person and on-line.

The center's professionals are highly qualified and specialized in adapting each therapy to the needs of the person, being the most used EMDR Therapy, Third Generation Therapy, Mindfulness and Coaching.

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Regarding the disorders that are addressed in the center, the most notable are anxiety disorders, cases of depression, trauma, ADHD and self-esteem deficits.

TuDivan Psychoanalysis It is one of the most prominent psychology clinics in Malaga, and it addresses all kinds of problems and queries related to states of suffering or discomfort.

The services of this center are also offered in remote sessions and some of the main specialties of its professionals are disorders of anxiety and depression, family conflicts, divorce processes, emotional problems, self-esteem deficits and emotional problems all kind.

The center More Life Psychologists Benalmádena is a therapy space aimed at children, adolescents, adults individually and also couples who may have any type of disorder, whether emotionally, cognitively or behavioral.

The center's professionals are specialized in adapting each therapy to the particular characteristics of each person treated and some of the His specialties are psychosomatic disorders, deficits in social skills, obsessive compulsive disorders and depression.

The Motta Psychological Medical Center has more than 15 years of history and has a large team of multidisciplinary professionals whose The objective is to achieve well-being and an improvement in the quality of life of children, adolescents, adults and couples

The professionals of the De Motta cabinet apply therapies from psychology and coaching to solve any problem that the person may have, being his main specialties the cases of depression, the disorders of the conduct, the low academic performance and the sexual dysfunctions of all kinds.

The Equilibra Center It is directed by the psychologist Sandra Gámez, a therapist with more than 15 years of experience who also coordinates a team of 7 qualified psychologists and experienced in attending any type of consultation or disorder in people of all ages, through innovative therapies such as Reality Virtual.

The consultation of these professionals is offered both in person and online and some of the specialties of the center are phobias, conduct disorders, self-esteem deficits and depression.

Silvia García is the director Reason & Emotion, a Center for Psychology, Coaching and Emotional Intelligence, whose founding objective is to achieve emotional balance in people of all ages, in addition to treating any psychological disorder and offering a coaching service professional.

Some of the intervention specialties of the center's professionals are conduct disorders, self-esteem problems, cases of depression and anxiety disorders.

The Badabé Psychology Center was founded in 2007 and since then its professionals have understood any type of disorder or source of discomfort in people of all ages through a humanistic approach integrated with other therapies such as EMDR.

Thus, some of the center's intervention specialties are anxiety disorders, eating disorders, family conflicts and school difficulties.

The center Psycolab It is made up of a multidisciplinary team of psychologists, neuropsychologists, speech therapists and pedagogues who work together to improve the quality of life of people of all ages through neuroscience-based therapy and education emotional.

The center's intervention specialties are many, the main ones being depression, self-esteem deficits, relationship problems and developmental disorders.

The Health Psychologist Carmen Burgos She has cared for adults, couples and families in her office for more than 25 years, through the application of different therapies of proven efficacy.

Thus, some of the areas of intervention that this professional successfully serves are phobias, depression, self-esteem deficits, sleep disorders, and couple crises.

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