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The 6 best Couples Therapy Clinics in Badajoz

The Family Psychologist and Mediator Juan Francisco López Cambero Throughout almost 20 years of her career, she has specialized in serving young people, adults, couples and also families who are going through a bad time.

Its services are offered in face-to-face and telematic sessions in which it addresses conflicts family and partner, divorce processes, chronic pain, low self-esteem, stress, anxiety and depression.

Juan Francisco López Cambero has a degree in Psychology from the University of Granada, he is an expert in Mediation Family, she has a Master in Clinical and Health Psychology and has another Master in Resource Management Humans.

Gemma Echeverria She is in charge of directing one of the best therapy clinics for couples in times of crisis in the city of Badajoz; This psychotherapy center is located on Avenida Fernando Calzadilla 7 in the city of Extremadura.

Gemma Echevarría graduated in Psychology from UNED, and she has 3 master's degrees in her curriculum, one in Clinical Legal and Forensic Psychology, another in Clinical and Health Psychology, and another in Drug addiction. Its additional specialization courses include 2 courses on child and youth psychology and another on gender violence.

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This professional is an expert when it comes to treating the emotional blocks that can be generated in a couple, giving rise to negative dynamics that can cause a crisis in it. Beyond couples therapy, among other mental disorders that this psychologist can treat, the following stand out: eating disorders, cases of low self-esteem, anxiety disorders, irrational fears and phobias, etc.

This professional, as well as several members of her team, also specialize in the different types of disorders that children and adolescents can suffer. adolescents, so it can be one of our best options if we want to treat a relationship crisis in which the children.

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The Psychologist and Coach Pura Cano She has a degree in Psychology from the UNED and has Masters in Neuro Influence, Systemic Family Therapy, Life Coaching, Executive Coaching and in Systemic Family and Couple Coaching.

Her intervention is offered to people of all ages who may have personal, professional or relational problems and is It is based on the integration of various therapies with proven efficacy such as Brief Therapy Focused on Solutions or Mindfulness.

For more than 20 years, this professional has specialized in dealing with cases of domestic violence, family conflicts, divorce, stress, infidelity and problems derived from pregnancy or maternity.

The Health Center for Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology It is another of the most recommended psychology centers in Badajoz; The team is made up of Manuela Rodríguez Jiménez, a specialist in the area of ​​Clinical Psychology, and José Ángel García Sabina, who is a specialist in the field of Clinical Neuropsychology.

This is one of the best clinics to treat sexual disorders and couple crises, as it is made up of a team multidisciplinary that combines its knowledge to offer its patients an effective solution to their problems that lasts in the weather.

In addition to couples therapy, this psychological center also treats a wide variety of psychological alterations to all types of people, be they children and adolescents as adults and people of the senior citizens.

The psychology center Nuria Nieto Giraldo offers the possibility of receiving professional support from a psychologist with more than 18 years of experience caring for patients.

Here we work both with problems of an emotional type and expression of emotions, as well as in relational problems that sometimes arise in life as a couple and complicate the coexistence .

Another of the best couples therapy centers in Badajoz is GABA Center for Psychology, since it is formed by a multidisciplinary team within the field of Psychology. It has 3 offices, one in Badajoz, one in Guareña and another in Villanueva de la Serena.

Among the advantages offered by this center we find the fact that having a team multidisciplinary, these psychologists can offer a complete vision of the crisis situation that is being giving in the couple. They also focus on the characteristics of each one, so that the treatment is totally personalized and adapted to the needs of the situation.

It is interesting to know that the GABA Center for Psychology also offers different types of training, including that highlight the development of skills, the enhancement of self-esteem or intelligence emotional. It also has the option of remote psychotherapy.

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