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The 10 best Centers to treat Addictions in Valencia

The Psychology Clinic G. Without Addictions, led by the psychologist Sara meca, It is undoubtedly the first of the centers that we must take into account in our list. It is one of the best clinics for the treatment of addictions in Valencia, not only for its more than 10 years of experience in the treatment of this type of disorders, but for the extensive training, professionalism and quality of service of their psychologists.

Thus, some of the treatments in which Clínica G. Without Addictions are, in addition to chemical and behavioral addictions, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive, specific phobias, relationship problems, personality disorders and ultimately any other problem that the patient may present.

Regarding the type of therapy applied at the G. Without Addictions we can highlight the cognitive-behavioral therapy, specializing in the treatment of dual pathology and with an emphasis on subsequent prevention activities.

In addition to offering quality psychological treatment, the professionals at the G. Without Addictions they also carry out the radio program "Today, Change Begins", a magazine where current issues are addressed in the world of psychology, in addition to disseminating and offering information and advice from psychologists professionals.

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Luis Miguel Real Kotbani He is one of the best psychologists that we can find in Valencia if we need addiction therapy, although he also offers help for more common disorders such as anxiety and depression.

This psychologist has a graduate in Psychology from the University of Valencia and also two masters, being one in Clinical Psychology and the other in Research, Treatment and Pathologies Associated with Drug addiction. Thanks to the fact that this psychologist has been trained in addition to Spain, in Slovakia and the Netherlands, we have a guarantee that we are going to meet a top-quality professional, experienced in treating all kinds of addictions.

Llaurant la Llum is an entity specialized in the treatment of addictions and psychological disorders related to the management of emotions and anxiety. It has an outpatient care center and a residential module with all the amenities for people who want to go through the detoxification and rehabilitation process surrounded by professionals in everything moment.

Some of the problems in which the health professionals who work here intervene are alcoholism, smoking and addiction to other drugs, addiction to gambling or video games, dependence on new technologies, depression, anxiety disorders, family conflicts, and more.

On the other hand, Llaurant la Llum offers its psychotherapy services both in person and through online therapy.

The Sanitary and Legal Psychologist Irene Brotons She runs her own addiction center in Valencia, where she has specialized in serving the addictive disorders in people of all ages and both in person and in the modality telematics.

His intervention integrates different effective therapies such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy or Family and Couples Therapy, with which he addresses the addictive disorders, eating disorders, family conflicts, self-esteem deficits, impulsivity and depression.

In addition to that, among his most outstanding degrees are a Bachelor of Psychology from the University Católica de Valencia, a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology and an Official Master's Degree in Psychology Legal.

The Healthy Center Psychology Clinic, through the psychologist Maria Ramon As the main therapist, he has been treating addictive disorders in people of all ages, that is, in children, adolescents, adults, couples and also families for several years.

His intervention is based on the integrated application of various highly effective therapies, among which the cognitive-behavioral approach and Coaching stand out.

All the interventions of the Healthy Center Clinic are adapted from the first session to the particular needs of each person served and are offered both in person and through distance.

The next center on our list is the psychological center IVATAD Valencia Addictions, a private health center specialized in the treatment of any type of addiction in Valencia, who has a professional career of 25 years of experience in the practice of psychology clinic.

The main characteristic of this psychological center is, in addition to the experience of its professionals, the specialization in psychological treatment both group and individualized from a comprehensive and multidisciplinary perspective, always having as a theoretical reference the model cognitive-behavioral.

Another important aspect that we must deal with in this selection is the type of disorders that each center addresses. Thus, the professionals of IVATAD Valencia Addictions offer effective treatment of any type of addiction in the patient, whether it is alcoholism, drug addiction and gambling or any other related disorder without any type of substitution during the therapy.

In addition to that, the professionals of IVATAD Valencia Addictions guarantee personal rehabilitation and reintegration both personal and family as labor once the treatment is finished, that is, to heal all areas of the patient's life once the exercise has finished therapeutic.

The Odyssea Psychologists Center It is one of the most recommended for the treatment of any type of addiction in the city of Valencia. In addition to offering a general clinical psychology service, the team of professionals at the Odyssea Center Psychologists is perfectly trained to address addiction treatment in a group or individualized.

Anyone who is interested in this healthcare facility, either to treat addiction disorders such as For the treatment of any other problem, you can contact them and start a process of intervention.

With a 20-year career in psychological therapy, the Valencian Institute of Gambling and Non-Toxic Addictions is the first psychological center for the treatment of behavioral addictions in Spain and one of the better options for anyone who requires psychological treatment of addiction in the city of Valencia.

Behavioral addictions are all those non-toxic, that is, disorders in which do not involve the abuse of drugs or substances of any kind that alter the consciousness of the person. At the Valencian Institute of Gambling, addictive disorders are treated from an inclusive, individualized perspective and creating an optimal communication space for therapy.

Therefore, those addictions treated by the professionals of the Valencian Institute of Gambling and Non-Toxic Addictions, specializes in the treatment of gambling, internet addiction, mobile phone and any other technological support, emotional addictions and ultimately all those addictive disorders that the person.

The professionals of the Miralles Clinic They are specialized in all kinds of addiction treatments, both those caused by toxic substances and behavioral addictions.

The objective of the professionals of the Miralles Clinic is to detect the existing problem and build a joint solution to solve it with the patient, all of this providing the person with tools to cope with the disorder both during therapy and once finished.

Among the disorders treated by the Miralles Clinic we highlight drug and alcohol addiction, gambling addiction, compulsive shopping, sex addiction, and vigorexia, to name the most common treatments common.

The Miralles clinic is one of the most recommended for the treatment of addictions in Valencia, so if you are interested in receiving therapeutic care, do not hesitate to attend your consultation.

The last center on our list is the Javier Brotons Psychology Center, which has more than 20 years of experience and offers specialized treatment in addiction therapy.

The treatments offered by the psychologist Javier Brotons address both toxic and behavioral addictions from a cognitive-behavioral psychological perspective. Anyone interested in receiving professional care from the psychologist Javier Brotons you will find a therapy based on understanding, trust and joint work between therapist and client.

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