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The 7 best Psychologists who are experts in anxiety in Alicante

The psychologist Marina Marta Garcia Fuentes she is director of Institute of Psychology and Personal Development Psicode where she treats all kinds of anxiety-related disorders alongside a team of qualified and experienced psychologists.

Her intervention is indicated for people of all ages, is cognitive-behavioral based applied in an integrated way with other orientations, and is characterized by start the therapeutic process from the first session, in which tools and behavior guidelines are offered to the person to start their development process personal.

Some of the intervention specialties of this professional are, among others, obsessions, problems school, mourning processes, cases of infidelity or breakdown in the couple and conduct disorders sexual.

Claudia court is a psychologist specializing in the care of adults and adolescents. She is part of the team at the Psychologists-Alicante therapy center, located in Ensanche Diputación.

On the other hand, beyond having a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology (from the Universitá degli Studi di Palermo), this professional also has a Master's Degree in Clinical Practice Cognitive Behavioral (AEPCCC), another in Health Psychology (Miguel Hernández University) and a Diploma in Dance Movement Terapia Espressivo Relazionale (Scuola di Artiterapie).

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Regarding her professional career, she has extensive experience in treating phobias, grief pathological, anxiety disorders, depression, relationship problems and low self-esteem, among others problematic. She can attend in Spanish and Italian.

If we suffer from problems related to anxiety, another of the psychologists for which we must take into account is Laura Fatima Asensi.

She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Valencia, she also has an International Master's Degree in Forensic Psychology from the University of Granada. She is an expert in treating people suffering from anxiety-related and similar disorders such as depression and high stress. This psychologist also has experience in dealing with people's actions ability to manage negative emotions.

You want to know more about Laura Fátima Asensi, you can find her in her office on Avenida de la Estación in Alicante or go to online therapy, since this also offers it.

Another of the best expert psychologists in anxiety that we can find in this city is Mara Girón Requena.

She graduated in Psychology from the National University of Distance Education and later specialized in currents psychotherapeutic of different kinds, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, EMDR and meditation and relaxation techniques such as Mindfulness.

Always adapting psychotherapy to each individual case, Mara Girón is an expert when it comes to solving mental disorders such as anxiety disorders, mood disorders, and disorders cognitive It can also help repair emotional relationships in therapy sessions that involve multiple patients. Among the specialties of Mara Girón is also psychotherapy for children and adolescents.

You can find her in her private office located in the center of the city.

Paula Bonal It is another of the best options when looking for a mental health professional in Alicante with which to treat anxiety disorders.

She graduated in Psychology from the Miguel Hernández University of Elche in 2012 And she also has three on her curriculum Master's degrees: one in Clinical and Health Psychology, another in Psychological Therapy with Children and Adolescents, and another in Resolution of Conflicts

It should be added that she has also been trained in several courses, including several dedicated to the childhood autism disorders, psychomotor and laterality from 0 to 3 years old and the difficulties of learning.

In addition to being a specialist in offering psychotherapy to people with anxiety disorders, Paula Bonal also offers psychotherapy for disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorders and cases of phobias

On General O'Donnell Street she has her query Sergio Asuncion Martinez, a psychologist specialized in cognitive-behavioral therapy who can treat patients of all ages and perform both individual and couple psychotherapy.

Sergio has a degree in Psychology from the Jaume I University of Castellón de la Plana and a Master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology from the same entity, and has experience in the treatment of forms of anguish and anxiety linked to chronic diseases, phobias, impulse control problems, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, etc.

Elena Manzanera Esteve She has a degree in Psychology from the Miguel Hernández University and has a postgraduate degree in Clinical Neuropsychology, Higher Institute of Psychological Studies and the title of University Specialist in Psychopathology and Health by the UNED.

This psychologist is a specialist in anxiety disorders and phobias, depression and relationship crisis, among other common psychological and relationship problems.

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