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Wendy's Syndrome: people with a great fear of rejection

We have already talked in another article about the characteristics of the Peter Pan syndrome. Behind someone who suffers from this syndrome, there is always a person taking care of him.

Wendy's Syndrome

That person is Wendy, and she has an urgent need to satisfy the other, especially if she is her partner or her children.

Examples of Wendy syndrome They would be the father or mother who practically does her child's homework, who wakes him up every morning so that he does not arrive late for school even if he is old enough to do so alone, he always seeks to make life easy for those around him or also the housewife who assumes all the responsibilities at home so that the husband and children do not have to do it; or a member of a couple who assumes all the duties and makes the decisions and also justifies the informality of their partner before others.

Characteristics of Wendy's Syndrome

To be clearer, let's see the characteristics of a person with Wendy's Syndrome are:

  • It feels essential to others.
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  • Understand the love as sacrifice and resignation.
  • Feel the need to care for and protect others by assuming a motherly figure. You end up assuming the role of father or mother to your partner.
  • Avoid making people around you angry or upset at all costs.
  • Try to make others happy constantly.
  • She always seeks to please those around her.
  • Insist on getting things done and taking responsibility for the other person.
  • Continually ask for forgiveness for everything that you have not done or have not been able to do even when the responsibility is not yours.
  • He gets depressed from inattention and depends on social acceptance.

Need for security

So far this description can make us remember our mothers and fathers and the reader may think that it is not negative since all this seems something pretty and altruistic, but Wendy does not do this for genuine pleasure, but this set of behaviors she performs for fear of rejection, by the need to feel accepted and supported and by the fear that nobody loves him. What, in short, leads them to be excessively subservient to others is a need for security.

Emotional dependence

Another negative aspect of this behavioral disorder is that those who suffer from Wendy's Syndrome They hardly control their own course in life, so they focus on trying to control the lives of others people. A Wendy mother is also likely to have a child with Peter Pan Syndrome.

Those who suffer from this syndrome hardly recognize that this is their reality and their diagnosis, although they it is an unestablished clinical entity, is done because people come to the consultation feeling "burned", oversaturated or overwhelmed. Those who suffer from this syndrome go to the specialist of their own free will.

As in PPS, the origin of the syndrome is often found in the family past of the sufferer, in which the person felt isolated and unprotected, so that in adulthood he compensates for the lack of direction and protection by assuming the role of absent parents or who she wished she had. And unlike PPS, Wendy's Syndrome affects more women than menThis may be due to cultural and educational factors.

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