Education, study and knowledge

The 11 best professional experts in Labor Orientation in Spain

Nieves Rodriguez She is a Personal and Executive Coach and offers her services to individuals and companies. She runs the FastrackToRefocus platform, where it is also possible to access her courses.

This professional she carries out, in addition to job orientation and advice to outline candidacies, training programs to perform better in projects and performing tasks, to manage time in an appropriate way and to improve the management of attention to work, using tools such as the Mindfulness. Her sessions are in person or online.

Ana Isabel Rey She is a Chartered Psychologist and Certified Coach, specialized in vocational, professional and academic orientation; She attends by applying a methodology adapted to each situation and person based on their characteristics and problems to be solved. She has a Degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid, a Master of Certification in Coaching by Values ​​and a Master's Degree in Orientation and Labor Intermediation with groups at risk of exclusion.

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The main specialties of intervention of this professional are self-esteem problems, improvement in performance and time management, difficulties in study, conflict resolution and leadership.

The psychologist Maria González-Aller Zavala She has a degree in Educational Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, she has a Master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology, and another Master of Expert in Psychological Evaluation and Psychodiagnosis.

Through a global and integrative approach, this professional attends all kinds of queries related to the management of emotions and development. professional or career guidance in adults and adolescents, and through the application of resources such as cognitive-behavioral intervention or the Mindfulness.

In her day-to-day work, this psychologist works on problems such as low self-esteem, value conflicts, work stress, depression, training in social skills for work, and more.

Thomas Saint Cecilia He is a Consulting Psychologist and Director of the Madrid Psychological Consulting Center (CECOPS), where he serves young people, adults, couples and companies both in person and online.

Her intervention is based on the cognitive-behavioral approach, and her work areas are, in addition to job orientation, conflict management, poor impulse regulation, anxiety disorders, depression, phobias, and stress.

Some of its most outstanding degrees are a Bachelor of Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid, a Master in Advanced Cognitive-Behavioral Psychology and a Master in Treatment and Intervention of Anxiety and Stress.

The center's team of professionals UPAD of Psychology and Coaching, a center directed by psychologists Fernando Callejo and Carlos Rey, are specialized in offering services psychotherapy, personal or business coaching and sports psychology, in face-to-face sessions, or at distance.

The intervention of the center is offered to people of all ages who want to improve in any aspect of their working life, seek solutions concrete and effective ways to direct your personal or professional projects towards real sources of motivation, and know how to manage stress and uncertainty.

In addition to that, UPAD Psychology and Coaching also offers attention and advice in cases of preparation for exams or in the face of study difficulties.

The psychologist Monica Dosil She has an experience of more than 25 years and is an expert in Coaching, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Positive Psychology. Additionally, she is the author of several books on Psychology and Emotion Management.

His intervention is offered to people of all ages and the sessions can be in person or remotely. Some of his specialties are accompaniment in personal or professional development processes, self-esteem problems, depression, emotional problems and stress.

The psychologist William Miatello he has a degree in psychology from the National University of Córdoba, he has a master's degree in psychoanalysis from the University of Buenos Aires and is a specialist in offering a career guidance service .

His services are offered both in person and by video call, with all possible comforts and through an intervention based at all times on the needs of each person.

Guillermo Miatello has more than 10 years of professional experience and his career guidance service is offered to adolescents, youth and adults who request it.

The psychologist Ruben Camacho has an experience of more than 10 years of experience accompanying people from various countries in coaching processes, and is Director of the school of personal development "Empoderamiento Humano", a space in which it serves people who wish to improve personal or professionally.

This expert in Coaching and Talent Management is a specialist in addressing problems such as the need to develop leadership, the lack productivity, emotional mismanagement, self-esteem problems, lack of self-knowledge and improved skills social.

Maria Fontal is an expert in Professional and Personal Coaching to students and professionals of any age who want to guide their careers, discover their true vocation or improve some aspect of their life labor.

His main intervention specialties are leadership, the improvement of labor disputes, improvement in professional relationships, job orientation and overcoming stress in the job.

Lydia raven She is an expert in Coaching, Strategic Development and Leadership Analyst, as well as Business Trainer.

In addition to having many years in the field of entrepreneurship, this professional has specialized in helping professionals and companies to achieve success, foster productive work teams and fully develop their competencies.

Luis Carlos Garcia He has a Law Degree, a Master in Systemic Coaching, is an Expert in Advanced Executive Coach and has extensive training in Personalized Vocational Guidance.

This expert in Labor Coaching is also a specialist in serving entrepreneurs and managers, in online sessions based on coaching ontological, systemic coaching and in enhancing the internal capacities of the person to achieve success in all their objectives labor.

Some of his main specialties are tolerance for frustration, developing a participatory character, enhancing personal talent, and setting specific goals and objectives.

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