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The 9 best Couples Therapy Clinics in Majadahonda

In Vaguada del Arcipreste street you can find one of the most recommended clinics in this city: Psychologists Majadahonda, directed by Julieta Aráoz Castelli.

This clinic offers the work of a multidisciplinary team of psychologists who combine the different knowledge of each one to ensure that couples who come seeking psychological and emotional assistance have personalized help.

The goal is always to achieve the shortest and longest lasting results in the shortest possible time, without let the problems of the love relationship become chronic until they reach separation or even more dynamics harmful.

It should be noted that all three work from the cognitive-behavioral psychological stream, which is one of the most scientifically endorsed and contrasted. It should also be added that in addition to psychotherapy for couples, this team offers psychological assistance to both children and adolescents. as to adults with habitual problems such as anxiety attacks, cases of phobias, low self-esteem, grief and a constant low mood, etc.

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Maria González-Aller Zavala is a psychologist specialized in caring for adults and adolescents, both in support sessions for people individuals and couples therapy, and its psychology center is located in the North of the town.

Based on an intervention model of an integrative type in which diverse methodologies and techniques such as Mindfulness or EMDR therapy come together, this professional offers psychotherapy processes adapted to the characteristics of each case and to the type of context in which coexistence takes place in marriages and courtships.

The Center for Psychology PSiCOBAi, directed by the psychologist Romina Paola Giarusso, is another of the most recommended options to go to couples therapy in this town.

From PSiCOBAi she attends both the face-to-face format in Majadahonda, and through the online format, both to couples, families and individual patients. In this center it is possible to find professional support for problems such as jealousy, infidelity crises, discussions constant conflicts over the distribution of domestic responsibilities, incompatibilities in terms of expectations and priorities, etc.

In addition, this center also highlights its child psychotherapy services, resulting in especially useful for couples with young children who may be suffering the consequences of the crisis.

The psychologist Rebeca Carrasco She runs her own practice in Majadahonda, where she serves couples of all ages, whatever her problem, and by offering face-to-face sessions or online.

This professional is Graduated in Health Psychology, she has a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology, another Master's Degree in Relational Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and a third Master's Degree in General Health Psychology.

Her intervention integrates tools such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, EMDR Therapy or Systemic Therapy, with the her, which she attends to cases of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, emotional dependence, pathological grief and trauma.

The Clinical Psychologist Nuria Cordero Gomez is a specialist in serving adults, both individually and as a couple and by offering face-to-face or remote sessions.

Throughout her career, this professional has treated people with depression or anxiety and also cases of divorce or infidelity, emotional problems, anger management difficulties, and people with deficits in coping skills coping.

This therapist has a degree in Clinical and Health Psychology, an expert in Forensic Psychology and a specialist in Gender Violence and Intrafamily Violence.

Another of the best couples therapy centers in Majadahonda is Act Psychology.

This psychology cabinet is made up of Lidia Carmena, an expert in systemic couples therapy, Sara Barbeito, expert in family orientation and mediation, and Irene Colastra, expert in psychology and coaching.

From his approach, the objective of psychotherapy for couples in times of crisis is based on increasing communication and trust between the two people involved in the couple, in addition to focusing on the focus of problems that later translate into insecurities, reasons to distrust and conflicts.

Actúa Psicólogos also offers psychotherapy for children and adults with disorders such as attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), eating disorders and addictions to new technologies.

Bliss Psychology Space It is another of the most recommended clinics that we can find in Majadahonda if what we need is emotional assistance and psychotherapy for couples in times of crisis.

This clinic is under the command of Ana Saro, graduated in Psychology and specialized in Health Psychology, in addition to being a trainer and lecturer.

Ana Saro focuses on the origins of problems in moments of relationship crisis, such as the lack of communication, infidelities, sexual disorders and coexistence problems caused by monotony.

If what you are looking for is psychotherapy for adolescents and children, you can also find it in this clinic.

In the psychology cabinet Áncora We can also find emotional assistance and psychotherapy for couples going through bad times.

This cabinet is made up of an extensive team of 10 people with knowledge in different fields of mental health. At Áncora they take advantage of this interdisciplinary team to offer the patient quality psychotherapy. Those in charge of conducting psychotherapy for couples are the psychologists Ana Machado, Belén Sánchez, and Melania Pérez.

It should be noted that in this psychology office, trainings and workshops are also held to improve the social skills through skills such as assertiveness, security, and stability emotional.

Illusions It is another of the best options to reinforce the emotional bond that unites the members of the couple.

The team at this clinic is made up of Sara Pascual, Verónica Pérez, Antonio Martínez and Pilar Cantera. The psychotherapy of these professionals is based on four phases: the evaluation, the return, the treatment or intervention, and the follow-up of each case.

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