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BRIEF SUMMARY of the story of NOAH'S ARK

Noah's Ark: history in a nutshell

Image: Slideshare

Of all the Bible stories there are a few whose relevance has crossed religious boundaries and have become part of the popular culture, being those stories that due to their relevance are known to all, whatever their religion. In many mythologies and religions there is the concept of universal flood but the most famous of all is undoubtedly the story of Noah's Ark. To talk about this important religious event, in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we offer you a summary of the story of Noah's Ark.

Before talking about the story itself we must explain how was this ark to understand how it was possible for so many animal species to enter an interior and this ship could support the weight of thousands of living beings. Noah is one of the bible characters more important since he is in charge of building this mythical ark that saved animals and living beings from the flood.

Few details exist on the extent or shape of the vessel, although the Bible in part of the Genesistalk about what

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Noah's ship was a teba, being a kind of drawer or giant box. This, together with the few limits that are discussed in religious texts, make us think that the Ark was a kind of giant box, with a stern and a bow nonexistent as the whole boat is similar and without even oars. Therefore it was something that did not in the least resemble a traditional ship, serving only to float.

Regarding its extensions, it is said that Noah's Ark had 150 meters long, 25 meters wide and 15 meters high, so without a doubt its shape was that of a large rectangular box with extensions that seem impossible to be occupied by so many animal species.

Noah's Ark: History in a nutshell - Introduction to Noah's Ark

Image: The Bioguide

To continue this summary of the story of Noah's Ark we must talk about the story itself and learn the history of the creation of this boat adventure during which it took place during the flood universal.

Noah's Ark is the central part of the biblical account of the universal flood. In this event God sent great rains to humanity to punish this of the sins committed, except a group of people who would be freed from pain by the grace of God, being the creators of the Ark Y whose leader was Noah.

The text that talks about Noah's Ark is located in the chapters 6,7,8 and 9 of Genesis, being the first part of the Bible. It is said that God, also called Yahweh, thought that the world was ruined, since men had embraced evil and violence and, therefore, he thought that the only valid end was the reboot. It is said that God saw a better future and that this generation had to disappear so that the next could have a world without violence and evil.

God needed someone noble to survive the flood and form a new generation, therefore, he chose Noah. God told him to build a great ship to survive the end of the world, that he would take his family and that the future of the world would be born from the marriages of his children. Noah had three children, all three married, and it would be his descendants who would populate the new world after the flood.

Animals in Noah's Ark

Noah began to build the ship but God told him that it had to be much larger, since not only his family had to live in it, but they had to get on the ship also animals. He told him that he should take certain animals, a male and a female, being 7 couples those who had to come up from the pure animals or those called kosher by the Jews and a single pair of the impure or non-kosher animals. After that he told her that he should feed all those living beings, so he should collect a lot of food to do this, taking decades to collect all the food necessary for such a feat. All this had to be done in an indeterminate time, speaking depending on the source of 120 years, or a much shorter period.

Noah's Ark: History in Brief - The Story of Noah's Ark

Image: Slideshare

After Noah, his family, and his animals went up to the Ark, God sent a gigantic flood, a rain of forty days that came to cover the highest mountains and to which only the family of Noah and the animals survived. After months of waiting, the first mountains were seen again and Noah sent a dove to look for an area of ​​land to perch. The first of the doves did not return but, after a time, the man chosen by God sent a second dove, this being the one that found solid ground where to get off.

Finally Noah and his family got off the Ark. God tormented by what he had done (and knowing that humanity had learned its lesson) he promised never to send any deluge again to humanity and placed a rainbow in the sky, being the way in which he marks that promise every time he rains and that remembers the relationship between God and men.

People say that Noah's family repopulated the planet all current human beings being descendants of these marriages. Noah passed away happily at almost a thousand years, after a long and happy life.

Image source. Slideshare

Noah's Ark: History in Brief - The Universal Flood in the Bible
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