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The 9 best Psychologists who are experts in depression in Portugalete

The General Health Psychologist Haizea Galvan She has a Master's degree in Clinical Neuropsychology and is an expert in Cognitive Rehabilitation, a therapy that has been shown to be effective in recovery of cognitive functions or their improvement, the most common being memory, language or attention.

Her intervention is characterized by empathy and closeness with each person she attends, and she also applies the Cognitive-behavioral therapy, one of the most used, to solve all kinds of emotional problems or behavioral

Thus, some of the main disorders that this professional attends in her consultation are cases of deterioration mild cognitive, dementias, cases of brain damage and also problems with self-esteem, depression and the processes mourning.

The psychologist Jose Francisco Alvarez He is a Couple and Family Psychotherapist from the Basque Navarra School of Family Therapy, an expert in Systemic Interventions and also in Early Care.

His intervention is also based on the integration of different therapies of proven efficacy such as cognitive-behavioral or Therapy Brief, to treat disorders such as bulimia, depression, self-esteem problems or learning disorders in children and teenagers.

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The psychologist Nuria Caño Del Campo she runs her own Cabinet of Educational Psychology in Portugalete, where she offers a service of psychological evaluation and psychopedagogical in children and adolescents, as well as a psychotherapeutic care service for all kinds of disorders and problematic.

Some of the main specialties of her are special educational needs, orientation in techniques of study, depression, developmental disorders, ADHD, conduct disorders and deficits of self-esteem.

The psychologist Judit Hammered she has an experience of more than 10 years of professional career, in which she has specialized in the family and partner environment, as well as in cases of child abuse and violence against gender.

Her intervention is offered both in person and online and is aimed at people of all ages, being her main areas of intervention, self-esteem problems, cases of bullying, depression, deficits in social skills and anxiety during the pregnancy.

The psychologist Arturo de la Fuente Cardaba He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Deusto, a specialist in Psychotherapy from the EFPA and also has the European Certificate of Psychologist.

In his consultation he applies Brief Strategic Therapy, one of the ones with the best results, to address any type of disorder or consultation in people of all ages, especially cases of depression.

The General Health Psychologist Victoria Morales Carrasco He treats people of all ages in his office using Mindfunless therapy, which is proven effective in cases of general discomfort, depression, stress or anxiety.

Thus, other of her specialties are phobias, depression, learning disorders, personality disorders and obsessive compulsive disorder.

The Health Psychologist Sonia de la Peña Valbuena He is a specialist in sexual disorders of the couple and in addition to that he also cares for people of all ages.

Her intervention is offered both in person and online and some of her specialties are dependence on new technologies, depression, self-esteem problems, phobias and insomnia.

The psychologist Delfina Pastor Castaño She is also an expert in Speech Therapy and bases her therapy on the cognitive-behavioral approach, one of those with the most scientific evidence.

Among her main intervention specialties, psychological abuse and child abandonment can be highlighted.

The General Health Psychologist Iratxe Ojeda Kareaga she is a specialist in Psychopathology and Psychotherapy in the fields of childhood and adolescence, as well as in adults, couples and also families that require a psychological care service professional.

In addition to that, among her intervention specialties, self-esteem problems, adjustment disorders, depression in adolescence, anorexia and ADHD can be highlighted.

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