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The best 9 Psychologists in Santutxu (Bilbao)

The psychologist Miguel Angel Ruiz She has 30 years of experience practicing psychology and currently, she holds the position of director in the Miguel Ángel Psychology and Psychotherapy health center, located at Calle Santutxu 19 in the city of Bilbao. It should be noted that this psychologist is an expert in strategic brief therapy and that in her consultation, we can receive therapy in Italian in the event that we express ourselves better in that language.

Among its most commonly treated ailments we can find some disorders such as anxiety, depression, problems with anger management and obsessive compulsive disorder.

Carmen Otero She graduated in Psychology at the University of Deusto and since then she has not stopped training in a continuous way. Currently this professional is part of the team of specialists at Psychologists Bilbao, a place where we can find her along with other great experts specialized in mental health. Depending on what our ailment is at Psychologists Bilbao, they will refer us to the professional that is most appropriate for our particular case.

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In this center, Carmen Otero usually tries to solve problems such as low self-esteem, complicated grief situations, stress or phobias.

Rachel Pascual She has a degree in Psychology from the University of La Rioja and among her specialties it would be interesting to highlight that she is an expert in both Systemic Therapy and Music Therapy. In the consultation of this specialist we will always receive a very warm and humane treatment, a way of proceeding that for this psychologist is totally essential when performing therapy.

Some of the problems that this psychologist treats most often are anxiety disorders, low self-esteem problems and depression.

The psychologist Jennifer Lavin she studied Psychology at the University of Deusto and later, she decided to specialize in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology by completing a Postgraduate degree through SEPYPNA. Being able to help both children and adolescents to overcome their problems and indirectly also being able to help their families, is something that this psychologist She is simply passionate about it, that is why she is a professional to take into account, in the event that a minor in our charge suffers some type of pathology psychological.

Usually this psychologist usually helps her patients overcome problems such as anxiety, low self-esteem, emotional dependence or depression.

Haizea gomez She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Deusto and also, she is an expert in couples therapy and family therapy. Being treated by this psychologist we will be able to obtain all the tools we need, to be able to successfully overcome any possible psychological pathology that we are suffering from today.

With the help of it we can obtain an efficient solution to problems such as eating disorders, phobias, an unwanted relationship crisis or a problem of low self-esteem.

Irene Tobias She graduated from the University of Deusto with a degree in Psychology and, in her consultation, she usually applies the widely used cognitive behavioral therapy to her patients on a daily basis. If we decide to be treated by her, we must know that this psychologist can attend to us both at the individually, as a couple or as a family, thus being able to face a wide variety of possible problems.

The ailments that this psychologist most often treats are addictions, anxiety, depression and eating disorders.

Isabel prieto She has a degree in Psychology and among her specialties it is important to highlight that she is an expert in Third Generation Therapies and their application in the health field. This psychologist usually uses cognitive behavioral therapy in her consultation, one of the most used therapies today given its great effectiveness.

If you suffer from any problem of anxiety, depression or stress, in the consultation of this specialist you can put an end to it definitively.

Silvia Gonzalez She studied Psychology at the University of Deusto and after graduating, she decided to pursue a Master's Degree in Health Psychology and Psychotherapy at the Ramón Llull University in Barcelona. In her consultation, this professional she usually applies different therapies and techniques in her patients, which They range from integrative therapy to cognitive behavioral therapy, previously going through the psychoanalysis.

With her support, we can try to address some of our problems such as phobias, stress, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression or obsessive compulsive disorder.

Iratxe Lopez She received a doctorate in Psychology from the University of Deusto and, among her specialties, it is important to highlight that she is an expert in treating both children and adolescents. Thanks to her great training and experience, this psychologist can help our children if they are She suffering from problems such as bullying, panic attacks, hyperactivity, attention deficit or a possible disorder of anxiety.

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