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The 10 best Psychology Clinics in Valdemoro

The Comprehensive Center of Psychology About you Psychologists It is authorized as a Health Center by the Community of Madrid and has professionals specialized in serve children, adolescents, adults and couples who request it, both in person and remotely.

The psychologists at the Sobredeti Psicólogos center are specialists in treating all kinds of psychological disorders; They also work in the field of couples therapy, sports psychology, coaching and psychiatry.

The main problems that are addressed in the About Psychologists center are addictions, anxiety disorders, cases of ADHD, depression, sexual dysfunctions, trauma, and also problems such as self-esteem deficits, emotional crises due to divorce or seizures as a couple.

Professionals from the prestigious Psychological Consultation Awakenings They have the qualification and sufficient experience to serve people of all ages, as well as couples, families and also in the group mode.

The working modality of the psychologists of this center is integrative, based essentially on Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, one of which presents better results during the process and with which they address family and couple conflicts, chronic pain, cases of depression and disorders of anxiety.

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The psychologist Claudio Acosta He directs his own psychology center in Valdemoro, where he applies different therapeutic orientations in an integrated way, such as Brief Strategic Therapy, Personal Coaching or Psychoanalysis.

In addition to that, his interventions are also offered online and are indicated for children, adults, adolescents, families and especially in couples who may have some kind of problem in the field of sexuality.

Some of the areas that Claudio Acosta addresses in his therapy center are sexual dysfunctions, self-esteem issues, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and addictions all kind.

The psychologist Beatriz Madrid Martínez directs the Center for Psychology and Family Therapy, an entity aimed at people of all ages, as well as couples, in online and face-to-face sessions.

The intervention of the center's professionals is based on therapies of proven efficacy such as Systemic Therapy, Cognitive-behavioral Therapy or Emotional Intelligence applied in a integrated.

Besides that, the main intervention specialties of this clinic are anxiety disorders, depression, cases of drug addiction and problems in the family or relationship.

The Valdemoro Center for Psychology, Sexology and Couples Therapy It is directed by the psychologist María José Santín, a professional with more than 15 years of experience in the field of sexology and couples therapy.

The main intervention modality of the center is the Brief Strategic Therapy, and some of the specialties that address her professionals are sexual dysfunctions, sex addiction, addictions, sexual apathy and dependence emotional.

General Health Psychologist María Uceda, at the head of Valdemoro Health Psychological Consultationher, she is an expert in sexual and couples therapy and currently she runs her own psychology clinic, where offers a therapeutic and quality service aimed at people of all ages, mainly adults and couples

In addition to that, some of the disorders that this professional successfully addresses in her psychology clinic are cases of depression, sexual dysfunctions, anxiety during pregnancy, emotional dependence and cases of violence from gender.

The General Health Psychologist Carina cinalli She also runs her own practice, where she attends to adults, couples and the elderly through the application of cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Her intervention specialties include self-esteem problems, anxiety disorders, depression and memory disorders.

The psychology center A&B Psychologists It is registered and recognized by the Community of Madrid and in it children, adolescents, adults and couples who may need it are consulted, both in emotional and behavioral problems.

Ana Belén Feito, director of the center, makes available to each patient attended the therapies that best suit their needs to successfully treat depression, attention deficits, anxiety disorders, addictions and bullying school.

In the middle Psychologist Valdemoro Professionals specialized in offering effective solutions work for people of all ages who may have academic performance problems or learning difficulties of all kinds.

This service is offered both in person in consultation and at home, the main areas of intervention being of the center, study techniques, academic guidance, coaching in adolescents and counseling for parents.

The psychologist Rosana Crespo Gimenez She also runs her own practice in Valdemoro, where she serves people of all ages and children from 6 years old, both in person and remotely.

In addition to that, her intervention is based on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and some of the areas that she addresses with successful include severe depressive disorder, psychological trauma, bullying, and sexual dysfunctions.

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