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The 90 best phrases of Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson, born 1743 in the town of Shadwell, he was the third president of the United States and the main ideologue of the Declaration of Independence. This historical text was signed by Jefferson along with other great characters in history such as George Washington, John Adams or the also well known Benjamin Franklin.

Being one of the founding fathers and also president of the United States, it is very likely that you have ever heard of him or even know quite a bit about his political career.

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Great phrases and famous quotes from Thomas Jefferson

But without a doubt, what stands out most about this great man are his values ​​and principles, thanks to them he helped to create a more just society, in the same country that he, together with his comrades, founded.

Here we present you a selection of the 90 best phrases of Thomas Jefferson, some phrases with which we can discover the personality of one of the most relevant men in American history.

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1. A little rebellion every now and then is a good thing.

The people must always fight for their ideas, Jefferson saw it logical that the people fight for them when they are outraged.

2. Take things on the bright side.

Being positive will help us to be much happier in our life.

3. It is not wealth or splendor, but tranquility and occupation that bring happiness.

A quiet and busy life will undoubtedly be a very happy life for its owner, tranquility is an essential aspect to be able to live comfortably.

4. You should not be too severe with the mistakes of the people, but try to eliminate them through education.

Correctly correcting someone can be more effective than using words that are too crude. Touch can help us prosper socially.

5. My study of history convinces me that most of the bad results of governments come from having too much government.

A country that is too interventionist, can become too protective of its people. People must also have private lives and leisure times where they can escape.

6. You have the right to criticize, who is willing to help.

A great phrase from this political historical, if you criticize something shows with your actions that you can do better.

7. A prince whose character is marked by all the acts that define a tyrant is not fit to be the governor of a free people.

As we can see, Jefferson was not a supporter of the monarchy, a type of government that is increasingly out of use today.

8. I truly tremble for my country when I think that God exists.

Having God's help can be very beneficial to us when we are going to perform great feats. But are we sure that God is on our side?

9. It is more honorable to repair an evil than to persist in it.

If we have made a mistake we can also correct it; realizing it, we have already taken the first step.

10. I am in favor of a government that is vigorously frugal and simple.

A simple and transparent government can be seen very favorably by its own people.

11. The tree of liberty must be invigorated from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants: it is their natural fertilizer.

A very poetic quote and also hard at the same time, if the American people wanted to be free they should fight for it.

12. Undoubtedly no one cares for someone who cares for no one.

You sow what you reap, for others to be kind to you you must have been kind to them before.

13. Men cannot be expected to be transferred from despotism to freedom on a feather bed.

The American people were doomed to the use of arms, if they wanted to achieve their desired freedom.

14. You can not live without books.

Reading can be a really beneficial activity for us. As we can see from this short quote, Jefferson was an avid reader.

15. The future, like stability, is not something that can be given, it has to be built.

We all build our own future, if you want to achieve great achievements, you must get down to work as soon as possible.

16. Equal rights for all, special privileges for none.

The rights and obligations must always be the same for all citizens of the same society.

17. The best moments of my life have been those that I have enjoyed in my home, in the bosom of my family.

Family life, especially in childhood, will be the best years that we will all live. We will remember the moments that we lived during that time for a lifetime.

18. I sincerely believe, like you, that banking systems are more dangerous than armies.

Control of the economy is very important in any nation, banks must always be transparent and with a high degree of honesty.

19. The key to good governance is based on honesty.

Honesty is beneficial in any relationship, but in the relationship between a government and its people it is simply indispensable.

20. When governments fear the people, there is freedom. When people fear the government, there is tyranny.

The government must always be the representative of the people, if the people show they are not in favor of their government, they should resign.

21. Work done at ease is never tiring.

Working with what you are passionate about will allow you to never tire of your work. We should all look for a job in which we feel fully comfortable.

22. Never buy what is useless to you under the pretext that it is cheap.

A tip that many people do not apply in their own life, even if something is cheap it does not mean you really need it. We should all buy out of necessity, not out of materialism.

23. Where can the one who came this far go, if only the dead went beyond.

We must be brave, even if the situation is difficult, we will achieve our goal.

24. Where the press is free, and where all men can read, everything is safe.

Freedom of the press and education were to be fundamental rights in the nation that Jefferson would help found.

25. I have sworn on the altar of God eternal hostility against all forms of tyranny over the mind of man.

The United States would not allow itself to continue plundering by the English authorities, doing whatever it took to achieve its independence.

26. It is more dangerous, at all times, for a culprit to be punished without the forms of the law, than to let him escape.

The law had to be enforced, it would eventually prevail throughout the North American territory.

27. The fusion of white with black produces a degradation to which no lover of his country, no lover of excellence in human character, can innocently consent.

Jefferson, on the other hand, was not in favor of the fact that both races should maintain a close relationship, no doubt over time he would change his mind about it.

28. No government can sustain itself without the principle of fear as well as duty. Good men will obey the latter, but bad men only the former.

A government must always be respected, the agents of authority must be feared in order to be dissuasive for criminals.

29. Motherhood is the vault key to marital happiness.

People in general have always sought to have children during our lives. In the times of this politician, children were seen as essential for the proper functioning of any marriage.

30. The selfish spirit of commerce does not recognize homeland nor does it feel any passion or principle except that of profit.

For capitalism, profits are always the final goal, in this quote Jefferson shows us how this system was seen by him as not very humanistic.

31. The happiest moments that my heart knows are those when it pours out its affection on a few dear people.

Our loved ones will always be the most important thing for us, without them our life would be totally meaningless.

32. I am in favor of encouraging the progress of science in all its branches; and opposed to crying out to heaven against the sacred name of philosophy; to frighten the human mind with witch stories to induce it to mistrust its own judgment and implicitly accept that of others.

This politician was an extremely pragmatic man, he had his own way of seeing things and he would always be faithful to it.

33. I was quite an enemy of the monarchy before going to Europe; but since I have seen what monarchies are, I am ten thousand times more. There is hardly an evil in these European countries whose origin cannot be attributed to their king, nor a good that does not derive from the small fibers of republicanism that exist among them.

Jefferson was, as we can see, an anti-monarchical man, without a doubt the monarchy was seen by him as an institution that had to be put to an end.

34. Firmly seat reason in his seat, and summon before his tribunal every fact, every opinion. Boldly question even the existence of God, because if there is one, he must approve more of the homage to reason than to blind fear.

Reason and culture are necessary for a nation to flourish, without them no society can achieve prosperity in the future.

35. If we do a good deed simply out of love for God and the conviction that it pleases him, do we where does the morality of the atheist come from?… his virtue, then, must have had another foundation than the love of God.

We must be good to others and do good, but not out of love or fear of God but out of our own convictions.

36. Whoever receives an idea from me receives instruction without diminishing mine; Like someone who lights his candle with mine, he receives light without my being in the dark. Inventions cannot, by nature, be owned.

As we can see, this politician did not think that one could have intellectual property over an invention, a very innovative way of thinking for the times.

37. The good opinion of humanity, like Archimedes' lever, with the right fulcrum, moves the world.

The support of others can push us to the top, always help those who need it, because maybe tomorrow you too will need help.

38. I've seen enough of one war to never want to see another.

Wars are terrible periods that no one wants to have to go through. In wars everyone always gets hurt.

39. The art of the printing press protects us against the recoil of reason and information.

The printing press helped spread information much more quickly, a technological advance that undoubtedly marked an era.

40. I think it is a big mistake to consider charging high taxes on wines as a luxury tax, if we did we would be taxing the health of our citizens.

The ideas of this former president are truly amazing, many of them far advanced for his time.

41. An informed citizenry is the only true depository of the public will.

For a citizenry to be able to express their opinion freely, they must know all the details about a matter. Disinformation and ignorance have always been tools used by former monarchs or dictators.

42. Health is worth more than education.

Health is the most valuable asset that we individually possess, taking care of it as it deserves will allow us to live much longer.

43. The art of life is the art of avoiding pain.

Avoiding complicated situations will always be beneficial for us, we must not get involved in other people's conflicts.

44. With a little patience, we will see the end of the kingdom of the witches, their spells will dissolve, and the people will regain their true motivation: to return the government to its true principles.

Religion kept the American population under its control, spreading superstitions that were often very counterproductive to the interests of the population itself.

45. If a nation hopes to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what has never existed and never will exist.

Knowledge is an essential aspect of freedom, thanks to it we will be able to discern between freedom and oppression.

46. The moment a person creates a theory, his imagination sees in each object only the traits that favor that theory.

Many times we tend to convince ourselves that we are right, observing the data we have with a biased vision that is beneficial to us.

47. The republic is the only form of government that is not eternally in open or secret war with the rights of humanity.

The republic was seen at the time as the only legitimate form of government. As they say, a government by the people and for the people.

48. War is a completely inefficient instrument for correcting evil; multiplies, instead of compensating losses.

Losses in wars are shared by all its participants, no side comes out totally unscathed from a situation like this.

49. The human being is more willing to suffer, as long as the evils are tolerable, than to amend themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

Conformity has long allowed the most despotic rulers to rule the nations more powerful, with the declaration of independence of the United States this was something that was undoubtedly going to change.

50. The land belongs to the living, not the dead.

The living are undoubtedly those who run the world, everything we want to do sometime we will have to do while we are still alive.

51. The spirit of this country is totally adverse to a great military force.

Who was going to tell Thomas Jefferson what America would become? A nation much more important than he ever dreamed of.

52. The way to silence religious disputes is to ignore them.

As we see this famous American politician, he was in favor of not meddling in religious disputes. A way of acting that undoubtedly freed him from more than one problem.

53. Power is not attractive to pure minds.

The corrupt always tend to crave power, he who has no dishonest interests, on the contrary, will not be attracted to it. Finding honest politicians has been an odyssey throughout history.

54. As our enemies have discovered that we can reason as men, now let us show them that we can also fight as men.

The American people had to be brave and fight for their own power of self-determination.

55. Peace and friendship with all humanity is our wisest policy, and I would like to be allowed to follow it.

It is during periods of peace that a country further develops. Peace was necessary for a young nation like the United States to flourish.

56. The world is in debt, since the triumphs of reason and humanity do not outweigh the triumphs of error and oppression.

The powerful have always oppressed the poor and defenseless, the class struggle was already present during the rise of the United States

57. It is better to have no idea than to have a false idea.

Lies will get us nowhere, we must banish lies from our lives if we want to progress in the future.

58. I predict future happiness for Americans, if they can prevent the government from wasting people's work under the guise of caring for them.

Letting citizens fend for themselves helped this nation to develop economically very quickly.

59. I believe together with the Romans, that today's general should be a soldier tomorrow if necessary.

He who does not do his job well must be able to be demoted if necessary. The top officials of a country should always be held by the best.

60. To make a man contribute money in favor of the propagation of ideas that he hates is typical of sin and tyranny.

The American people were fed up with paying very large sums of money, being subjects of a monarchy in which they did not believe.

61. The man who reads nothing is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.

Disinformation has always been present in people's lives, choose wisely what information we consume will help us to be better informed about anything we need investigate.

62. One travels better alone than accompanied because he can reflect more.

Traveling alone we can more easily get in touch with our thoughts. Being an ideal moment for reflection and study.

63. Walking is the best exercise. Get used to walking too far.

Walking is undoubtedly a wonderful exercise, thanks to it we will be healthier physically and intellectually.

64. In defense of our people and property under a real violation, we take up arms. When that violence is eliminated, when hostilities on the part of the aggressors cease, hostilities will cease on our part as well.

As we see in this quote, the American people were totally willing to fight for what they believed in.

65. A coward is much more exposed to fighting than a man of spirit.

If we are brave and unafraid of injury, our adversaries will be less tempted to try to attack us.

66. I have been brave in my quest to expand my knowledge, without fear of knowing the truth and reason, regardless of the results.

Knowledge is power, we must never cease in our search for greater knowledge.

67. Question everything boldly, even the existence of God. Because if there is one, it must be more in favor of the existence of reason than of blind fear.

In our search for the truth, we must doubt the authenticity of everything that we do not know. The truth must always be based on tangible evidence.

68. All government degenerates when it is entrusted solely to the rulers of the people. The people themselves are the only ones who can prevent this.

Democracy allows the people to have a certain control over their own leader, being able to change it whenever necessary.

69. Only he who knows more is aware of how little he knows.

Valuing knowledge and all that it brings us will help us to become much wiser people.

70. It is absolutely essential that each generation pay its debts. This would save us half of the world's wars.

Debts must always be paid, because if we do not pay them we can risk receiving serious reprimands in the future.

71. Nothing gives one person more advantage over another than to remain calm and collected under all circumstances.

Keeping calm and serenity will give us the opportunity to act much more efficiently.

72. We do not raise arms for glory or for conquest.

The Americans were forced to fight in order to build their own future, it was not a war they wanted to start.

73. The natural progress of things is for freedom to give way and the government to gain ground.

Governments gradually increase their influence over people's lives, with individual privacy becoming less and less over the years.

74. I am mortified to be told that, in the United States of America, the sale of a book can become a subject of investigation and criminal investigation as well.

According to Jefferson, education should be universal for the entire population, every citizen should have the same basic resources regardless of his personal wealth.

75. I don't pick up a single newspaper, or read one a month, and I feel infinitely happier about it.

The media often publish biased or false news, something that, as we can see in this quote, deeply bothered this well-known politician.

76. It takes time to persuade men to do even what is for their own good.

If the population is ignorant, they will not realize the exploitation they experience, for this reason universal education is essential for the freedom of a people. Only by knowing how to differentiate freedom from oppression, can a people effectively persecute it.

77. Bodily decay is grim in perspective, but of all human contemplations the most abhorrent is the mindless body.

The most important of a person is his mind, the set of personality, values ​​and defects that make it up.

78. In every country and in every age, the priest had been hostile to freedom.

Religion has always limited people's individual freedoms in one way or another, limitations that have also taken their toll on its own ability to gain adherents.

79. Peace and abstinence from European interference are our goals, and it will continue as long as the current order of things in America remains uninterrupted.

The United States wanted to distance itself from European interests, as a nation it was very clear that it did not need the intervention of external forces.

80. Be polite with everyone, but intimate with few.

Education must always be present in our social relationships, but of course we should not talk about our most intimate issues with someone who is not truly trustworthy.

81. Politics is a torment that I advise everyone I love not to mix with it.

Getting into politics can bring us more than one dislike, without a doubt this is a job not suitable for all audiences.

82. The most successful war rarely pays for its losses.

The losses in a war are unquantifiable, they will always be much greater than their possible future benefits.

83. Conquest is not in our principles. It is inconsistent with our government.

The United States was very clear that its war purpose was not conquest, but self-defense itself.

84. My only fear is that I may live too long. It would be a terror to me.

When we have been through a lot in life, we will not fear death. Perhaps this is even presented to us, as a way of forgetting our own problems.

85. Force is the vital principle and the immediate father of despotism.

He who is in a position of force majeure will normally make much more use of despotism. We must treat everyone with whom we do business with the utmost respect, be it a single man or an entire nation.

86. The happiest is the one about whom the world speaks as little as possible, be it good or bad.

Anonymity and privacy are very important, being a public person can be very harmful for anyone. We should not sell our privacy without careful thought.

87. Life is worthless if it does not give us satisfaction. Among these, the most valuable is the rational society, which enlightens the mind, softens the temper, cheers the spirits, and promotes health.

An idle life in society will help us to be clear about our own ideas. In addition, cultivating friendships and creating affective bonds will surely be something that will be very useful in the future.

88. God forbid we go 20 years without a rebellion.

A committed society will always tend to rebel against its leaders, this can be a very positive symptom of the political health of that nation.

89. I have never been able to conceive how a rational being could pursue happiness by exercising power over others.

As we can see from this quote, slavery had no reason to exist for this famous politician.

90. The moral sense, or conscience, is part of man as well as his arms or legs. All human beings have it to a greater or lesser degree, as they have the strength of their members to a greater or lesser degree.

We all have our own morality, being true to it will help us to create a more just society in the future.

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